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Ian Watkins

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Having read it, all I'd say is I wish I fucking hadn't.

The people getting on their high horse in a 'you can't wish x on someone who commited x' sorta way... Really?

I wouldn't wish that on anyone normally but there's a part of human nature that wants justice and equality and to hear of him suffering a horrible death or endless rapes wouldn't bother me in the slightest. I, and a lot of others - right or wrong - would be fucking glad of it.

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Got to the start of page four, could see the way it was going and i didn't want to go near that.

That case must have been a nightmare for the Jury, be hard to imagine how they are going to live a normal life after this case. Also the Judge and i'm sure Judges can get fairly hardened.

For the sometimes abuse Judges get you have to praise Judge Royce.

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I just can't get my head around something so vile and morbid, 35 years is fair enough in this case. The worry for me is that he'll influence like minded people in jail into doing these acts when they get released as he is a manipulative and controlling person.

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He's going to held in Wakefield Prison. Among his fellow inmates are the Crossbow Cannibal (serial murderer Stephen Griffiths), Stuart Hazell, Mick Philpott, one of the guys who killed Baby P, Robert Black, Mark Bridger (who killed April Jones) and Levi Bellfield, who murdered Milly Dowler.

F*ck being a prison officer in that place.

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Nope, its barbaric. Life in prison is the correct answer. I know it is 35 years but I doubt he would ever be released if he lives that long.

Nothing barbaric about it people like him should be executed, they're animals who can never be trusted .

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When I was on jury duty they read out the circumstances of the case before picking the jury. It was a particularly nasty assault case. That was bad enough for me and I didn't even get picked to be on the jury. f**k reading a court report of this case. Somethings you're better off not knowing imo.

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These kind of threads always spark off the old capital punishment debate. Phrases like "hangings too good for these evil b*****ds" invariably get trotted out ad naseum.

Given that most would probably consider that being banged up alongside some of the nations most evil psychopaths (especially in a place like Wakefield!) is a fate worse than death, should people like Ian Watkins be given the option of euthanasia, or assisted suicide?

The cost of keeping guys like that - who are presumably on 24 hour suicide watch - banged up for 30 years or more, must be absolutely astronomical.

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When I read some of the things in the article my stomach was turning, especially at how little remorse the guy has. Deserves the lengthy sentence TBH as if he gets capital punishment it is over in minutes, life is life. Dirty rotten b*****d.

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Does this mean we can start listening to Gary Glitter again?

Oddly enough I went on Amazon yesterday to see if they were still selling lostprophets CDs given that HMV had removed them from their stores and after checking out some of the latest reviews ("You paid for this paedo to molest kids" or something like that) my Amazon recommendations updated to suggest I purchase a load of Gary Glitter music :ph34r:

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Got to the start of page four, could see the way it was going and i didn't want to go near that.

That case must have been a nightmare for the Jury, be hard to imagine how they are going to live a normal life after this case. Also the Judge and i'm sure Judges can get fairly hardened.

For the sometimes abuse Judges get you have to praise Judge Royce.

He pled guilty. There was no need for a jury.

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These kind of threads always spark off the old capital punishment debate. Phrases like "hangings too good for these evil b*****ds" invariably get trotted out ad naseum.

Given that most would probably consider that being banged up alongside some of the nations most evil psychopaths (especially in a place like Wakefield!) is a fate worse than death, should people like Ian Watkins be given the option of euthanasia, or assisted suicide?

The cost of keeping guys like that - who are presumably on 24 hour suicide watch - banged up for 30 years or more, must be absolutely astronomical.

Capital punishment is wrong, has always been wrong and will always be wrong. We are not savages. I do, however, believe in the idea of full life term sentences for certain crimes. Though they aren't used all that often in the UK, we do have them.

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