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vats everything. And occasionally drop to sneak to see if caution or danger appears

I just mine the f**k out them. Came across a Deathclaw matriarch the other day, the c**t just climbed up the ledge of a building I was standing on. So I hid, put down two bottle cap mines, 2 frag mines, 1 plasma and 1 pulse. That only took off just over half of its health. So I then used two nuke grenades and to mini nukes from the Fat Man. Still wasn't dead, it only took one bullet from Kellog's pistol to down it after that, but still.
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I just mine the f**k out them. Came across a Deathclaw matriarch the other day, the c**t just climbed up the ledge of a building I was standing on. So I hid, put down two bottle cap mines, 2 frag mines, 1 plasma and 1 pulse. That only took off just over half of its health. So I then used two nuke grenades and to mini nukes from the Fat Man. Still wasn't dead, it only took one bullet from Kellog's pistol to down it after that, but still.

So what you are trying to say is I am hopelessly under armed for such an event.


Side note, got a special weapon that's a wrench earlier. Odd

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Killed Swan. Considering I was vastly under prepared for it im glad with my self. Im only level 23 , he took a couple of missiles , nukes and mines but i wittled him down and hid behind things he couldnt reach :lol:

Just became an agent for the railway guys . There missions seem quite fun

Edited by DensParkNumber1
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Glowing Deathclaw...

Also faced my first attack robot thing. Absolutely destroyed me.

When I finish I fancy going down the route of only melee weapons. Grognak the barbarian/baseball player

I'm already starting to think about my second playthrough too. I have a master plan for my energy weapons build.

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Killed Swan. Considering I was vastly under prepared for it im glad with my self. Im only level 23 , he took a couple of missiles , nukes and mines but i wittled him down and hid behind things he couldnt reach :lol:

Just became an agent for the railway guys . There missions seem quite fun

I was level 13 when I disturbed Swan. Playing on normal didn't even need a stimpak. He stood in front of a fence and I picked him off.

Can't seem to throw grenades through VATS or lay mines, what am I doing wrong?

They aren't in vats. Equip them and Hold Rb or r1 depending on console. (Melee)
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That mission where you investigate the radio tower full of super-mutants is an absolute b*****d. I'm playing it on very easy and was massacred tons of times. Fist kept obliterating me with that minigun of his.

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Today I was jumped twice by legendary Deathclaws , managed to survive one by running back to indoors and getting my big guns off my pack mu.... i mean companion . The other time i was not so lucky , didnt have power armour on any time either I only have 16 Fusion cores so ill wait until I have collected 25+ before roaming out on it for normal missions.

The railroad missions have been pretty satisfying aswell

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16 cores will last you a pretty long time to be fair. Fast traveling doesnt use them up.

I've now maximised the perk to make them last twice as long and with the scrounger perk I'm currently running about with about 60 fusion cores anyway.

Don't fall victim to final boss syndrome, use the armour if you want to.

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I mini-nuked that p***k Kellog, it was a highly satisfying moment.

Anyone been to the glowing sea yet? I went wearing a hazmat suit under my PA, it actually goes past the map boarder...

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I ran through the Glowing Sea yesterday. Took out one deathclaw and four radscorpions and managed to avoid a further two deathclaws who immediately went after Valentine. Was incredibly lucky but definitely going to go back when I'm not level 21. Managed to take out Fist fairly easily as well as I was exploring around Diamond City but had to rely on Strong and Rex while we made our escape.

What difficulty's everyone playing on? I normally keep the difficulty down as I find Bethesda games a bit tedious rather than challenging (Elder Scrolls especially with its repetitive and dull combat) but I started on normal and stuck to it as the shooting's really good.

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