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Edwina Currie on 5 live

We wont know results until late Friday night as it takes 2 days in some areas of scotland to get their ballot boxes delivered....

This patronising is getting worse...and we have 10 days of it to go

I'm listening to her the now saying MPs would have to worry about putting food on the table with a £68k per year wage

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(((((Berwick Rangers fans )))) Schengen for the sake of the wee gers.

Surely teams visiting them won't fancy scaling Miliband's Wall just for a game of football. Berwick Rangers to be awarded 3-0 victories in all their home games.and will be Champions of Scotland by 2020.

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I'm more than a little shocked by what's happening at the moment because the No side should be able to have a field day with the currency and EU accession issues, but the undecideds have clearly been breaking heavily Yes since the second debate. Think it's going to be decided by turnout and to what extent the Yes camp get younger voters and people in deprived areas out to the polls and could easily throw off the pollsters weightings.

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Even when I had the least faith in this being possible, I made a note of page 198-200 in this thread for future bumping purposes.

Some highlights:

Game over.

Got to accept it is a fairly conclusive gap though. :)

No has won.

I won't get complacent though. I will definitely make sure I vote and I urge my fellow Unionists to do the same. I'm sure they will.

Exactly. We have won, it's now a question of how much we are going to win by. There's definitely an opportunity here to win by a large margin and really decimate the sepratist cause for at least a generation.

60%+ is very achievable if we can get the soft no voters in the polling booth. That is the challenge for better together and for the more passionate no voters between now and next month.

Must be gutting for the nat clown collective shceme goblin division in here that I have been proven spctacularly right on the referendum though.


And its not even going to be close either.

I've never gone with the polls in telling Yes voters they were utterly deluded if they thought they could win this referendum.

Yes lost the referendum when Cameron handed Salmond his arse on a plate in Edinburgh. As I said at the time.

The British political establishment are now scrambling around in crisis mode, trying to desperately find a way to appease the Jocks because the lead that these fuds were cheesing over has been shatted. I'm not saying Yes will do anything but the shitting of pants is quite beautiful.

This ladies and gentleman is what you could call a Clown Collective.

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