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1 hour ago, 19QOS19 said:

Just back. Absolutely incredible place. Loved every minute. Refuse to believe there are folk who take no joy from visiting. I'll put most of my trip in spoiler tags for any first time visitors wanting some ideas. My first time there and we're happy with what we got done in 4 days. 


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As a lot of folk have said, the train is a breeze to get from Newark. Just buy your ticket before you head to the shuttle (NJ Transit but I think Amtrak does the same job). It's $15.50 single and doesn't take too long. Mind it's Penn St and not Newark Penn you get off. OMNY seems to be the new thing being pushed in the Subway but we just opted for a weekly ticket. $33 for unlimited travel was great value IMO. It seems to be $2.75 per single so it pays for itself in no time (especially if you make an arse of it and travel in the wrong direction on occasion...). Would highly recommend downloading the CityMapper app before you go. Free and very simple to navigate. Would probably have struggled a wee bit had I not downloaded it. 






Katz Deli - pastrami on rye with cheese and mustard was incredible. We had to share one sandwich between us as it was massive. We arrived about 10am, ate the sandwich and never had anything else to eat until early evening. Was around $35 with drinks but literally filled us for the entire day with half a sandwich. Great value. 



99¢ Pizza - there's still a few of these around and it was pretty much our staple. The size of slice you get for about 80p was mental, especially when you compare it to how much you pay for a whole pizza over here. They were surprisingly filling as well and much like Katz's, after a slice we were full for hours. 



We only went to one restaurant and it was in Little Italy. We wanted to see as much as we could so found dollar slice the way to go rather than sitting for an hour or so each time we were hungry. I will take in a nice restaurant next time though and did plan on going to Club A Steakhouse. It was the only thing we hoped to do that we failed to. 






Central Park - First day we went a wander in here. Spent about an hour and a half walking around and barely scratched the surface. Entered at the Plaza and got as far as Alice in Wonderland. When I looked later it was about a quarter of the way we made it. You could spend a whole day here quite easily. Definitely takes the pace of the City out somewhat and a great place to chill. Would be magic in the summer. 



Top of The Rock - Opted for this one and ended up going about 6pm. Great time IMO as we saw it lit up with the sun just setting. Got some brilliant photos with the one posted probably the highlight. Only gripe was the fucking bitch at the entrance who was particularly rude when I tried to ask her for advice. If I wasn't arsed about which skyline tour I wanted to do I'd have left for the Empire State. Great views though and would recommend. Getting down wasn't the most smooth process though, not sure if there was a lift out or what. 



9/11 Museum - This was 'brilliant' but very heavy. We spent 4 hours here and it could have been a lot longer tbh. We opted to get the headphone guide as well for an extra $10 and felt it was well worth it as you did get extra info. not posted around the place. Was a variety of emotions throughout from anger, sadness to huge levels of respect to the people who did so much good. There's a section where they honoured the dogs where I was about crying from 'pride'. Incredible creatures and a lovely part of the tour. I won't give anything else away but highly recommend you give this a visit. 



Circle Line Boat Tour - We opted for the City Lights night tour. 7pm-9pm. This was excellent. We actually upgraded which gave you FastTrack and comfier seats. It guaranteed you an indoor seat as well, though we were free to go where we wanted if we chose to. Really enjoyed this. Incredible views with a very informative and funny tour guide who spoke for most of the journey. That sounds like it should be awful but he was that good that I was more disappointed when he wasn't speaking. They touched on 9/11 here again as well as some of the harsh realities of Ellis Island as well. That part made for quite an emotional journey as well. But well worth it. It's the closest you can get to the Statue of Liberty without being on the island as well. Found the SoL quite breathtaking, I have to say. Something that I've never really appreciated until this trip. A gorgeous statue and a very touching symbol. 



Book of Mormon - So much to choose from but we booked this before we travelled. Had no intention of standing in a queue for hours so paid full price. This was brilliant. Laughed throughout and it was a ridiculously quick 2 hours. Probably the best show I've ever seen. 



Brooklyn Bridge - Did this in about half an hour and was great for views. You get amazing shots of (IMO the much nicer) Manhattan Bridge as well. The folk at either end of the bridge were selling magnets and keychains for pennies as well. Far cheaper than around Times Square so I'd recommend holding off until there to load up. 



Brooklyn - Didn't get as much time here as I'd have liked but loved the experience nonetheless. Pretty much the same for Harlem/Chelsea/Lower East side/Meat Packing District. It's amazing how different these places are yet they're so close to the heart of Manhatten. It was far more chilled and more my scene. When I go back I think I'd feel confident looking for hotels here rather than in the centre of Manhatten. Next time I'll venture further out for sure, in particular Queens. But content with what we got to see. 



