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9 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

I expected the SNP vote to be squeezed to make sure the Tories are gone but that poll seems like a bit of an outlier this far from an election.

Aye, it also demonstrates how shit FPTP can be, with the party winning the biggest part of the popular vote ending up with nine seats less than the party which was 2nd in the popular vote. 

Edited by Trogdor
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13 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

Aye, it also demonstrates how shit FPTP can be, with the party winning the biggest part of the popular vote ending up with nine seats less than the party which was 2nd in the popular vote. 

Indeed. Of course, the SNP's winning of as many as 56 seats with a UK vote proprtion no higher than 5% doesn't say much about FPTP either.

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23 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

Aye, it also demonstrates how shit FPTP can be, with the party winning the biggest part of the popular vote ending up with nine seats less than the party which was 2nd in the popular vote. 

Was it the last election, or the one before that, that UKIP got millions of votes and hee haw MPs?
FPTP is alright sometimes.

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On 15/02/2023 at 09:17, virginton said:

A smarter political party changes its leader while still in government and with the scope to refresh its entire front bench in terms of people and ideas. 

This is proof positive, if any were needed, that P&B remains ahead of the curve and in the time it takes for a football match to complete, Scotland follows where the great intelligentsia leads  

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40 minutes ago, Mr Waldo said:

Was it the last election, or the one before that, that UKIP got millions of votes and hee haw MPs?
FPTP is alright sometimes.

This is misleading.  FPTP meant UKIP ended up with zero MPs but surprising even with zero MPs, the party has enormous influence on the Tory Party and ultimately the direction of travel for UK politics.  A case of the tail that wags the dog.

Under PR, UKIP would have MPs at Westminster but I think that would make it a bit more obvious what a bunch of zoomers they all are.  Not that I care much for the Tories but I suspect the Tories would not have to lurch as far to the right as they currently do to avoid UKIP doing them damage.



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 17/02/2023 at 21:25, Fullerene said:

Under PR, UKIP would have MPs at Westminster but I think that would make it a bit more obvious what a bunch of zoomers they all are.  Not that I care much for the Tories but I suspect the Tories would not have to lurch as far to the right as they currently do to avoid UKIP doing them damage.



This is the argument you hear isn't it, from pro-fptp types, you'll only end up with fringe nutters in parliament. 

Is it not better having them out in the open (and make their supporters feel represented) than them puppeteer the direction of traffic of the elected gov? 

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It worked out well in the case of the BNP - they got a couple of MEPs, then totally imploded when out in the open and not in an underground bunker. Removes entirely the usual 'MSM is ignoring us' routine that they and similar groups spurn out, which is about their only useful marketing tool. 


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21 minutes ago, GNU_Linux said:


At Westminster Hythe is part of Folkestone & Hythe which has been Tory since it's creation in 1950.

Could Tory actually be switching to the Greens?!  Crazy if so.

Or maybe the new independent candidates are mopping up the votes.  Would be interested to know what they stand for.

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