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I was shouted down for having the audacity to say that scots were thick enough to vote for UKIP, apparently they had never had their deposit returned and never would this side of the border.

How's that going for you this morning boys? Or are UKIP a protest vote up here as well?

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^^^ The clown collective are finished. I notice the noticeable lack of Confi this morning. Must be greeting in his cornflakes. Very very pleasing IMO

I'm not working today, so was having an enjoyable lie in with my good lady wife. That alright with you?

Why would I be "crying into my cornflakes"?

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^^^ The clown collective are finished. I notice the noticeable lack of Confi this morning. Must be greeting in his cornflakes. Very very pleasing IMO

You noticed the noticeable. Very good.

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Still no sign. Isn't that peculiar?

I have absolutely no idea how Rangers fans are going to vote, and you'd need a much bigger sample than the subsample in the Panelbase poll to draw any meaningful conclusions.

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I felt so angered by this I had to share it.
I was at Crow Rd shopping centre earlier and some guy with a Rangers jacket parked just along from me gets into his royal blue coloured car, which I noticed has a mini Rangers strip in the window, and a Simply the best banner. He promptly puts the window down on a his car and turns on his car stereo to blast out "Up to yer knees in f......".
He then pulls out and as he passes by I see in his back window are 2 "UK OK, Better together" stickers. I nearly vomited with rage.
What a fucking complete and utter bell end of a man. If you are going to Vote No because you genuinely think that we are better in the UK that's one thing but voting No because "I'm a Rangers supporter and Rangers are Unionists and I love the Queen" is madness and your shitey bigoted opinion affects us all when you vote.

You actually haven't a clue what his support for BT is based on. That it could be, "Rangers are Unionists and I love the Queen" is just conjecture. You don't even know if the guy is Scottish or not. He could easily be a Scotland-dwelling, Rangers-supporting Englishman.

What you're doing is all about prejudice and assumptions and judging folk on the basis of the colour of car they drive and team they support. If you're an example of someone who wants to, 'make Scotland fairer' then you have to work harder to display fairness.

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I have absolutely no idea how Rangers fans are going to vote, and you'd need a much bigger sample than the subsample in the Panelbase poll to draw any meaningful conclusions.

That wasn't the dishonest part though, was it?

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That wasn't the dishonest part though, was it?

What are you wanting me to say? That Panelbase aren't a YesScotland affiliated organisation? What next? That bears more frequently shit in woods than fondle unicorns?

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This is a shame.

Would have liked the cimema chains to do a poll of those who complained to ask what it was about the "adverts" they didnt like?

Bet most were just pist at them being shown at the pics more than the content.

Cant think what kind on responce BT thot they would get tho?

Crying that YES voters are no nice to them is realy pathetic.

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To be fair, I'm a regular attendee at Cineworld. I have an Unlimited card so as you'd expect I'm there quite often and for every film I went to both adverts would be played. The BT one first then the Yes campaign's one 2-3 adverts after. Glad they've both got the chop though. At the cinema I just want to chill and relax and watch a film not have propaganda from either side thrown at me.

Here's an amusing take on BT's advert:

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I don't mind Better Together adverts being shown in cinemas, so long as there is an equal amount being shown that represent the Yes side. This clearly wasn't happening.

To be fair, I'm a regular attendee at Cineworld. I have an Unlimited card so as you'd expect I'm there quite often and for every film I went to both adverts would be played. The BT one first then the Yes campaign's one 2-3 adverts after.

Jamaldo exposed as a liar. Who'da thunkit?

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I don't mind Better Together adverts being shown in cinemas, so long as there is an equal amount being shown that represent the Yes side. This clearly wasn't happening.

Agreed, but Yes had more adverts. :)

This decision from the cinema's is actually worse for the Yes side. The Better Together advertisements were set to end anyway whilst the Yes advertisements still had a long way to go.

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What is it about the BT propaganda? It seems incredibly stale in comparison with the much slicker Yes stuff. Maybe I'm being biased but there really does seem to be a massive difference in the quality of material that's being produced.

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