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Celtic v Morton


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Just me that thinks 16k is a decent attendance for a pretty meaningless tournament on a weeknight with live football on the TV between two sides that met fairly recently (2009 was it?)

There wasn't even remotely 16k in the ground, while more than 2,000 in attendance were away fans.

TGFITW had less than a third of their average crowd at the game, despite prices being generously low. It'd be equivalent to Morton having 350 home fans in the last round against Montrose. Absolutely pathetic.

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Bad week for Lenny.....

Beaten by Morton and ends up with a 6 month driving ban. :lol:


"He branded the verdict nonsense after he was disqualified for six months under the totting-up procedure.

Lennon, 42, added: You saw it for yourself. I do want to say something about it."

It's a conspiracy!!1!1!1

The c**t is actually beyond parody now.

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Good to see popcorn-teeth still hasn't dealt with his side's humiliating defeat:


"Yes, we are disappointed to be out of the cups. There were mitigating circumstances for the League Cup but certainly the (Scottish) FA Cup was a disappointment."

'Mitigating circumstances' for losing in your own midden to the worst Morton side in a generation, please send to the usual address.


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