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Fallout 4


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Still absolutely loving this game just wish I had more time to play it. Lvl 18 and only just got to Diamond City, been holding off going there but eventually worked my way down.

Haven't touched the main quest at all just love finding the weird and wonderful side quests you stumble across the map. Most recently spent a good few hours in Vault 81. Enjoyed that as it was my first vault. Only found 2 bobble heads so far, how many has everyone else found?

Thought these tips were worth sharing for anyone that didn't know.

When hacking look for [],(), <>,and {} with anything in between the brackets, clicking the leftmost bracket will reset your attempts to give you more tries, or remove dud words from the list.

To use cover properly in combat run up to wall (or whatever you wish to use as cover) until your gun points down. While gun is pointed down look down the sights (L2,LT) to pop out of cover.

The Lone Wanderer perk still provides bonuses with Dog Meat as a companion.

Some companions can pick locks and hack terminals for you. More specifically: Cait for lockpicking, Nick Valentine for hacking.

There's a load more here for crafting etc here:


Cheers, didn't realise about the ability to duck out of cover. I've recently finished Alien Isolation and used it tons in that.

You can also holster your weapon by holding down the reload button.

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Anybody done the bit with Travis in the dugout inn? Was funny as fuxk.

Some of the lines from the Russian guys are quality.

"He is awful. We want you to kill him."

"No, of course I was joking, we don't want kill Travis, merely give confidence!"

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Ran into Swan without realising, used almost all my ammo on him. Spent about ten minutes running round the entrance to the station in a circle shooting him so he couldn't get me. It was pretty farcical :D

Done the exact same, but I managed to waste all my ammo beforehand. No mini nukes, missiles, grenades/molotovs either... Shat myself when he came out the water. Tried to run, got as far as a bunch of raiders, ran right through them and got to some ghouls, then hounds, and eventually some supermutants before I died.

It was a very stressful few minutes.

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The world series baseball bat saved me, when I stumbled into Jamaica Plains looking for treasure. I've never seen so many ghouls. They were everywhere.

I have that generals sword for stuff like that.
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They've got the ghouls absolutely spot on in this version. On their own, they're not particularly strong, but if you get a bunch of them attacking you, with a bunch more waiting to charge you, then it can make for some pretty tense moments. Luckily I've not been caught in a corner yet - the only times I've been seriously over-run I've just backed away, shooting and screaming into the night. I'm sure the first time it happened I ended up miles away from where I started when they were all gone.

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I'm in power armour all the time and the only thing that gives me grief is the queen mirelurks. Giant tin suit or not those acid bombs take a third of my health every time. I've ran into 3 so far I think.

My weapons are all so good I just pick off deathclaws and behemoths at a safe distance now.

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