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Panelbase and Survation polls have historically brought encouraging results for the Yes campaign. Now that No has the momentum in both, it's maybe proving the Yes campaigns recent use of negative scaremongering isn't working?..... :)

You're a tosser mate. What momentum does No have? There has been no change.

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Survation poll in tomorrow's Mail on Sunday. Yes 40%(-1) No 46% (0)

Meanwhile, Salmond gets an England flag waved behind him at the Commonwealth Games a la Wimbledon and Rangers take a banner to Derby County which read "Four Countries - One Flag - Our United Kingdom". I couldn't have said it better myself.

Not a good day for the Scottish Separatists. :)

You make it sound like thats a good thing.

Less than half the people polled believe in maintaining the political union. What does that tell you?

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It's better than -1 :)

Especially when No already has the lead and so near to the referendum.

Yes peaked a few months back. It's been downhill ever since.

Still waiting for the link to your figures...

Edited to add - Scot Goes Pop has been updated since my original link. Now shows figures with DK included & excluded.

Still at a loss as to why No consider this to be significant movement...

Edited by lichtgilphead
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It's better than -1 :)

Especially when No already has the lead and so near to the referendum.

Yes peaked a few months back. It's been downhill ever since.

But it's still less than 50%.

You really don't see why that isn't a good thing?

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Survation poll in tomorrow's Mail on Sunday. Yes 40%(-1) No 46% (0)

Meanwhile, Salmond gets an England flag waved behind him at the Commonwealth Games a la Wimbledon and Rangers take a banner to Derby County which read "Four Countries - One Flag - Our United Kingdom". I couldn't have said it better myself.

Not a good day for the Scottish Separatists. :)

I'm sure Salmond was delighted a flag of St. George was waved behind him, I'm sure had he know he would have joined in with those who waved it. Union Flag would be a different story perhaps.

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Still waiting for the link to your figures...

Edited to add - Scot Goes Pop has been updated since my original link. Now shows figures with DK included & excluded.

Still at a loss as to why No consider this to be significant movement...

It's not significant movement. But no doesn't need significant movement to win, yes does.

Therefore the lack of significant movement towards yes is more great news for our union :)

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P&B is not reflective of the "real world", to be honest am surprised it is as low as 83%, my point is more no voters on P&B would be more reflective of the rest of the country, good grief I don't believe I had to explain that

WHAT? You said it's only right that P and B should reflect the rest of the country you dafty that's why I said to look at the poll done on here.


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WHAT? You said it's only right that P and B should reflect the rest of the country you dafty that's why I said to look at the poll done on here.


bad grammar by me, might have been easier saying, that what is put on P&B does appear not reflect what is happening in the rest of the country, lets agree there are more pro-Indy (the poll on here being the example), than pro-union posters on this forum, and a few more no posters would balance it out a little, that was the point I was attempting to make, badly as it appeared :blink:

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bad grammar by me, might have been easier saying, that what is put on P&B does appear not reflect what is happening in the rest of the country, lets agree there are more pro-Indy (the poll on here being the example), than pro-union posters on this forum, and a few more no posters would balance it out a little, that was the point I was attempting to make, badly as it appeared :blink:

And the no vote here. Far-right bigots and the dolts. Pretty 'reflective'.

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I think the Empire Games will give a small boost to Yes. I'd expect to see a narrowing in the polls with fieldwork in early August .

Not that it matters really.

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good to see a balanced and reasoned view taken 8)

Thankfully it will NEVER happen as Alex Salmond has no intention of making Scotland independent. As per normal for the slimy weasel he would much rather see England sever the ties without having to do anything.I wish we had a Britain that was one big country that we could all have a pride in but unless the BNP get in we aren't going to get it.

JP-The BNP do have some very good ideas but their way of putting across the ideas is what causes their message to be construed in a way that is harmful to their progress.

Then there is RedRob. Who forgets Bairn's Chinese rant? Your thoughts on UKIP?

Edited by HaikuHibee
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Then there is RedRob. Who forgets Bairn's Chinese rant? Your thoughts on UKIP?

lets take them in order

Bangers on both sides

no place for any form of racism or bigotry in fact

UKIP or the BNP are appalling, no place for them in politics

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