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Latest Polls and Latest Odds


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35 minutes ago, GordonS said:

Given all the talk of a Labour landslide it's worth comparing polling now with the same point before the 1997 general election.

In the week before the 1997 election, Labour were consistently polling in the high 40s and regularly hitting 50%. Now they're in the low 40s, regularly below 40%. The reason Labour are so far ahead is because the Tories are much lower, usually under 20% compared with over 30% in 1997.

In December 2021 there were 46,560,452 on the electoral register for UK general elections; in 1997 that was 43,846,152. Labour got 31% of the electorate and the Tories got 22%. My guess is those figures are going to be much lower. 



PS: The population has grown 13% since 1997 but the electorate has only grown 6%.

Screenshot 2024-06-29 at 00.25.12.png

Screenshot 2024-06-29 at 00.25.47.png

Rather than anything Labour has done, or even the Conservatives' unpopularity, this election has been more about the impatience of the fascists. They've deliberately crippled the popular party of the right to bring them to heel.

Once they've agreed to move far right enough for REFUK to rejoin the fold, the Conservatives will already be within touching distance of Labour, so we're hoping for plenty of ideas and against-the-odds success for the Labour Party over the next five years...fingers crossed, eh?  :shutup

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