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Couldn't find anything to watch on cheap Sky, so bunged the new version of Hawaii 5 0. What utter low budget formulaic shite, you don't even get any nice shots of Hawaii, could be in Baltimore. I know the old one wasn't great when I saw it as a kid, but at least it didn't take itself seriously.

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Couldn't find anything to watch on cheap Sky, so bunged the new version of Hawaii 5 0. What utter low budget formulaic shite, you don't even get any nice shots of Hawaii, could be in Baltimore. I know the old one wasn't great when I saw it as a kid, but at least it didn't take itself seriously.

I enjoy it, I think it's one of the better "crime of the week" programmes. I've enjoyed the current season, although it was better when they had a story running through the season(Steve trying to find out what really happened to his mother and Wo Fat's involvement). I feel it's taken itself less seriously since they've included Jerry (the fat guy from Lost)

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Wow, Death in Paradise, the best or possibly worst show ever to be shown on UK television is back on tonight at 8pm on Alibi (ch 132 on sky). Same rules apply, whoever guesses the murderer first gets a greenie from every contestant, somebody got 2 once so concentrate people! Tonight's episode features the much superior earlier lead of Ben Miller, so as I have probably seen it before I will not take part after the start, but will merely leave a random bet from the cast list, Roger Seymour acted by James Cosmo. Good luck everybody!

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Close finish that, but as the man I suspected to be the murderer turned out to be the victim, I win by default. Wee Hee! GTF losers! P.S. That means you Mozza!

Edited by welshbairn
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Cucumber on Channel 4 last night was a stunning bit of drama.

Russell T Davies has still got it.

As good as that episode was the next two that followed were absolute horseshit. Utterly dreadful way to end the series.

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You're Back In The Room. What a load of shite. Unbelievably bad yet I can't turn it off.

Worst program I've seen in a while.my 9 year old daughter is in hysterics watching it.says it all really.absolute,faked shite.

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The Big Painting Challenge on the Beeb just now. Presented by Una Stubbs and Richard Bacon.

What the actual f**k??

Mind you it did just produce this masterpiece.

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Saw that too :lol: No idea why Una is on it, thought her interests were for a much later time slot.. :blink:

Now I'm watching "Hell below Zero" on Channel 4, a murder mystery romp on a whaling ship. I'm convinced the attractive female harpoonist is a young Natalie Bennett, now leader of the Green Party.

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Richard III's bones are getting dragged around Leicester at the mo on C4. No idea if he murdered his nephews, but it seems a bit nasty to inter a Catholic with the religious order founded by the Tudors, the family who had him killed. Bet he would rather have stayed in the car park.

P.S. Some C4 presenter bint just told a couple of Brazilian tourists that their land hadn't been discovered when Dick3 died. I have to disagree.

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An audience of 50 year old housewives clapping along to "I predict a riot" on The Voice.

What a fucking species.

:lol: Thankfully I don't see much of that as I only watch it to see the guy that regularly plays in my local, then change the channel as soon as he's done :lol: Edited by alang1993
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