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You have, to be fair.

There are, however, a fairly substantial subset who seem to think the polls are lying to them and not reflecting reality. I suspect that's because most their friends etc lean one way and their perception becomes skewed.

Yes this is true, and understandable in a way.

The reality is the yes campaign has always been about managing defeat with a view to another shot in 20 years or so.

I think their internal target would have been around 45%. The problem they have is that it looks like they're going to struggle to even make that.

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Just checked their twitter and you are correct.

This tweet was even more amazing:

"Debate: Darling emerges as clear winner - 53% who watched say Darling 28% Salmond."

In fairness I think that's more interesting than the overall numbers going up or down. It perhaps shows how the interpretation of these debates is framed around media coverage - i.e. the immediate reaction wasn't so in favour of Darling, but because the coverage portrayed that picture people are now remembering it differently.

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As a yes supporter, I'm here. I hardly ever post on P and B, but won't go missing like 2 horse racester when he was royally cunted.

It's a shite score for yes.

Looks horrible especially considering it's a "Yes friendly" pollster. Especially the -3 from Yes to No. If it was undecided, maybe more understandable, but due to this poll, yes have lost 3% and most likely as our region is not exactly political down to that debate.

Yes keep saying ''Obama lost the first debate''. He may well have, but were they this much behind? I doubt so considering US is pretty much 52-48 overall.

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That more shite banter from you?

I don't know how all these different polls work.

Chin up Pal.

This ones no different to any of the others.

If it had showed a larger swing to YES they would be on now dismissing it.

When YES win, one of the things any new government should do is get rid of polling altogether.

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I don't know how all these different polls work.

If you don't know how they work then it might be an idea to stop rubbishing the results.

Being reasonable about it, it is just one poll so nobody can say it's proof the debate has caused a swing in support until other polls show the same trend. Polling is an inexact science so you randomly get swings at times without it meaning anything.

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Being reasonable about it, it is just one poll so nobody can say it's proof the debate has caused a swing in support until other polls show the same trend. Polling is an inexact science so you randomly get swings at times without it meaning anything.

That's the answer I was looking for the 1st time!

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Poll sample size - 1000

So what :whistle

I converted 2 undecideds at work today just by having a chat.

A guy at work has been handing round the white paper and has convinced dozens.

Nobody I know has ever been asked their opinion by poll organisations.

Anybody on here?

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Look at Glasgow.

Nae chance.

30% Yes 50% No.


Every other poll has had a 5% gap give or take +/- yes/no.

Not saying bias or any shite, but Glasgow looks very shady considering previous polling for that area.

Edited by Kejan
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Poll sample size - 1000

So what :whistle

I converted 2 undecideds at work today just by having a chat.

A guy at work has been handing round the white paper and has convinced dozens.

Nobody I know has ever been asked their opinion by poll organisations.

Anybody on here?

No but I was interested to see 73% recalled voting in the 2011 elections, only 2/3rds of SNP voters were voting YES and that Glasgow was breaking 38% YES 62% NO(excl DK's).

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No but I was interested to see 73% recalled voting in the 2011 elections, only 2/3rds of SNP voters were voting YES and that Glasgow was breaking 38% YES 62% NO(excl DK's).

So we can safely assume it is a steaming pile of shite then

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So we can safely assume it is a steaming pile of shite then

I can't say that but there are certainly areas that go against the grain, if Glasgow was 45% YES 45% NO the poll would be 44 to 56 just with a difference of 23 votes.

Glasgow is the 6th most YES friendly region according to that poll, if I believed that I would concede today.

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