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7/10. 3 guesses, with question nr 2 being particularly wild - and correct. Knew I was going to get at least 1 when I saw Enver Hoxha mentioned.

So, very nearly another Christine Bleakley, but had to settle for a Rose Neill (from 20 years ago).

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7/10. 3 guesses, with question nr 2 being particularly wild - and correct. Knew I was going to get at least 1 when I saw Enver Hoxha mentioned.

So, very nearly another Christine Bleakley, but had to settle for a Rose Neill (from 20 years ago).

Rose Neill? Well I can safely say even 20 years ago that Rose Neill wouldn't have received the famous Cardinal boab.


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Rose Neill? Well I can safely say even 20 years ago that Rose Neill wouldn't have received the famous Cardinal boab.


:lol: You're far too picky. Maybe 30 years ago, then.

Couldn't remember the name of the sports reporter currently on our screens of an evening over here, otherwise it would have been her. Actually, can't even remember which channel she's on!

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Chortle, senior moment at all?

I think my opinion of dear Rose is somewhat clouded by the fact that she and all the other UTV / BBC Ulster C-listers used to come in and drink in the piano bar where I worked and they obviously thought they owned the place.

Another UTV newsreader / presenter, Robin Taylor, used to be my Physics teacher at the same time. Which sounds pretty cool except the surly b*****d never even acknowledged his second job.

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Chortle, senior moment at all?

I think my opinion of dear Rose is somewhat clouded by the fact that she and all the other UTV / BBC Ulster C-listers used to come in and drink in the piano bar where I worked and they obviously thought they owned the place.

Another UTV newsreader / presenter, Robin Taylor, used to be my Physics teacher at the same time. Which sounds pretty cool except the surly b*****d never even acknowledged his second job.

I can imagine - big fish in small pond syndrome. Then again, they would have been living in the proverbial goldfish bowl, as everyone in NI knows everyone else. They'd either be damned as big headed or stand offish.

I met Julian Simmonds when he was compering the switching on of Magherafelt District Council's Christmas Lights (our daughter and another child from her school were doing the switch on) and he was very pleasant.

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I can imagine - big fish in small pond syndrome. Then again, they would have been living in the proverbial goldfish bowl, as everyone in NI knows everyone else. They'd either be damned as big headed or stand offish.

I met Julian Simmonds when he was compering the switching on of Magherafelt District Council's Christmas Lights (our daughter and another child from her school were doing the switch on) and he was very pleasant.

I met the big man when I was flying to Canada in about 1991. He also moonlighted - this time as a rep for Air Canada. He was completely different to his on-screen self, although still a bit camp.

To be honest, I really enjoyed him camping it up on UTV introducing Corrie. Much better than Graham Norton IMO.

Here's a few highlights :)

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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