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Scottish Independence


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They'll be hoping that some folk tell the people who have been bussed in to keep their nose out of Scotland's business so they can tell us about the Anti English Yes voters.

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That is him doing his job though. In the same way that the leader of Glasgow City Council could say the opposite.

The leader of the Glasgow City Council would probably agree with him.

We're nothing if we're not a nation of self loathing cowards.

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Must be picking up more volunteers

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Really got the feeling that they are going to hurt themselves quite badly when they start doing the proper campaigning a month before the referendum. If their plan is to bus themselves around Scotland and talk about how they love Britain and Scotland so much and smear the opposition then people will see through their hypocrisy.

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Just what exactly is the Vote No bus doing in Cardiff anyway, aside from violating traffic laws?

They started at Inverness and they kept driving until they finally found someone that agreed with them.

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He's just keeping in with the winning team so he still looks good in iScotland.

He knows that outspoken, spineless No fuds like Johann Lamont will soon be jobless.

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^^^ He's just keeping in with the winning team so he still looks good in iScotland. He knows that outspoken, spineless No fuds like Johann Lamont will soon be jobless.

This is a key point. Given that pretty much every grinning idiot in a red or yellow rosette north of the border is nothing but a brazen opportunist, expect fucking hordes of them to jump ship as the days close.

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