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And also when the Trot Nats imploded the SNP was a natural place for many disilliusioned voters. My own mother voted for the SNP for that very reason - but she will be voting No in the referendum.

So the SNP are a "protest" party?

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SNP are always a haven for "hacked off Tories", who could not bring themselves to vote either Lib-Dem or Labour

They are getting votes because they're doing a decent job.

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SNP are always a haven for "hacked off Tories", who could not bring themselves to vote either Lib-Dem or Labour

For hacked off Labour supporters.

Nowhere else for them to go really.


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British Nationalists and Unionists just can't accept that the SNP have the largest core support in Scotland and have done now for a good few years.

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British Nationalists and Unionists just can't accept that the SNP have the largest core support in Scotland and have done now for a good few years.

Not in the big election they don't. ...

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Not in the big election they don't. ...

The two horse race election, the won the SNP can never win anyway. I'm certain that plenty of SNP voters voted Labour last time round.

Edit: Or Conservative because they're the tartan Tories lolz

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British Nationalists and Unionists just can't accept that the SNP have the largest core support in Scotland and have done now for a good few years.

I accept that, I'm a unionist and an SNP voter.

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Enigma, its easy for "Unionists" to accept the Scottish National Party have the largest support in Scotland.

But it does not alter the fact that Unionists have a far larger combined support. That's the most important thing at the moment.

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The SNP support will die out sooner rather than later. They aren't trendy with young voters. I know this for a fact, I'm one of them.

The Labour support has already died out.

So who is on trend with the yoof if it isn't the SNP or Labour?

Enigma, its easy for "Unionists" to accept the Scottish National Party have the largest support in Scotland.

But it does not alter the fact that Unionists have a far larger combined support. That's the most important thing at the moment.

Why the inverted commas? We were told on here by some pre election how UKIP voters were v. v. similar to the SNP and were basically one and the same, should we not count them amongst the nationalist vote?

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The SNP support will die out sooner rather than later. They aren't trendy with young voters. I know this for a fact, I'm one of them.

The Labour support has already died out.

I'm young too. You're havering again Mrs Bairn.

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I accept that, I'm a unionist and an SNP voter.

You're a very confused man.


The SNP support will die out sooner rather than later. They aren't trendy with young voters. I know this for a fact, I'm one of them.

The Labour support has already died out.

Realistically, the kinds of things that are trendy with "young voters" are big bang theory t shirts and World of Warcraft.

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So who is on trend with the yoof if it isn't the SNP or Labour?

To an extent, Labour will make a comeback. Their oldie traditionalists are dying out and the middle aged aren't en masse Labourites. However they have some support with the younger ones. In saying that, the majority of 18-25 year olds I've spoken to in the last week actually voted for the Greens. Tory and UKIP support is almost non-existent, a lot of youngsters agree with Lib Dem policies but won't vote for them while the coalition is in power, and the only SNP voters in that age bracket are rabid independence supporters(around half of which vote Green anyway)

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Why the inverted commas? We were told on here by some pre election how UKIP voters were v. v. similar to the SNP and were basically one and the same, should we not count them amongst the nationalist vote?

UKIP voters and SNP voters aren't one and the same, but there's definitely similarities. However, the main difference is obviously one party want's the UK broken up and the other wants the UK to become stronger. To think UKIP voters will vote Yes in the Scottish independence referendum is madness.

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