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My problem is that people were in this thread saying how polls are worthless because they got it wrong in 2011. Well they didn't.

Maybe they got it wrong in the February of that year when they predicted the Dear Leader would be ousted, but the election wasn't in February. By the same standards, current polling for the referendum is worthless except as a guide to what the result might be if the vote was to be held today.

But the up to date polling on the day of the election in 2011 was pretty much spot on, as I think it will in September.

The only caveat I will throw in, is that I think yes will score a couple of percent higher than the polls suggest, because even a few hundred people that intend to vote no could enter the polling station and realise they don't have the heart to vote against their countries Independence. I suppose this could easily work both ways though.

Suppose I tried to support you there... but since you still insult salmond, a guy who has also put Scotland first.. by calling him the dear leader.. dont know why I bothered

Vote yes... 60%+ imo

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Yeah so you did :rolleyes:. You are a maths student, go and apply the youguv percentages against the actual results and tell me what the overall result would be. After you have done this, come back to me with your apology.

Erm yeah. Scotland votes calculator suggests I owe you an apology here. Only a 5 seat plurality for the SNP and even the IPSOS MORI poll would only give them 60 seats.

Okay how about I rephrase my wording: All of the pollsters final polls suggested the SNP would win the 2011 election

Better? :)

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Suppose I tried to support you there... but since you still insult salmond, a guy who has also put Scotland first.. by calling him the dear leader.. dont know why I bothered

Vote yes... 60%+ imo

The Dear Leader is an inside joke about SNP restrictions on personal freedom. The North Korean president is known as the Dear Leader and that's the most Authoritarian country in the world, so when the SNP do things like alcohol minimum pricing and the abolishing of the corroboration rule, the Dear Leader jibe is used.

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The Dear Leader is an inside joke about SNP restrictions on personal freedom. The North Korean president is known as the Dear Leader and that's the most Authoritarian country in the world, so when the SNP do things like alcohol minimum pricing and the abolishing of the corroboration rule, the Dear Leader jibe is used.

So, as:

1) Corroboration isn't required & hasn't been required in a neighbouring jurisdiction for a long, long time


2) The same neighbouring legal jurisdiction are also considering bringing in minimum pricing in the near future,

Should their leaders be known as "Super-Authoritarian Dearer Leaders" in future?

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1) Corroboration isn't required & hasn't been required in a neighbouring jurisdiction for a long, long time

But other evidential and prosecutorial protections have existed in that jurisdiction to compensate for that being the case. Many of which would not be as readily applicable or functionally to Scottish criminal courts without substantially negating any benefit that might be achieved to prosecution numbers in Scotland.

The failure of other countries to take a positive step to introduce corroboration as an evidential requirement is not equatable to the positive step taken by a government to remove it in assessing the extent to which a government is authoritarian or otherwise in nature.

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H_B in splitting hairs with yet another forumster shockeroony.

Seriously how do you keep your job when you are obsessively on here?

50,000 posts is borderline mental illness.

What is it with Yes supporters and mental illness jibes?

Is it in the handbook or something ? Classy classy stuff.

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The Dear Leader is an inside joke about SNP restrictions on personal freedom. The North Korean president is known as the Dear Leader and that's the most Authoritarian country in the world, so when the SNP do things like alcohol minimum pricing and the abolishing of the corroboration rule, the Dear Leader jibe is used.

Oh yeh.. I forgot, cause salmond forces us to all have the same hair and feeds his uncle to the dogs.

Grow up

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To be fair - the SNP are no more or less authoritarian than any other major political party.


Political parties are by their very nature authoritarian to a degree. They create policies that define how we live our lives.

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Political parties are by their very nature authoritarian to a degree. They create policies that define how we live our lives.

I'll need to bookmark that - we are actually in agreement for once.


Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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I'll need to bookmark that - we are actually in agreement for once.


I'm sure there's plenty we agree on. I'll just need to work on getting you to agree with me on the rest.


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It's not a jibe. Mental illness is no laughing matter.

Posting 50,000 trolling posts is a sign of mental illness.

You need to ask someone for help.

I can give you a number if you like.

Seriously, no normal person makes 50,000 posts where all of them are trolling other forum users.

The offer of help is there.

Don't be a statistic unnecessarily.

What a disgusting post.

No surprise it comes from a cretin like you.

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I don't think I've ever had a poster in such a quivering mess as this before.

Its quite glorious what a complete c**t of yourself you are making here.

Even Parp shows a modicum of dignity when being humiliated.

Must only be days from a banning or even better a tear stained resignation post typed during the security guard graveyard shift you are on.

Edited by H_B
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Erm yeah. Scotland votes calculator suggests I owe you an apology here. Only a 5 seat plurality for the SNP and even the IPSOS MORI poll would only give them 60 seats.

Okay how about I rephrase my wording: All of the pollsters final polls suggested the SNP would win the 2011 election

Better? :)

Got there in the end. Apology accepted :)

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H_B, on 03 May 2014 - 18:15, said:

I don't think I've ever had a poster in such a quivering mess as this before.

Its quite glorious what a complete c**t of yourself you are making here.

Even Parp shows a modicum of dignity when being humiliated.

Must only be days from a banning or even better a tear stained resignation post typed during the security guard graveyard shift you are on.


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