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Ian Watkins

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Capital punishment isn't a deterrent and I never said it was ,however keeping somebody in prison for a crime they would have commited anyway no matter what the punishment is a complete waste of time and resources,what is the point in keeping Watkins in prison for the rest of his natural life ? This isn't about revenge it is about the nature of his crimes ,the guy is an evil sicko, wether it's his fault he is this way is another arguement but keeping him locked away for 50 years or whatever solves nothing.

I'd be interested to hear how you'd feel about capital punishment if it was you or a loved one who was in the dock for a crime that fell under the death penalty in this theoretical scenario. Would you still believe that revenge killing, backed up by economic savings to the taxpayers, was the ideal verdict?

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Capital punishment isn't a deterrent and I never said it was ,however keeping somebody in prison for a crime they would have commited anyway no matter what the punishment is a complete waste of time and resources,what is the point in keeping Watkins in prison for the rest of his natural life ? This isn't about revenge it is about the nature of his crimes ,the guy is an evil sicko, wether it's his fault he is this way is another arguement but keeping him locked away for 50 years or whatever solves nothing.

What problem is it not solving? An 'evil sicko' will be kept off the streets and won't be able to offend again. Surely that's this particular problem solved?

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I'd be interested to hear how you'd feel about capital punishment if it was you or a loved one who was in the dock for a crime that fell under the death penalty in this theoretical scenario. Would you still believe that revenge killing, backed up by economic savings to the taxpayers, was the ideal verdict?

You mean if I or a loved one had committed depraved sexual acts with a baby while being filmed?You'll forgive me if it's a little hard to put myself in this scenario.....If I had done it would you really care what I felt? And if a loved one had done it they wouldn't be loved anymore.

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You mean if I or a loved one had committed depraved sexual acts with a baby while being filmed?You'll forgive me if it's a little hard to put myself in this scenario.....If I had done it would you really care what I felt? And if a loved one had done it they wouldn't be loved anymore.

I purposefully avoided implying that, you'll find that I said "a crime that falls under the death penalty in this hypothetical scenario". For example, you live in Northern Ireland, don't you? Let's say your son shoots someone for going to a different school from him and that is punishable by death. Would you, in that case, still believe in the death penalty?

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I purposefully avoided implying that, you'll find that I said "a crime that falls under the death penalty in this hypothetical scenario". For example, you live in Northern Ireland, don't you? Let's say your son shoots someone for going to a different school from him and that is punishable by death. Would you, in that case, still believe in the death penalty?

I don't believe in the death penalty for a crime of that kind because crimes such as the one you're describing can be avoided ,shooting somebody for any reason can have a hundred reasons behind it political ,emotional ,greed etc... There are some crimes that basically there is no coming back from, a line of depravity if you will that no prison sentence or capital punishment will stop, if somebody goes out to shoot somebody then a whole life sentence in prison can act as a deterrent or a just punishment,

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I don't believe in the death penalty for a crime of that kind because crimes such as the one you're describing can be avoided ,shooting somebody for any reason can have a hundred reasons behind it political ,emotional ,greed etc... There are some crimes that basically there is no coming back from, a line of depravity if you will that no prison sentence or capital punishment will stop, if somebody goes out to shoot somebody then a whole life sentence in prison can act as a deterrent or a just punishment,

This doesn't make the least bit of sense. Locking a beast up for the rest of his or her natural life stops them from offending ever again.

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I think in certain cases the death penalty should still stand, surely if people knew they would be faced with death and not 20 years in prison they would think twice about murdering someone, if you murder someone on purpose then you deserve to die for it in my honest opinion. Obviously for cases where the motive was not crystal clear , or accidental or in defence then jail would be suitable. But if you purposely go out to kill someone then you deserve death yourself.

Obviously this whole Watkins thing is a different matter altogether, but for the absolutely horrific things he has done to kids/people, over a good period of time (it wasn't a one off instance although that makes it no better or worse just saying its in his nature) surely he should never be allowed to set foot outside the prison walls again.

I personally think in a barbaric way that if people like this were made an example of then other people with this psyche would control their urges more and it would make them think twice before ruining some inncoent childrens life.

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I think in certain cases the death penalty should still stand, surely if people knew they would be faced with death and not 20 years in prison they would think twice about murdering someone, if you murder someone on purpose then you deserve to die for it in my honest opinion.

That'll be why there's no murders in America*.

*states with the death penalty.

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There are some crimes that basically there is no coming back from, a line of depravity if you will that no prison sentence or capital punishment will stop, if somebody goes out to shoot somebody then a whole life sentence in prison can act as a deterrent or a just punishment,

And who draws this arbitrary line in the sand?

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As does the death penalty,

So we've established then that it really is just about satisfying your personal need for revenge then. Glad we cleared that up.

Put it this way, I'd never want the great British public to be in charge of deciding whether I should live or die.

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I think in certain cases the death penalty should still stand, surely if people knew they would be faced with death and not 20 years in prison they would think twice about murdering someone, if you murder someone on purpose then you deserve to die for it in my honest opinion. Obviously for cases where the motive was not crystal clear , or accidental or in defence then jail would be suitable. But if you purposely go out to kill someone then you deserve death yourself.

Obviously this whole Watkins thing is a different matter altogether, but for the absolutely horrific things he has done to kids/people, over a good period of time (it wasn't a one off instance although that makes it no better or worse just saying its in his nature) surely he should never be allowed to set foot outside the prison walls again.

I personally think in a barbaric way that if people like this were made an example of then other people with this psyche would control their urges more and it would make them think twice before ruining some inncoent childrens life.

That's chilling. At least you admit to your own barbaric instincts, but I really truly hope you don't honestly believe our own bloodthirsty rhetoric. What would you have done to him in yours and everyone else's name? Thumbscrews? Waterboarding? Public flogging?

You'll find the United Arab Emirates to be more to your tastes if that's your style.

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I personally think in a barbaric way that if people like this were made an example of then other people with this psyche would control their urges more and it would make them think twice before ruining some inncoent childrens life.

Sickos aren't going to think twice. Threat of the death penalty isn't a deterrent.

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That'll be why there's no murders in America*.

*states with the death penalty.

Think the easy access to guns over there has a lot to do with it. But then again my point still stands, if somebody purposely kills someone ala Lee Rigby case then they deserve to die too.

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I would say each case would merit an individual judgemnt ,it's a very dangerous road to go down with sweeping sentences especially in the case of the death penalty.

That's why it is a ridiculously outdated practice which is totally unwarranted in what we call our "civilised society".

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So we've established then that it really is just about satisfying your personal need for revenge then. Glad we cleared that up.

Put it this way, I'd never want the great British public to be in charge of deciding whether I should live or die.

Actually it isn't a personal need for revenge,I'm afraid I just don't worry myself with the rights of a guy like Ian Watkins,

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Think the easy access to guns over there has a lot to do with it. But then again my point still stands, if somebody purposely kills someone ala Lee Rigby case then they deserve to die too.

And here it is again, a random punter making a sweeping statement about who deserves life and who deserves death. If I turned around right now and said that you don't deserve to live I'd be (rightly) ostracised, but in this very thread we have people telling others that people who commit certain crimes "deserve death". Mental.

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Think the easy access to guns over there has a lot to do with it. But then again my point still stands, if somebody purposely kills someone ala Lee Rigby case then they deserve to die too.

They clearly don't, this isn't biblical times with an eye for an eye and all that. Society has moved on, and quite rightly would try and find the reason why this person killed another, and try to rehabilitate them.

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