To summarise, this is as good as folk make out. A fantastic City and probably my new favourite place in the world. The negatives for me are the people can be quite brash at times but I think that comes with living in a big City. But it's not as bad the further out from Manhattan where it's more chilled. You have to visit Times Square but once you've seen it for an hour or so go away and experience the City for real without all the tourist traps. I have to admit that Times Square and slightly surrounding areas were my least favourite part of the trip (as much as I did enjoy visiting though). The smell of weed was actually becoming annoying tbh. I think it's now legal to buy it for medicinal purposes now which probably doesn't help but if there's an argument to be made for not legalising it here then NYC is a great example. Absolutely fucking stinking. A lot of folk have said not to take the Subway everywhere as you can miss a lot. I do understand that but would have to say, don't underappreciate the Subway. You do a helluva walking so take the chance to use Subway if you have a few blocks to travel to give yourself a rest. I'm 33 and pretty healthy but my calves and feet are in absolute agony still today. I thought 3 nights might not be enough but I think it's a great number. I could have easily filled another day but given how sore I am today, I'm happy we were heading home. 3 nights is a decent amount of time IMO. 


Really can't wait to go back when my girls are of an age where they can do the walking required. A great place. 





Glad you enjoyed it.

Totally agree about the smell of weed, there are bits of 8th Ave that fucking stink

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Great report @19QOS19

We got back yesterday afternoon. This time we did;

Flew Inverness - Heathrow - Newark with BA.

Stayed at Hotel Indigo in the Lower East Side. Great location and really nice hotel. Would definitely recommend.

We also saw Book of Mormon and it was absolutely fantastic. Really funny.

We did viewing observatory at One World Trade Centre. It was fine not value for money imo.

We ate at Lombardi's (pizza), Quality Meats (steak), Taverna Di Bacco (Italian) Boucherie (French) Katz Deli (breakfast) North Dumplings (Chinese dumplings) Eileen's Special Cheesecake (cheesecakes) Yonah Shimmel (Knish Bakery) Sarabeths (breakfast) Magnolia Bakery (cupcakes)

Loved all the food.

We did lots of walking and just enjoying the surroundings. Spent a lot of time in the Lower East Side. My favourite area. We also walked the Highline again. Used the subway a lot too. 

5th visit and can't wait to get back.

@Rugster hated the weed smell too. Didn't bother me.

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Do Inverness only do indirect flights, out of interest? Overheard a lassie behind us on the way home saying she was to drive back to Aberdeen when we landed (Embra). Couldn't believe she never went from Inverness. 

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5 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

Do Inverness only do indirect flights, out of interest? Overheard a lassie behind us on the way home saying she was to drive back to Aberdeen when we landed (Embra). Couldn't believe she never went from Inverness. 


We flew back JFK-Manchester-Inverness with Aer Lingus and Loganair. 6 hour layover in Manchester Airport after no sleep = never again! 

Don't like doing Glasgow/Edinburgh as it either involves a very tired drive home up A9 or a night in a hotel down the road.

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57 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

Do Inverness only do indirect flights, out of interest? Overheard a lassie behind us on the way home saying she was to drive back to Aberdeen when we landed (Embra). Couldn't believe she never went from Inverness. 

To be fair Edinburgh to Aberdeen is probably a preferable drive than Inverness to Aberdeen. Don’t let the distance fool you, it’s about the same drive time and a far better road from Edinburgh. 

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On 23/02/2023 at 20:54, 19QOS19 said:

Do Inverness only do indirect flights, out of interest? Overheard a lassie behind us on the way home saying she was to drive back to Aberdeen when we landed (Embra). Couldn't believe she never went from Inverness. 

It seems very odd not to have just gone from Aberdeen surely? Generally if you're doing a one stop at Heathrow it's pretty much the same price going from any of the Scottish airports indirect.

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19 hours ago, paul wright scores said:

Has anyone done a tour of the Madison Square Gardens?

If so is it worth doing/seeing?

I did, but it was about 20 years ago. It was a great tour, tho, we had a really entertaining guide, we got to walk around the corporate boxes and the Knicks changing room, got down on the court and stuff. I assume it would've been more NYR themed if we'd gone in the winter. I thought it was worth the time/money but again, 20 years ago.

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On 27/02/2023 at 21:46, paul wright scores said:

Has anyone done a tour of the Madison Square Gardens?

If so is it worth doing/seeing?

Done it twice. First time you could get into the locker rooms and take photos. 2nd time, with my lad you couldn't. For me the first time was much better my lad enjoyed it nonetheless.

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14 minutes ago, michakamp said:

Stay safe! Can happen anywhere these days.

