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Did Stone Cold not say something similar when he left in '02? The parallels in the two cases, at least on the outside, are quite striking.

Just about everyone ends up back at some point, especially when there is money to be made. Few would have thought that Bret Hart and Ultimate Warrior would end up back with WWE, but it happened. Guys like Lesnar, Hogan, Hall, Nash and the Outlaws all ended up back with the WWE after being on bad terms for years. Savage is probably the only notable one who never returned.

Punk is very bitter at this time and rightly so. However, his return would do huge business for all parties involved. I'm sure Punk will be back one day. The odd comic book and Walking Dead gig won't pay the bills forever.

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Just about everyone ends up back at some point, especially when there is money to be made. Few would have thought that Bret Hart and Ultimate Warrior would end up back with WWE, but it happened. Guys like Lesnar, Hogan, Hall, Nash and the Outlaws all ended up back with the WWE after being on bad terms for years. Savage is probably the only notable one who never returned.

Punk is very bitter at this time and rightly so. However, his return would do huge business for all parties involved. I'm sure Punk will be back one day. The odd comic book and Walking Dead gig won't pay the bills forever.

Fortunately for him though, he's been far more intelligent with his money than your average 80s and 90s guy. His one major extravagance was a huge RV for going from city to city. And even then, I'd imagine that's long sold.

I think there would have to be major changes to see him in a wrestling ring again. The misdiagnosed staph infection thing, if true, means he's had a lucky escape and could have been severely damaged as well as potentially and unknowingly have infected other workers.

That's the most shocking thing about it all.

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So Punk has finally explained why he left then.

Given his self-proclaimed outspoken character, the lack of an explanation as to why he left made him seem hypocritical so well done to him for at last speaking out.

Listening to him it's no wonder he left.

I stopped tuning into the WWE in about 2006 but saw Punk's famous 2011 promo on Youtube and decided to start tuning in every week again. That was until last month. It's so shit that I just can't be bothered with it any more.

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He was always going to get it. Punk will know how important this could be for Colt, with the added ears for these two episodes he can flog his advertising space to bigger companies, and if he gets a few more regular listeners then jobs a good'un.

Agree completely with the last part. They still come through on my Podcast feed, but more often than not I check the name/description and shrug. A lot of his issues will come from three WWE sponsored podcasts (Jericho/Austin/JR) being on the market now, with the company sending top names to their three guys and blocking them from talking to Colt. Let's not forget that not so long ago Miz, Ziggler, Daniel Bryan et al were all on TAOW, and even Stone Cold before he started his own.

FWIW, I feel bad for Colt as he started this phenomenon and now the big guys with PodcastOne and WWE backing are muscling in with their "Are you tired of your season long fantasy football..." ads and pushing Colt out of the industry. Saying that I do listen to the Stone Cold/Jericho shows regularly, as the guests are usually top notch, so I clearly can't feel that bad.

Not listened to the Punk episode yet, but will do on my way home from work.

Very small point, but JR's podcast is far from 'WWE sponsored'. He's not allowed any current WWE personnel on his show.

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So Punk has finally explained why he left then.

Given his self-proclaimed outspoken character, the lack of an explanation as to why he left made him seem hypocritical so well done to him for at last speaking out.

I imagine that the silence until now was down to legal reasons.

Very small point, but JR's podcast is far from 'WWE sponsored'. He's not allowed any current WWE personnel on his show.

Ahh, hadn't realised that. Don't listen very often.

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Just about everyone ends up back at some point, especially when there is money to be made. Few would have thought that Bret Hart and Ultimate Warrior would end up back with WWE, but it happened. Guys like Lesnar, Hogan, Hall, Nash and the Outlaws all ended up back with the WWE after being on bad terms for years. Savage is probably the only notable one who never returned.

Punk is very bitter at this time and rightly so. However, his return would do huge business for all parties involved. I'm sure Punk will be back one day. The odd comic book and Walking Dead gig won't pay the bills forever.

No chance - Punk doesn't strike me as being the type of guy to let something like that go. And he's within his rights to. Not to mention Triple H isn't going to be very thrilled with this!

Not sure which is worse:

1) Sending him his termination papers on his wedding day

2) Making him wrestle with fucking MRSA.

*IF* he could get an offer that resonated with him from somebody like NJPW, once enough time has passed and presumably on a part-time basis - that's the only way I could see him wrestling again, but tbh I'd be amazed if that happened.

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Just a quick question as I've never actually given it much thought. Did Punk and Michaels ever work a match against each other?

I can't find anywhere that says they did, but I find it wierd that they were both active together in WWE for at least 3 or 4 years and wouldn't have. You'd imagine someone, somewhere would have fired those two in the ring and watched the magic happen.

Though that being said, I'd have thought the same of Punk and Jericho and their program was a massive disappointment for me.

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Just a quick question as I've never actually given it much thought. Did Punk and Michaels ever work a match against each other?

I can't find anywhere that says they did, but I find it wierd that they were both active together in WWE for at least 3 or 4 years and wouldn't have. You'd imagine someone, somewhere would have fired those two in the ring and watched the magic happen.

Though that being said, I'd have thought the same of Punk and Jericho and their program was a massive disappointment for me.

Don't think they were on the same show for very long. I think Punk came to Raw once ECW was done and they then made an arse of his first title run. Which resulted in him being chucked down the card and tbf he did win the Triple Crown during that time.... Then was off to Smackdown as it was still during the era of drafting.

Michaels was still flying high with top feuds. Flair, Batista, Jericho, JBL etc.... He took a break, came back for a final run as DX, then finished his career against Taker.

So if they did ever cross paths it would have been at a WWE Live event or a Royal Rumble maybe?

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Shuggie_Murray7, on 03 Dec 2014 - 01:37, said:

Switched it off when Vince said he was still in touch.

As poor as WWE is right now. As poor as WWE has ever been, I'd rather Vince McMahon in charge than anyone else, even if they showed more promise. Vince has the greatest mind, bar none in the business. Jim Ross is a close second, but even still, Vince is the be all and end all. I fear for the time when Triple H is allowed to go it alone.

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Yep. WWE is awful just now and because Vince is still the top guy it falls entirely on him. You can't tell me with the roster they have that the product wouldn't improve if the likes of (for example) Paul Heyman was given full control.

Granted there are worse guys who could be in charge (another Vince springs to mind) but from a storyline aspect at least there are many more "great wrestling minds" who I think could run the product in a better way.

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