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If you're just talking about people in general, I agree.

And that's better news for the Yes side.

Why is that better news for the Yes side? What's going to make people suddenly interested in this, in a way they certainly aren't now?

The much heralded White Paper was as expected a damp squib. It landed with a deafening sound of silence and disinterest.

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I thought we didn't need to "get in" as we are a co-equal successor state?

When did I say that ?

And before you start you can keep your.international law crap to yourself.

We will be negotiating from within the uk so that by the time of independance day everything will be dealt with.

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There are absolutely no means in which to revoke 5 million peoples EU citizenship. Never been done and never will be done.

We will get.into the EU. The positive contributors to the EU will see to that.

In the words of the Danish government.... "It will be a mere formality"

Umm, yes there is...

We WILL get in? Doesn't this sort of fly in the face of what Salmond and Sturgeon have been saying though. ie that we are already a member state?

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When did I say that ?

And before you start you can keep your.international law crap to yourself.

We will be negotiating from within the uk so that by the time of independance day everything will be dealt with.

Will we be going through the normal membership process or will ours be totally different?

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What happens to my EU citizenship IF Scotland doesn't get unanimous backing from all other 28 current member states? Will I lose it? Will I be able to continue to claim citizenship even though the state I am now a citizen of is no longer an EU member?

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Umm, yes there is...

We WILL get in? Doesn't this sort of fly in the face of what Salmond and Sturgeon have been saying though. ie that we are already a member state?

Who cares ???? The issue is whether we will get in or not. Even you agree we will.

I honestly think there are much bigger issues.

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Why is that better news for the Yes side? What's going to make people suddenly interested in this, in a way they certainly aren't now?

The much heralded White Paper was as expected a damp squib. It landed with a deafening sound of silence and disinterest.

Would be interesting to see the number of downloads for it, as well as how many paper copies had been ordered. At 640 odd pages, it's not unreasonable to suggest any impact it might have would not be felt immediately (unless your Alistair darling and you read the whole thing at roughly 3,000 words to the minute)

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When did I say that ?

And before you start you can keep your.international law crap to yourself.

We will be negotiating from within the uk so that by the time of independance day everything will be dealt with.

So you accept the SNP are lying to people? Because that's exactly what they have said will be the case.

It's always inconvenient I know when actual international law gets in the way of the SNP's personal shiny coins rhetoric.

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What happens to my EU citizenship IF Scotland doesn't get unanimous backing from all other 28 current member states? Will I lose it? Will I be able to continue to claim citizenship even though the state I am now a citizen of is no longer an EU member?

The UK government could answer.those questions for you if they wanted to.

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So you accept the SNP are lying to people? Because that's exactly what they have said will be the case.

It's always inconvenient I know when actual international law gets in the way of the SNP's personal shiny coins rhetoric.

Pretty sure they took advice and went with it. For what it's worth I reckon they will be proved right. I don't there will be any point where we are not a member.

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Pretty sure they took advice and went with it. For what it's worth I reckon they will be proved right. I don't there will be any point where we are not a member.

Fascinating stuff.. advice from whom?

So, what's going to happen to the UN membership (including the Security Council) and World Bank membership the UK currently has on secession?

Will it be like job share? You get to sit in the UN on Mondays, and Wednesdays - we'll take Tuesdays (apart from when there's some cricket on and we want to swap that for your Monday of the following week)?

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Spain wont have any say. The big boys in Northern Europe will decide.

Intriguing. You really are a scholar of the EU aren't you. A man with his finger on the pulse of Europe.

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It's in barosso's interest to say so in advance of the Catalonian referendum. His position after that is bound to be different.

The EU have addressed this in 2004, following a question about Wales :-

(Scotland, Independence and the EU - Thorp and Thomson 2011)

However, the European Commission did comment on the possibility of a region becoming independent in response to a European Parliamentary Question from Welsh MEP Eluned Morgan in 2004. Ms Morgan asked whether a newly independent region would have to leave the European Union then apply for membership afresh, and whether an application of this type would require a re-writing of the Treaties and the unanimous support of the existing Member States. The Commission’s answer was that the newly independent state would be outside the EU and would need to apply for membership of the EU in the same way any other non-member:

The European Communities and the European Union have been established by the relevant treaties among the Member States. The treaties apply to the Member States (Article 299 of the EC Treaty). When a part of the territory of a Member State ceases to be a part of the state, e.g. because that territory becomes an independent state, the treaties will no longer apply to that territory. In other words, a newly independent region would, by the fact of its independence, become a third country with respect to the Union and the treaties would, from the day of its independence, not apply anymore on its territory.

Under Article 49 of the Treaty on European Union, any European State which respects the principles set out in Article 6(1) of the Treaty on European Union may apply to become a member of the Union. An application of this type requires, if the application is accepted by the Council acting unanimously, a negotiation on an agreement between the Applicant State and the Member States on the conditions of admission and the adjustments to the treaties which such admission entails. This agreement is subject to ratifcation by all Member States and the Applicant State

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Intriguing. You really are a scholar of the EU aren't you. A man with his finger on the pulse of Europe.

If Germany, France and the Uk want us in we will get in. To.think.that the likes of Romania will.have a genuine say is lunacy.

I'll say it again we will get.into the EU, UN and whatever else you want to.throw up. You know it, Reynard knows it, everyone knows it.

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