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5 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

It was you who masterminded the whole thing from your lair in Thailand wasn't it? The maniac who won't stop until the world is rid of dogs and all tap water has been replaced with Singha. 

FFS. I maybe mad but not insane. The rest I can't comment until I speak the the authorities (wife). 

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5 minutes ago, Grim O'Grady said:

No no no, my theory (the book will be out in time for Xmas), was that God done it. 

Chapter 2. Is all about the banking crisis. 

Chapter 3 or maybe 4. Starving kids in Africa & other places. 

AIDS & ecoli plagues will be in it somewhere. I need to speak to my publisher. 

God v Capitalism by Grim O'Grady. Disney have already bought the film rights (I've put a clause in that James Nesbit, or whatever that annoying whiny manu supporting c**t is called is not to be in it mind). 


I'd buy that for the mother-in-law for Crimbo. 

Unfortunately, she can't read and we don't celebrate Crimbo.  Easter maybe!  

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1 hour ago, jamamafegan said:

Vikington joins Welshbairn in the list of "people who are seething for absolutely no reason." So sad.

Please stop with this absolutely brutal patter. It's a clear sign of desperation and is totally baseless. It's just a stock deflection and reflects very poorly on anyone using it. It's a step above claiming you were on the wind up.


Anyway, I do enjoy these types of discussions. I never knew so many people were structural engineers and know how different types of buildings are supposed to react to a plane crashing in to them. Personally I don't have a fucking clue how a building should collapse when a plane hits it. I don't even know what type of metal the Twin Towers were made of or how they were built.

Edited by DA Baracus
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2 minutes ago, SlipperyP said:

I'd buy that for the mother-in-law for Crimbo. 

Unfortunately, she can't read and we don't celebrate Crimbo.  Easter maybe!  

I'm in negotiations (all a bit hush hush, very apt) with Panini (the football stickers folk not the Italian toasted eggy bread with sausage folk) about doing a magazine serialization of the book over 500 weeks (issue 1 99p the rest are at tenner a pop) for those that can't read my shite (not literally - geddit?) & they get to not only colour it in (free colouring pens with issue 2) but can purchase shiny stickers to complement the readers erm I mean colourers own artwork, for additional cost Obvz.

Happy Easter to all the P extended  family. 


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Just now, Grim O'Grady said:

I'm in negotiations (all a bit hush hush, very apt) with Panini (the football stickers folk not the Italian toasted eggy bread with sausage folk) about doing a magazine serialization of the book over 500 weeks (issue 1 99p the rest are at tenner a pop) for those that can't read my shite (not literally - geddit?) & they get to not only colour it in (free colouring pens with issue 2) but can purchase shiny stickers to complement the readers erm I mean colourers own artwork, for additional cost Obvz.

Happy Easter to all the P extended  family. 


You been guzzling too much Sunny Delight Grimbo? 

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3 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Please stop with this absolutely brutal patter. It's a clear sign of desperation and is totally baseless. It's just a stock deflection and reflects very poorly on anyone using it. It's a step above claiming you were on the wind up.


Anyway, I do enjoy these types of discussions. I never knew so many people were structural engineers and know how different types of buildings are supposed to react to a plane crashing in to them. Personally I don't have a fucking clue how a building should collapse when a plane hits it. I don't even know what type of metal the Twin Towers were made of or how they were built.

That never stopped the professionals. Carry on.  

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43 minutes ago, jamamafegan said:

That doesn't answer my question.

You'll find very little footage or pictures of air raid damage in the UK from WWII, because it was viewed at the time as bad for morale and actively suppressed. Suspect the US military were not keen on pictures of their HQ being hit by a plane being shown endlessly for similar reasons, so don't see anything hugely untoward in that being withheld. The key detail that gets left out of the "9/11 truth" youtube clips on the Pentagon thing is that lots of witnesses saw the plane from their vehicles on a nearby highway, so it really isn't in question that a plane hit the building. Building 7 is a strange one. Not sure whether we got the full story on that, and it's not unreasonable that could be because of some national security angle given the organisations that had offices there, but given it came down many hours after the twin towers, I don't think that calls into question what happened with the other buildings in any way, which is the extra step in questionable logic terms that the so called "truth movement" always wants people to make. Also think the president and US air force would have had an agonizing decision over what to do with the last plane in moral terms, and the passengers heroically forcing it to crash is something that is probably better not questioned.


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2 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

Who? In the vid posted by welshbairn you can clearly see that about a third of the bottom of the building had been wiped out and that it was engulfed in flames. Any "expert" who argues that this would lead to anything other that rapid and catastrophic collapse is clearly of the type described by VT. 

The one I referred to earlier was Dr Leroy Hulsey PhD, head of engineering at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, who has investigated and recreated the computer modelling from the official report. I don't expect anyone to watch the technicals, but in a nutshell he has proven it to be full of errors/incompetence and concluded that the probability of the building collapsing in the way it did due to fire is zero. It was a 2 year investigation and is currently going through a period of peer review with the intention of getting published next year.

As for the architects & engineers group, it would be easy to dismiss them as a few quacks trying to sell books if it was a handful of them, but 2500+? They are professors, PhDs, business owners etc. It's really not very likely at all that they're all loonies.

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Just did a quick Google of "9/11 structural engineer" and the first result was this page:


On that page there is a list of professionals who have put their reputations on the line in pursuit of "the truth."

Now, as a neutral, when it comes to this conspiracy who should I listen to the most? The professionals, who studied engineering, architecture and construction for years and years, or the furious cries of an utterly clueless Morton fan on a Scottish football forum?

I'm firmly in the VT/Craigkillie camp here that there is no conspiracy.

To avoid giving you abuse all I'll say is that you can probably get a list of "professionals" in America longer than the list you refer to who believe that God is real, most likely including many past and future Presidential candidates.

Does that mean God is real?

The list of people claiming it to be this or that will I'm sure be dwarfed by the list of people who accept the events as they happened in front of us. Pie and Bovril is never a great resource for information but the face that 8/10 of us roughly do not think there was a conspiracy will probably mirror the percentage of people who think the same way right around the world.
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10 minutes ago, Zetterlund said:

The one I referred to earlier was Dr Leroy Hulsey PhD, head of engineering at the University of Alaska Fairbanks,


Hang on a momento here squire, surely if the prof was worth is salt he'd be at one of the California Uni's where because of the geological situation structural engineering would be useful & it's much warmer? 


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15 minutes ago, Dindeleux said:


I'm firmly in the VT/Craigkillie camp here that there is no conspiracy.

To avoid giving you abuse all I'll say is that you can probably get a list of "professionals" in America longer than the list you refer to who believe that God is real, most likely including many past and future Presidential candidates.

Does that mean God is real?

The list of people claiming it to be this or that will I'm sure be dwarfed by the list of people who accept the events as they happened in front of us. Pie and Bovril is never a great resource for information but the face that 8/10 of us roughly do not think there was a conspiracy will probably mirror the percentage of people who think the same way right around the world.


No doubt very true, but are they trying to prove it scientifically?

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4 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

Hmm, I'd say that's exactly what it shows! They ignore basic facts, construct their own version of events and begin to believe it.

I give you the Christian Faith, as my first sample  ma' Lord.

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