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What difficulty's everyone playing on? I normally keep the difficulty down as I find Bethesda games a bit tedious rather than challenging (Elder Scrolls especially with its repetitive and dull combat) but I started on normal and stuck to it as the shooting's really good.

I'm just on normal, and finding it the right kind of challenging. Going into certain areas, getting seven shades kicked out of me, but when I return and think about it a bit, I can get past them with some careful play. Will need to see how it changes as I level up, but happy enough with normal at the moment.

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I mini-nuked that p***k Kellog, it was a highly satisfying moment.

Anyone been to the glowing sea yet? I went wearing a hazmat suit under my PA, it actually goes past the map boarder...

I found an overturned lorry with 20 safes on the back filled with ammo and pre-war money.

Made a killing selling the pre-war money in Diamond city.

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I mini-nuked that p***k Kellog, it was a highly satisfying moment.

Anyone been to the glowing sea yet? I went wearing a hazmat suit under my PA, it actually goes past the map boarder...

I don't think bonuses from anything worn under power armour stack with the power armour itself so the hazmat is actually redundant. Most power armour has more rad resistance than the hazmat suit anyway.

Edited by GiGi
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Didn't realise how important it was to go to Diamond City. Friend laughed at me when I told him about me running out of cores for my power armour whilst in the middle of the first mission with Paladin Danse, then tells me he has around 42 cores

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Xbox one.

Didn't take me long to install... I'm assuming you've got enough space?

In slightly related news my installation and menu loading time is hopefully going to speed up soon. Bought a 4tb hard-drive since the amount of space you get on a XB1 hard-drive is a joke

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What difficulty's everyone playing on? I normally keep the difficulty down as I find Bethesda games a bit tedious rather than challenging (Elder Scrolls especially with its repetitive and dull combat) but I started on normal and stuck to it as the shooting's really good.

I'm playing on Very Easy. I don't get a lot of time to play games - maybe a half hour or hour every couple of days - so if I was playing it a harder difficulty I'd get frustrated without progressing through the game.
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Rejected the institute, was quite shocked at who father was, i genuinely thought that wee kid was Shaun :(

My gifs a couple of pages back was my reaction to that. Chose the Institute in the end. I'm buying that they're trying to help, particularly with a sound c**t like me at the helm.

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I'm using a 2tb external hard drive, maybe it's due to that?

Anyway, it's all sorted. Played about 90 mins there. Ended up killing the deathclaw in Concorde on the second attempt, as usual it was easy just standing in a shop window and mashing him with the minigun as he couldn't reach me.

Liking it so far. Have I missed something in sanctuary though? Didn't seem to have anything to do which is why I ended up in Concorde.

You'll see

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I'm playing on Very Easy. I don't get a lot of time to play games - maybe a half hour or hour every couple of days - so if I was playing it a harder difficulty I'd get frustrated without progressing through the game.

Tbh I'm the same with most. I blasted through The Last of Us on Easy when I was limited for time and couldn't be arsed with how clunky the game felt at points. Only kept with this on normal cause it really plays how I want it to play.

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This is taking an absolute age to install from disc. An hour has passed and it's on 25%.

I'm using a 2tb external hard drive, maybe it's due to that?

Anyway, it's all sorted. Played about 90 mins there. Ended up killing the deathclaw in Concorde on the second attempt, as usual it was easy just standing in a shop window and mashing him with the minigun as he couldn't reach me.

Liking it so far. Have I missed something in sanctuary though? Didn't seem to have anything to do which is why I ended up in Concorde.

That's strange. My PS4 has a 2tb hard drive and it was the fastest install of any game I've played so far. By quite some distance.

Anyway, glad you're enjoying it so far.

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I have the first version of ps4 that came out ( cant remember disk storage) and my install was maybe 20 minutes tops

Aye me too. I usually have to wait until the following day to play games I install, but this was done almost as soon as the 7 S.P.E.C.I.A.L. videos were over.

I thought I'd have a wee blast at building/ crafting in Sanctuary last night. What's the secret to making a decent looking building? Mine was a fucking ramshackle mess, with gaps in the walls, shite angles and holes in the roof!

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Aye me too. I usually have to wait until the following day to play games I install, but this was done almost as soon as the 7 S.P.E.C.I.A.L. videos were over.

I thought I'd have a wee blast at building/ crafting in Sanctuary last night. What's the secret to making a decent looking building? Mine was a fucking ramshackle mess, with gaps in the walls, shite angles and holes in the roof!

There is no way to not have holes in the roof etc as its all scrap!! I started off building my defences and putting beds down, then ramped up the water and food (go to Diamond City and harvest all their crops if you want to do this quickly), then once I was comfortably sustaining my 7 people, built a generator and attached a radio antenna (to attract more slave...I mean settlers) and it multiplies itself from there on with food production etc...now got 18 settlers.

I have built a skyscraper at the entrance to sanctuary with automatic defence turrets, a wall all the way along the river front with further defence turrets...its looking like a rather cynical settlement...doesn't help that I sit on the other side of the river bank shooting my settlers undetected as they farm my crops...

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