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Best nicknames you've heard

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When I was at skoo we had a lad in our class by the surname of Whewell, so from day 1 he became "pisspot", he spent the next 5 years reminding everyone it's pronounced "huhell", before he finally had a breakdown.


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  • 10 months later...

Had lots of very un-ironic nicknames at my school, such as; Duck, he looked a bit like a Duck, Belly, his surname was Bell and was a bit big, Chunk, he was...well you get the point?!

Did work with a guy called c**t-o, no reason other than the fact that all the other folk called him it and he often lived up to it.

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I nicknamed one of my mates torpedo.

Basically because he stayed with me in a place called torbrex and he brought a lassie home one night of questionable age.

Edit- my pal did fireman training with a guy with really big bulging eyes, the called him howmuch.

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Used to know a guy whos nickname was Rapey Dave. He wasn't a rapist or called Dave.

Another guy at college had the name Sledge, because he'd only get pulled by dogs.

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A girl at my primary school who was on the large side spent the whole of primary 7 pestering people to tell her why everyone was calling her LMO. The last week of the year someone told her: 'Land Mass One'. She wasn't impressed.

Another girl we knew had severe psoriases and her dad was a baker: 'Flaky Bake'.

Many years ago one of my mates older brother's pals sat on a cd and it cut his arse so badly he spent the entire Saturday night in casualty. It actually was the cd single 'Saturday Night' and he still gets called Whigfield.

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When I worked on the building sites there was another labourer I worked with called by his surname Murdoch, as a reference to the A Team. Soon after, we got another new labourer who was a big fat b*****d and reeked of stale sweat. Subsequently he became B.O Baracus.

Best ones in my work the now is The Oracle, who never shuts up while the others are not very PC. A guy called Andrzej, known as Andrex (toilet roll, pole etc.) there's an Asian boy called the Flying Carpet as he just hovers about everywhere.

The other is Gay Ross, because there's 2 Ross' in my work and we needed a way to differentiate. Gay Ross hasn't been here long and is into grooming therefore, Gay Ross.

Although, he didn't like that so the Newtown Rentboy stuck for a while.

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  • 1 month later...

fair few off the top of my head. not that interesting mind you.

guy I went to secondary school with was called barney as his hair looked like barney the dugs in primary (to this day, someone calls him dave or david I get confused)

bundy - got pissed on a works night out, walked a lassie home, phoned her 2 mins later and told her to look out her window, he's stood in the garden trousers round his ankles...
smack - biker with the surname mack and been hit twice in a week on a blind exit
spud - boy shaved his own head and missed parts, inexplicably allowed to go to school with hair like that.

Itchy and scratchy, guy at work who came in with his kettle full of coffee, was constantly scratching himself.

oh and the milky fart kid, guy who farted in class at school, a ripper on the floor.

forgot cheesy Cheryl, lassie who apparently fingered herself with clingfilm and stated it smelt like cheese.

spent a long bus journey (school football - boys and girls teams to wick) flirting with her until a) the nickname appeared and b) someone threw up what was basically 3 packs of wotsits

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Guy at my work is called boobtube because he is so fat when he reaches up his top ends up like a boob tube. Funny the first time I heard it.

There's also a bungle because he's fat and bald and looks a bit like bungle the bear.

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