The only thing i really like in NY is Central Park, but never been there in winter


Was only there 4 days but felt safe the whole time tbh. Was convinced a Chinese man was about to get shot in Chinatown mind you. A cop car was following him and told him to pull over, which he did but then he got out the car and went right up to the cop car. He was being shouted at over the speaker to get back in his car but he wouldn't listen. Honestly thought he was going to get shot. The poor fecker obviously couldn't speak English as he was trying to grab people to translate for him. 

A guy approached me while we were watching a crane lift shit up/the disruption it was causing on the streets. He asked if I was ok and I told him I was just watching. He then said that if I needed ANYTHING to come to him as he knew everything around there and where to find him at his spot :lol:

I can't say there was any point where I felt unsafe. The Subway can be a bit mental as are a few locals but no one was threatening nor did we see anything violent. 

As you say, it can happen anywhere at any time though. 


Out of interest - were there as many cops when you all visited? I genuinely saw more cops in 4 days in NYC than I've seen on the streets here in about a year. I don't know if it was because it was Presidents weekend or if that's the norm but it was also reassuring from a safety point of view (because I'm a white male...). 

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51 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:




Out of interest - were there as many cops when you all visited? I genuinely saw more cops in 4 days in NYC than I've seen on the streets here in about a year. I don't know if it was because it was Presidents weekend or if that's the norm but it was also reassuring from a safety point of view (because I'm a white male...). 

It's the norm. I'm pretty sure Giuliani vowed to put "a cop on every corner" to tidy up the city during his tenure.

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I went twice, two years apart during Giuliani's reign, and the difference, even then, was striking. Even around the Times Square area there were all manner of sketchy characters hanging around after dark, who were properly threatening.

The area was also rife with adult cinemas, sex shops, etc. The number of adult themed businesses that had disappeared and been replaced by legitimate stores during that two year span was unreal. I've been back in the past couple of years and it's like Disneyland now compared to the 1990s, and by all accounts it was worse if you go further back than that.

Edited by Dirty Sanchez
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  • 3 weeks later...

Heading back in November to visit my niece for this first time since the pandemic. Staying at thr River Plaza Times Square this timeif anyone has been there? I believe its quite new. There is a Duane Reade next door for my 4 cans of medicine while watching Jimmy Fallon, so I'm happy.

Saw the Rangers at MSG last time, so hoping to take in a basketball match this time. Other than that, happy to just get a Cinnabon and get some Tylenol. I keep saying I am going to go to the natural history museum but I never seem to make it. Maybe this time.

Anyway, I have Krakow in a couple of weeks first to think about.

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  • 2 months later...


Just read about this on Facebook. I'm sure some of you have been here when you were in New York. I loved the place, so I am gutted as I was looking forward to eating here later in the year. Food was always good.

My last visit was a bit shit though, We had this really loud family with annoying children right behind us.

Olive Garden and Applebees it is then, said no-one ever.

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On 26/03/2023 at 20:53, Musketeer Gripweed said:

Heading back in November to visit my niece for this first time since the pandemic. Staying at thr River Plaza Times Square this timeif anyone has been there? I believe its quite new. There is a Duane Reade next door for my 4 cans of medicine while watching Jimmy Fallon, so I'm happy.

Saw the Rangers at MSG last time, so hoping to take in a basketball match this time. Other than that, happy to just get a Cinnabon and get some Tylenol. I keep saying I am going to go to the natural history museum but I never seem to make it. Maybe this time.

Anyway, I have Krakow in a couple of weeks first to think about.

Are you staying at the Riu Plaza on 8th and W46th Street. I have stayed there three times. Great hotel, friendly staff and check in and check out are a breeze.

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22 hours ago, OnceARoverAlwaysARover said:

Are you staying at the Riu Plaza on 8th and W46th Street. I have stayed there three times. Great hotel, friendly staff and check in and check out are a breeze.

That's the one. Thanks for letting me know. Are the breakfasts good? The Marriott Marquis one was a rip off when we stayed there as they charged extra for anything cooked. Always wary of hotels doing that now.

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On 04/06/2023 at 21:03, Musketeer Gripweed said:

That's the one. Thanks for letting me know. Are the breakfasts good? The Marriott Marquis one was a rip off when we stayed there as they charged extra for anything cooked. Always wary of hotels doing that now.

Not a breakfast person but it was always busy each morning and seemed to have all the typical breakfast things.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm going Toronto Octoper 13th for 4 days then NYC for 3 days. I've just secured tickets for the NY Knicks, I might get tickets for an ice hockey game too, I wanted baseball or NFL but that's all that's on offer. 

I'm presuming even though Basketball is the most boring spectator sport ever they might have some good scran and it's the maddison square place so hoping it's worth it no matter how boring the sport is. 

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