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As I said, it's been covered. Self governance could mean anything from me governing myself, to my street governing it's self, to my town, county, region, nation, state, continent. I'm not a nationalist so it doesn't mean much to me. I prefer to just consider what's best for me and the people I care about.

Unionists eh. As long as Me and mine are ok, *uck everything else.

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Well yes, that's what I have been saying. I would weigh up the pro's and cons like I would with any decision.

So when Mr Bairns scenario if Mr Putin coming knocking at the door, you will be wanting Russian citizenship?

Pros - live.

Cons - die.

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I don't think you understand what self-governance is.

Herre's a clue. We don't have our own persona; army and health service. I can't phone up Alex Salmond or David Cameron and tell them that actually they need to change their policies because I've decided I don't like them.

Can Alex Salmond do that to David Cameron then?


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It shouldn't no. There's nothing special about Scotland that entitles it to any guarantee about which government controls the UK as a whole.

We are actually over represented in Westminster. Other regions in the UK have every right to be disgruntled about Scotland's punching above its population weight.

Given the choice of more democracy the English regions rejected it.

Mind you Labour didn't exactly sell it well. It looked like just another layer of bureaucracy for more politicians to sit and do very little. If they had real powers and had thought more about the relationship with local councils then it might have stood a chance.

That being said, even if what had been offered had been much more substantial, it would have still struggled to be voted through due to the very negative campaigning by certain elements in the media.

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Essentially, what all this pish boils down to is the selfishness of the No voter. All this abject bollocks about not seeing Scotland as a country and having more in common with a fucking farmer in Exeter.

It's all shite.

What the honest No voter would say is "I am voting No as I only care about me and my situation. f**k anyone else I can help now or in the future in Scotland".

Scotland is a country. We can change things on a wider scale here. To suggest otherwise is trolling at best or narrow minded self interest.

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Builder from Glasgow.

Electrician from Leeds.

Farmer from Brechin.

Fisherman from Whitby.

Banker from Edinburgh.

Solicitor from London.

Mechanic from Cardiff.

Unemployed person in Bangor.

Chief executive in Inverness.

These are the kinds of people who make up the country. If I was desperate to divide these people up into groups, then I wouldn't be starting with nationality.

I'd think that class is the one that I most associate with. The biggest issue for me is the class divide in Scotland and the UK.

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Sorry what?

Your original point was about governmental policies you personally want changed hypothetically. You used the example of cutting the International Aid budget.

What control will you have over whether we do this in an Independent nation of many millions of people?

So you think I have less say as one in 5m (with at least some form of proportional representation) than as 1 of 45m with FPTP. Right you are then.

Edited by strichener
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So you think I have less say as one in 5m (with at least some form of proportional representation) than as 1 of 45m with FPTP. Right you are then.

Where, exactly, have I said this?

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I don't think you understand what self-governance is.

Herre's a clue. We don't have our own persona; army and health service. I can't phone up Alex Salmond or David Cameron and tell them that actually they need to change their policies because I've decided I don't like them.

You actually can. If you lived where I do you could even go and chap on Alex's front door as I have done in the past.

Which policy did he change on your say so?

Are you Brian Souter?

You appear to be changing the context of what you asserted.

I have discussed policy issues with him in the past and gave him my opinion. The fact that he hasn't written these into the SNP manifest or made them a priority in Government is probably down to them being too right wing for him and the SNP.

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So you think I have less say as one in 5m (with at least some form of proportional representation) than as 1 of 45m with FPTP. Right you are then.

It is a bit like buying 2 lottery tickets instead of 1 because you have twice as much chance of winning though.

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The assertion that you made is you couldn't contact a politician and tell them that their policies needed to change. This is wrong.

Wrong. Please quote this assertion.

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