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No plane flew into building 7.

No plane flew into building 7.

A fair bit of the north tower did though which probably didn't help its structural integrity...

Regarding the Pentagon, a guy I know was working in DC at the time - one of his workmates was travelling in from Virginia on the I395 and actually saw the plane hitting it.

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Fair enough debris fell on to WTC7 but this doesn't explain its free fall plummet into its own foot print. These buildings are steel re inforced and aren't designed to crumble, for it to fall the way it did all the vertical steel columns would have needed to fail at exactly the same second . I am a fan of science and engineering and have yet to hear a reasonable explanation for the collapse of this building. Even from watching the 2 trade towers fall down, especially the north one that was hit so high up, you wonder how on earth the entire building fell to the ground in such a way, the buildings were practically dust afterwards FFS.

The pentagon is still a funny one, regardless of what a friend of a friend said he saw, I wish the government would just release footage of the plane hitting and be done with it. If they have nothing to hide then why haven't we seen the videos of it?

Im not a paranoid conspiracy theorist by any means but the official explanaions offered are insufficient and until there is a proper investigation people will keep asking these questions

Spot on, a pilot with 25 years experience could'nt do that maneuver at the pentagon, never mind some twat that had been on a two week training course.

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Definitely, the first thing i saw on the subject was loose change and i watched it in about 2005, didn't believe it but knew they had some valid points. Nowadays i think they are the least credible of all those trying to get explanations as to what happened that day as they are still only students who don't really know what theyre talking about. Nowadays there are countless groups of civil and structural engineers who are trying to get answers about why the towers collapsed in such a way, unfortunately the never got to see the steel that was left on the site as it was shipped away before a proper investigation could take place. Also there is a massive campaign from pilots trying to find answers as to how that plane managed to fly so perfectly in to the pentagon with an amateur pilot who couldn't fly a single engine plane let alone a boeing 757. The entire thing reeks of cover up, i sometimes wonder why the f**k people still actualy believe the official story when there are so many unanswered questions on the day!

Yep, its a load of absolute fucking bullshite from start to finish.

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9/11 ones do it for me, I have spent the last year almost obsessed by it. Think between the strange goings on at pentagon ie the lack of marks on the lawn and lack of video footage etc as well as the unexplained collapse of WTC7 point towards some level of foul play. I would just love to be a fly on the wall on that day

Was there not a news report about it collapsing before it actually collapsed?

The dylatov incident.

9 hikers were found, naked crushed, burnt and skulls crushed. The official report had their death marked as " a strange force that they couldn't overcome".

Local tribes reported seeing orange lights in the sky leading up to the trek and many Russians believe it was covered up.

It is quite interesting that one, as it wasn't just local tribes who reported it, but also a meteorological company and the Russian military. They cut themselves out the tent, six died of hypothermia while the other three died of injuries caused by huge pressure on their body. The most widely accepted that I can find is that infrasound caused them some of them to go mad, and run out of the tent into the wilderness, while the others searched for them. Infrasound is caused by natural disasters, and usually can't be heard by humans

Also two officials involved with investigating it have published stories about it. Both refrained from going into too much detail after seemingly promising too, both died shortly after and all their work was lost. Got to love the Russians

Edited by RandomGuy.
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Theres some interesting coincidences about 9/11 aswell...

  • Exactly one year before the event a Government think tank said it would take a very long time to increase military expansion in the Persian Gulf (what they wanted), unless a major catastrophe occurred, like Pearl Harbour
  • The three passports of the bombers survived every attack, in perfect condition, and were discovered. Despite the planes black boxes being destroyed and lost
  • Steel only melts at a far higher temperature than petrol can reach, so there's no reason for WTC 7 to collapse since it never got a direct hit
  • Dick Cheney was CEO of a company called Halliburton. That provides defence, infrastructure and energy. They profited massively after 9/11, and have made an absolute fortune from the Iraq War, so much so they now have a permanent base in Dubai. Cheney was the main starter of the think tank in the first point
  • A frame was cut in the CCTV from the Pentagon attack
  • On September 10th Donald Rumsfield announced than 2.3 trillion dollars had disappeared from the pentagon finances, and he would be investigating where it went. The very next day the Pentagons accounting office was destroyed in the attack, and it would be impossible to find out where the money went
  • 2 months before the attacks, the leaseholder of the WTC site opened up an insurance policy, and included terrorist attacks in it. He went to great lengths to make sure both towers would be paid out for separately, ensuring he'd get double than what he previously would have
  • WTC 7 fell at "free fall speed", meaning there was no friction in its collapse, and it fell perfectly in time at every corner
  • The firefighters who rushed to the scene all claim to have heard "explosions" inside the towers
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Spot on, a pilot with 25 years experience could'nt do that maneuver at the pentagon, never mind some twat that had been on a two week training course.

