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Yougov bigwig writes post to discredit rival pollsters. Who woulda thunk it?

its a nice idea to weight according to the EU elections but surely the turnout would be so low that you're effectively weighting 70% of the poll in favour of the < 50% of respondents who didn't vote

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You tell me... Have they pledged to bring in a 50 % rate of income tax?

As I recall from Banterman s previous posts on this they were aasked to make this declaration and refused to do so.

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The polls may well be right but a comprehensive no vote is not the reality in the discussions I have. Granted there is no method or science to my polls lol.

The polls very much reflect what I hear people say. I've absolutely no hope in a Yes vote happening. Mainly motivated to vote because I'd feel guilty for the rest of my life if I didn't vote Yes.

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Living in Edinburgh almost all people I've spoken to are no voters, but whenever I go back to my home town of Airdrie it seems more split. I mean most people I've actually spoken to still support no, but I've seen a few more yes badges and stickers etc in the last few weeks when I've been spending time in Airdrie

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You tell me... Have they pledged to bring in a 50 % rate of income tax?

As I recall from Banterman s previous posts on this they were aasked to make this declaration and refused to do so.

How can you compare policies if the snp don't yet have a policy on income tax, dimwit?

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Are they saying yay or nay to a 50% tax rate?

They are refusing to commit to doing it? Why?

It's one of the few punches Lamont has been able to land.

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Edinburgh will be massively split. Drive around Leith and there's a Yes sticker on every 8th car or suchlike. The North will vote Yes, and the south NO, and remember when you drive through the sprawling walled areas like The Grange, they house few people but take up a large chunk of land. Contrast to a tower block which can house hundreds.

Wasn't there some Edinburgh only figures released in a recent poll ?

I thought a recent poll broke down the Edinburgh figures and it was reasonably close?

Not saying Edinburgh is all No. I'd say my social circle is a pretty decent socio-demographic mix and all I'm saying is the polls match what I hear. Unfortunately.

How can you compare policies if the snp don't yet have a policy on income tax, dimwit?

Constantly goes on about an area of policy that the SNP don't actually have any power over, as evidence of how right wing they are.

Supports a party who - apart from being tories in red ties in most other areas for ages now - actually used said powers to reduce corporation tax last time around.

Logic Approval-thumbs-up-GIF-15.gif

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They are refusing to commit to doing it? Why?

An answer either way would just give NO something to trash.

It's one of the few punches Lamont has been able to land.

Can't say I've ever looked at it as Lamont landing a blow but I never like watching Swinney refusing to give an answer to anyone about anything, he just doesn't come across well, I'd have binned him long ago but then I'd have made far more noise about the left wingers fighting for a YES vote.

If YES wins they'll be proven to have been correct, if it's a NO Salmond & Co will have to carry the can to their graves.

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Not saying Edinburgh is all No. I'd say my social circle is a pretty decent socio-demographic mix and all I'm saying is the polls match what I hear. Unfortunately.

My experience in Edinburgh is that No has a lead - most people in my current and former work (both major Edinburgh employers) who ever expressed a preference have said they'll vote No.

Are there any polls for how English people living in Scotland are voting? 14% of the population of Edinburgh were born in England and any English person with a vote I've heard epress an opinion has been a No voter. The latests census had 7.9% of the population of Scottish identify as White Other British, which I assume covers English.

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Not saying Edinburgh is all No. I'd say my social circle is a pretty decent socio-demographic mix and all I'm saying is the polls match what I hear. Unfortunately.

Constantly goes on about an area of policy that the SNP don't actually have any power over, as evidence of how right wing they are.

Supports a party who - apart from being tories in red ties in most other areas for ages now - actually used said powers to reduce corporation tax last time around.

Logic Approval-thumbs-up-GIF-15.gif

Please provide very specific evidence that I 'support' the Labour Party... One I voted for once, in 1997.

Just standard fail for you really.

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Because Scotland isn't independent yet, nitwit.

Uh huh Darien Parp.

So the white paper. It's just blank I assume? Given that we aren't independent?

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I'm sure this has been posted elsewhere but I'll pop it in. Yougov's Peter Kellner has written a blog on why Survation polls are closer than other pollsters.


Bit of comment-bait with the final paragraph I think

The test for us all will come in September. Meanwhile, what can we conclude about the state of the referendum campaign? This blog has necessarily been longer and more technical than normal. However, my conclusion is simple. A number of recent polls have produced widely-reported stories that the contest is close. They are wrong. It isn’t. The No campaign is well ahead. Its lead has held up for some months. Unless things change markedly in the next eleven weeks, Scotland will vote to remain in the United Kingdom, and by a decisive enough margin to settle the matter for many years to come.
Edited by ICTChris
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