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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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Well see how you go with the Guardian's Live Aid. A poor 3/10 for me. oops http://www.theguardian.com/music/quiz/2015/jul/13/live-aid-30-years-on-quiz

9 out of 10. Cheers Eednud! That's put my pecker up, even though most were intelligent guesses.

And a 7 out of 10 for the Ozzie quiz. Pecker still quite tumescent.


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9 out of 10. Cheers Eednud! That's put my pecker up, even though most were intelligent guesses.

And a 7 out of 10 for the Ozzie quiz. Pecker still quite tumescent.


No worries Cardie. Hope the tumescence has settled otherwise would be getting a bit painful by now. Anyway here we go with the Thursday quiz with 9 non-Australian question. I knew or guessed 6/9 with 0/1 for the non-non-Australian one. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/mind-games/quiz?quizId=2063&sectionId=1

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