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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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Another 5/10 through knowing Gulf of Oman, moussaka and FA Cup although the game hasn't been played despite the wording of the question. Guessed UN language & Parliament. Should have known the Beatles one but almost always get any questions about that cover wrong.     http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/mind-games/quiz?quizId=4073&sectionId=1

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4, knew 2 (moussaka and football). Although it should say "plays" not "played" no?


Not to mention "Abby Road" instead of "Abbey Road". 


And "eggplant" instead of "aubergine". 


I spoiled my entry in protest and got a pish 3.

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Eednud, please lodge a formal protest at the quality and accuracy of today's questions. And tell them to add a Scottish fitba question once in a while please.

Am sure if they look at their Web traffic they must wonder why there is a hotspot of hits from Scotland?!

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5/10, despite not knowing any of them, although the FA Cup one was fairly straightforward. If I had been asked who was playing Watford in the semi final without being given any names I wouldn't have had a clue. In fact, I didn't even know Watford were in the semis!

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Eednud, please lodge a formal protest at the quality and accuracy of today's questions. And tell them to add a Scottish fitba question once in a while please.

Am sure if they look at their Web traffic they must wonder why there is a hotspot of hits from Scotland?!

Will do but will they listen to someone from the arse end of nowhere? :) Come on you Reds (Adelaide variety).
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Today is ANZAC Day and a public holiday, as well as a day of remembrance. There is a print edition of The Oz, including the quiz but whoever looks after the web site has pissed off for a long-weekend so hasn't updated it. So here's one they prepared earlier, The equivalent Monday from last year, 27 April 2015.  6/10. Knew 1,2,5,6. Guessed 3 & 8. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/mind-games/quiz?quizId=1669&sectionId=1

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