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No it doesn't. What will happen is uncertainty which will have a negative effect on share prices and then potential currency devaluation. None of that is good for anyone. As for devolved power. As I say if things don't improve there's nothing that stops another referendum.......in time.

However, the time spent in a potentially deep economic depression isn't preferable to me or anyone else. I'd rather vote No and wait and see. Rationality is something that's in short supply it seems....

You are totally over estimating the strength of the rUK in any negotiations and totally underestimating Scotland's strength.

There is great potential for a huge influx of new business into Scotland after a YES vote. Much, much more than there will be for the rUK.

Not a great desire to get in on the action if it's a NO as there will be no action.

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So who's going to run the country?????

Are you really that thick. I have no idea who will run the country, it will be as I said earlier - a decision will be made by the Scottish people. In the event of independence, I truely hope that the current unionist parties re-evaluate their priorities and manage to re-establish themselves as viable alternatives to the SNP. Having a single electable party is not healthy for democracy.

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Salmond has the easiest job in the World. Just tell them "it's naw about me" and not to "politicize" the debate.........

and do the opposite

David Cameron. " this is not about the next five years. This is about the next one hundred years".

Don't know what he thinks will happen in 2114, but I can't see Salmond making it till then.

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An economy requires a network and a business relationship with partners who are willing to trade........oh and a viable currency. Salmond has been smearing his opponents and politicizing the debate to the extent that he's isolating the country

OK scrap that question in the previous post. You really are that thick.

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Personal insults and rudeness are the domain of Alex Salmond so I did indeed avoid his area. I find his rhetoric far more unpleasant and in some cases sinister. I saw him in Stirling at the Mac Bob during the "Braveheart" premiere.

Still doesn't get it. Your complete lack of understanding is at toddler level, but hey you know you just keep on telling everyone it's all about the SNP and Salmond and not about a corrupt and broken political system.

Edited by Casual Bystander
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An economy requires a network and a business relationship with partners who are willing to trade........oh and a viable currency. Salmond has been smearing his opponents and politicizing the debate to the extent that he's isolating the country

Good god, where have you been?

For two whole years, we have had Scottish BT ministers smearing their own country and in the process putting the fear of god into as many businesses as they possibly can. The fact that the SNP have managed to grow Scotland's economy against that onslaught, is nothing short of a *ucking miracle.

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Ah yes now we're in the Yes campaign protocol bereft of manners or decency.

So you want Unionist parties in an independent Scotland? What do you think the SNP want? To sacrifice themselves for the greater good?

Think again ;)

Sorry, if your acting like a thick b*****d then that is exactly what I will call you.

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I wish people would look at this situation rationally, does anyone really believe that Westminster and all the troughers running around like headless chickens is due to one YouGov poll, both sides are continually doing polls, both sides have a good idea what the true %'s are.

If someone had written a play about these 3 days they'd have been locked away in a padded cell, I never for one minute thought I'd ever see people in high office within HM Government act in such a wimpy panic-stricken manner,I now know that we're run by a bunch of weak twats that need as many handers as they can muster to win against the wee quiet skinny guy down the front.

We can still win this, perhaps those suffering a lack of confidence should go round the schemes with YES to boost their confidence rather than going on social media and scaring the horses.

I can just visualise them all running round behind Obama when Putin says boo to them.

Edited by ayrmad
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Look who has crawled out from under his rock.!!

Some of us work mate, and dont spend 24/7 on P&B, staring at a screen, with our breeks round our ankles, w*nking furiously to every snippet of support for a Yes vote!

Not saying thats you like! ;)

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I hope it's a YES vote because I think if we vote no then we're going to get smacked down and Scotland will have as much powers as the council. We don't need the rest of the UK we don't need a big army to defend ourselves. Our population is similar to London but we have less unemployed. If London can be one of the greatest cities in the world why can't we as a country do the same? Things aren't going to be perfect in a independent Scotland but the way BT has campaigned would have you believing we're going to turn into Somalia overnight.

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I hope it's a YES vote because I think if we vote no then we're going to get smacked down and Scotland will have as much powers as the council. We don't need the rest of the UK we don't need a big army to defend ourselves. Our population is similar to London but we have less unemployed. If London can be one of the greatest cities in the world why can't we as a country do the same? Things aren't going to be perfect in a independent Scotland but the way BT has campaigned would have you believing we're going to turn into Somalia overnight.

Aye and some on here paint a picture that Scotland is like Somalia already, it just isnt.

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Glorious seethe-tinged scrambling for positives from the Yes folk after days of premature triumphalism and then crowing about a 53% lead.

Suddenly tonight the polls don't mean anything again!

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