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There's not even that, let alone more. But in the tradition of Bitter Together it won't stop you making things up. Fill yer boots.

Hmm... So all that discussion about it a couple of years back was wrong?

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The behaviour of Yes supporters on here has been absolutely shameful.

Some of the posts over the last couple of weeks have been beyond disgrace. The lies, the scaremongering... the horrendous bias and campaign of negativity and fear.

The good thing for Scotland as a wider consideration is that thus cesspit of a sub forum is not at all representative of the wider debate.

The disgusting posts from Yes supporters on here should not reflect on the main Yes campaign which has i think been largely good and well meaning.

After the No vote I'd like to think many if the shrill disgraces on here will feel ashamed of themselves though perhaps not.

In a crowd like situation as the Yes circle jerk on here is it encourages this sort of descent into stupidity.


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If I toss an unbiased coin 12 times and it records 12 heads in a row and I ask you to put a bet on whether the next toss will be heads or tails you'd be convinced it would be tails and bet heavily on that wouldn't you? I'd bet on you doing that because I don't thin k you understand how betting or probability works.

You were probably asleep during that lesson in school.

Another example - a horse is at 12-1 and 2 days later it has become 2-1. I'd bet you'd be convinced that it was now more likely to win as a result.

The first thing an independent Scotland needs to sort out is our education system. :lol:

Joke post, its you my friend that doesn't understand how betting works, If the bookies/market thought that Yes were going to win next Thurs, they would be the favourites, its as simple as that.

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Hmm... So all that discussion about it a couple of years back was wrong?

I'm sure you'd love nothing better than to take this thread down a road that distracts from the real debate. Let's face it you have nothing to offer in the real debate. So this will be my final post on this point.

PS it's a sad fact but education is wasted on some folk. :)

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For what it's worth I reckon Yes had it by 4 to 1 on displayed affiliations in the Home end at Dumbarton yesterday. The word is that Labour has lost Alexandria, Renton and large chunks of Dumbarton. I even spoke pre-match with two Faslane employees who are voting Yes.

The silent 'majority' will still be here, but there are a lot of big bought hooses displaying Yes posters. I'm wondering how closely the bookies are in tune with the situation on the ground.

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I'm wondering how closely the bookies are in tune with the situation on the ground.

Far less than our trolls would imagine. This is the biggest electoral event in UK bookkeeping history by a long chalk. The bookies most certainly don't have anything like the sort of analytical infrastructure around electoral events that they do for sporting ones. I'm somewhat amazed any of them are still taking bets right now considering that McBookie at least have said they'll lose a fucking fortune on a Yes.

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2lo67x4.jpg Every time you talk about bookies being "wrong" you prove how little you understand this.

Well explain it to me then.

Do bookies frequently offer odds of 3/1 or whatever it is now on something that is so likely to happen?

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Yes did have more of the Dumbarton support yesterday but in a town dominated by old firm fans that's of little comfort.

Ah, but there is real significance if Labour has indeed lost its hold on the Celtic-supporting bloc, a traditional bedrock of its vote here. And surprising as it may sound, not all Rangers fans are voting No.

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Lex.. bookies lay off bets against each other to ensure minimal loss.. intially much more money was placed on NO, hence short odds.. much actually placed in london.. massive bets... as people start to bet on Yes, yes shortens. Etc etc... thats why the bookie akways tends to win

So the odds of 3/1 are absolutely tremendous value then?

How much do you have on it?

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So the odds of 3/1 are absolutely tremendous value then?

How much do you have on it?

Nothing yet Lex.... but I wud say 3/1 is very very good value. I believe that some London punter put 800k on No on single bet, that will certainly be keeping yes lengthened. Its actually called arbitrage betting.

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Well explain it to me then.

Do bookies frequently offer odds of 3/1 or whatever it is now on something that is so likely to happen?

No they don't mate, never! Some of the 'reasons' for the gap in betting odds on here are f*ckin hilarious! :lol:

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