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Except that barely any of the undecideds would change their vote based on this. I know one person who has added the no thanks twibbon due to the currency section. Everyone else I know of seems to have stuck to the same side of the debate as they were on before or if they were undecided then they remain so

I had one doing the opposite after I explained the currency issue to her, another Tory for YES

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Ayrmad can I ask a serious question?

I know that you're a smart guy and a business thinker, for people that think like you, what do you stand to gain from independence?

Seems to me, if Scotland is as left wing as it seems with groups like radical independence dominating our grassroots political scene, that an independent Scotland's electorate would demand tax and spend policies like the Labour Party of the 20th century

Surely that's absolutely what people from business type backgrounds do not want?

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Ayrmad can I ask a serious question?

I know that you're a smart guy and a business thinker, for people that think like you, what do you stand to gain from independence?

Seems to me, if Scotland is as left wing as it seems with groups like radical independence dominating our grassroots political scene, that an independent Scotland's electorate would demand tax and spend policies like the Labour Party of the 20th century

Surely that's absolutely what people from business type backgrounds do not want?

I want a government that looks to the right on the economy and looks to the left on social justice, I've given up all hope of ever getting it at Westminster.

One thing I'm certainly not voting for is anyone to spend like Labour that's why I've not been critical of the SNP's course of centralisation even although I'm looking for a serious devolution of power to local communitiesn after a YES vote, ffs we'd be bankrupt if we'd allowed Labour councils to spend spend spend in an attempt to derail independence.

I believe that a happy and well cared for workforce is a more open-minded and productive workforce.

Edited by ayrmad
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I want a government that looks to the right on the economy and looks to the left on social justice, I've given up all hope of ever getting it at Westminster.

One thing I'm certainly not voting for is anyone to spend like Labour that's why I've not been critical of the SNP's course of centralisation even although I'm looking for a serious devolution of power to local communitiesn after a YES vote, ffs we'd be bankrupt if we'd allowed Labour councils to spend spend spend in an attempt to derail independence.

I believe that a happy and well cared for workforce is a more open-minded and productive workforce.

I agree with the last paragraph and most of your above post. I would like to take a moment to apologise for my outburst earlier, by the way.

The Scandanavians are among the happiest people in the world, and yet they seem to elect very left win tax and spend governments. If there was a government that would try to keep taxes low without being too pro business then I'd vote for them in a heartbeat.

The way I see it, I'm a clever guy when I put my head down and work, I'm doing a respected degree at a good uni, if only it get my ass in to gear and ace the final two years there's no reason why I can't get a good earning job in the not too distant future. The last thing I want to do is to be getting half of my money taxed so it can be spent on overly generous benefit handouts to someone who lost out on a job to an immigrant or just genuinely can't be arsed working. The government should be looking to reduce unnecessary spending IMO, for example I agree with the NHS, but prescription charges should be reintroduced for certain customers. Free tuition can be abolished and replaced with the English system where tuition fees are repaid if and only if the graduate earns enough to be able to afford to gradually repay them. This kind of thing would allow us to keep tax at a reasonable level. I'd like to scale back Trident a little bit.

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I agree with the last paragraph and most of your above post. I would like to take a moment to apologise for my outburst earlier, by the way.

The Scandanavians are among the happiest people in the world, and yet they seem to elect very left win tax and spend governments. If there was a government that would try to keep taxes low without being too pro business then I'd vote for them in a heartbeat.

The way I see it, I'm a clever guy when I put my head down and work, I'm doing a respected degree at a good uni, if only it get my ass in to gear and ace the final two years there's no reason why I can't get a good earning job in the not too distant future. The last thing I want to do is to be getting half of my money taxed so it can be spent on overly generous benefit handouts to someone who lost out on a job to an immigrant or just genuinely can't be arsed working. The government should be looking to reduce unnecessary spending IMO, for example I agree with the NHS, but prescription charges should be reintroduced for certain customers. Free tuition can be abolished and replaced with the English system where tuition fees are repaid if and only if the graduate earns enough to be able to afford to gradually repay them. This kind of thing would allow us to keep tax at a reasonable level. I'd like to scale back Trident a little bit.

Holy f*ck.

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The one thing that stops me being a full on Tory though, is that I don't think workers get enough protection. Working past 65 seems abhorrent.