Spot on, a pilot with 25 years experience could'nt do that maneuver at the pentagon, never mind some twat that had been on a two week training course.

It happened at rush hour about 300-400 yards from a motorway, so there were plenty of witnesses. For what it's worth, I wouldn't be suprised if the fourth plane WAS shot down as it approached DC, but where a lot of conspiracy theories fall down is the fact that there are so many eyewitness accounts which tally as to what really happened, which get conveniently ignored. For instance, just hours after the Boston bombing, someone was blogging that they had proof that the guy with his legs blown off was an amputee from Afghanistan who had been planted in the crowd. All well and good until one of the guy's friends commented that they'd seen him that morning and he definitely had had legs then...

A lot of these things are rooted in people's unwillingness to believe that a superpower could possibly have been caught with its pants down so completely by a bunch of amateur hour terrorists who it must be said got very lucky that morning. Sadly, that seems to have been the case.

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Since I posted a very one sided coincidence post earlier. Here's a post about coincidences you wouldn't expect

  • When Bruce Lee was born his parents called him by a fake name, as Chinese tradition is to use a fake name for your second born if your first born has been killed, to confuse the family demons who would haunt them. In the film Dragon:The Bruce Lee Story, Bruce Lee battles a demon, who is after his family. The demon loses interest in Bruce and goes after his son instead. Bruce Lees character is killed when a prop gun is substituted for a real gun. Not long after this film Bruce Lee's son was shot when a prop gun misfired. And it seems as if the film accurately predicted that the family demon would go after his son, and also predicted how he'd die...
  • Nearly every Presidential candidate in the past two decades has been left handed, despite only 10% of the US population being left handed
  • Hours before JFK died he tried to reassure his worried wife who was worried about assassination attempts, his famous words of "We're entering nut country today. But, Jackie, if somebody wants to shoot me from a window with a rifle, nobody can stop it, so why worry about it?" were possibly the most prophetic he ever spoke
  • There was a prophecy about how "If France was lost by a woman, it would be won back by a Woman" in France. It was well known, and was common folklore. When the French Queen signed a treaty handing over France to England, the prophecy started. Joan of Arc was eight years old. She then went on to reverse a century of French defeats in one year, despite no military experience. And was always saying how she was being urged to do these things by angels. She completed the prophecy, yet always claimed it wasn't her talked about. The prophecy was attributed to a wizard, called Merlin...
  • There was also a prophecy about how Constantinople would survive as long as the Moon remained in the sky. The night Constantinople fell there was an eclipse
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I've always maintained some serious doubt about the events of 9/11. I dont know if I quite believe that America had planned it all but I do know that there are far too many "coincedences" about the events of that day, far too many for them all to be believable.

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no chance.

oswald probably was in the book depository but there was more than likely a second shooter and some sort of plot within the cia to set it all up.

jack ruby, david ferrie, georges de morenschildt, the paines, guy bannister. there were far too many shady characters involved in this for it to be a lone nutter.

But which one was on the PED's though?

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You could come up with coincidences about all big events.

I do think 9/11 wasn't black and white though, it definitely suited American self interests.

How much money have Western companies made out of Afghan/Iraq?

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  • There was also a prophecy about how Constantinople would survive as long as the Moon remained in the sky. The night Constantinople fell there was an eclipse

Soooooo... the moon's still in the sky, aye?
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^^ Yes, the BBC reported it had fallen and you could still see the building in the background!! :lol:

That one is on youtube...cant link to it coz im at work (you tube is blocked) but should be easy to find

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