They don't get enough protection from any party, the Labour party have long since given up on thinking about workers, there's too much loot to be made at the top of the Westminster tree for anyone to honestly give a fcuk about anyone apart from themselves.

Working past 65 is only abhorrent if your life expectancy is low, why should you get a good job then be expected to contribute towards benefits for someone with a life expectancy of 95, it just doesn't add up, pensions should have been tackled with cross party consensus long long ago,unfortunately those at Westminster are only interested in the power and booty that awaits them when they gain office.

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They don't get enough protection from any party, the Labour party have long since given up on thinking about workers, there's too much loot to be made at the top of the Westminster tree for anyone to honestly give a fcuk about anyone apart from themselves.

Working past 65 is only abhorrent if your life expectancy is low, why should you get a good job then be expected to contribute towards benefits for someone with a life expectancy of 95, it just doesn't add up, pensions should have been tackled with cross party consensus long long ago,unfortunately those at Westminster are only interested in the power and booty that awaits them when they gain office.

He should join the Navy. Heard about this lassie who has just retired from the Navy at the age of 35. She gets a yearly pension of £80,000.

At 35.

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You know that don't South you don't need wealthy parents to go to uni, right?

you pay it back after you graduate if, and only if, you earn an income such that you can afford to repay it

I'd have no problem with the same set up being used here. I know plenty students from rUK and I actually think most of them have more disposable income because their maintenance grants and loans are higher than ours.

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You know that don't South you don't need wealthy parents to go to uni, right?

you pay it back after you graduate if, and only if, you earn an income such that you can afford to repay it

I'd have no problem with the same set up being used here. I know plenty students from rUK and I actually think most of them have more disposable income because their maintenance grants and loans are higher than ours.

You're supposed to wait 'til you get your job post degree b4 you worry about disposable income ffs.

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You know that don't South you don't need wealthy parents to go to uni, right?

you pay it back after you graduate if, and only if, you earn an income such that you can afford to repay it

I'd have no problem with the same set up being used here. I know plenty students from rUK and I actually think most of them have more disposable income because their maintenance grants and loans are higher than ours.

What if you go to Uni for a couple of years and then drop out?

What's the deal then?

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You know that don't South you don't need wealthy parents to go to uni, right?

you pay it back after you graduate if, and only if, you earn an income such that you can afford to repay it

I'd have no problem with the same set up being used here. I know plenty students from rUK and I actually think most of them have more disposable income because their maintenance grants and loans are higher than ours.

Why should I have to subsidise the overly generous student loan system through the horrendous over taxation of my hard earned income.

Seems ridiculous to hand out thousands to prospective trainee Burger restaurant managers, when they will be years on a low income and not have to pay it back. When they do enventually pay it back it being worth a fraction of what it was originally.


The point being at some point we are nearly all dependent on the public purse. Some realise it. Some don't.

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At least expectations of Salmond will be down considerably for the next debate. Perhaps it was the plan all along, lure Darling into a false sense of security on STV and then lay the smack down on the BBC.

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Not surprised to see the odds for No shortening after last night, by any objective measure No came out of it better as Salmond did nothing at all to convince people that becoming Independent was a safe or secure thing to do. It was a really poor showing from him, no doubt.

However I still think Yes will win. Mainly because I can hardly see anyone who is planning to vote Yes changing to No. I don't know anyone who has changed from Yes to No, it seems like once you 'see the light', as it were, you don't go back. But I think there a lot of people who probably think they are a No - almost by default because they have never thought about it - and could easily change to Yes. To me it seems like a one way, very slow moving tide. It's just whether Yes can convert enough before polling day.

Either way, 5/1 is ridiculous value.

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Not surprised to see the odds for No shortening after last night, by any objective measure No came out of it better as Salmond did nothing at all to convince people that becoming Independent was a safe or secure thing to do. It was a really poor showing from him, no doubt.

However I still think Yes will win. Mainly because I can hardly see anyone who is planning to vote Yes changing to No. I don't know anyone who has changed from Yes to No, it seems like once you 'see the light', as it were, you don't go back. But I think there a lot of people who probably think they are a No - almost by default because they have never thought about it - and could easily change to Yes. To me it seems like a one way, very slow moving tide. It's just whether Yes can convert enough before polling day.

Either way, 5/1 is ridiculous value.

It is. The only reason I haven't placed a bet, is because I never win bets. I suppose I should actually bet on No :unsure2:

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