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People who have changed from undecided/no to yes


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Mate of mine has converted to Yesism. This guy used to be a bit of a Britnat and a big time UKIP voter. My jaw hit the floor when he published his revised opinion.

Did he actually manage to stop and think about it? You should try .......

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according to galloway he was victim of abuse regularly for growing up a dundee catholic.... make from that what you will

There was a bit of a joke about George asking Willie McKelvey "Why do people take an instant dislike to me?"

The reply was "Because it saves time".

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Don't know who the guy in the audience was who asked 'If we can be better together then why aren't we?' but he pushed two undecideds into the Yes camp last night.

Take a bow son!

Some of the questions last night not only overcame the usual standard of watching through your fingers cringeworthiness, but were actually quite good.

The Nye Bevan woman delivering the smackdown on Darling was particularly good.

A proper JZqsu.gif moment.

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To all you undecided voters here is a little more information regards revenue.

Whisky is one of the UK’s top 5 export earners!!

We talk a lot about oil revenue and rightly so, but I discovered this online.
It is from scotchwhisky.org (The Scotch Whisky association’s own website)

This was dated 2013 so is very recent:

  • Exports generated £4.3 billion for the UK balance of trade.
  • Exports earned £135 every second.
  • 40 bottles were shipped overseas each second.
  • 96 million cases were exported worldwide.
  • Laid end to end they would stretch more than 30,000kms - or about six times the distance between Edinburgh and New York.
  • Around 10,000 are directly employed in the Scotch Whisky industry - many in economically deprived areas.
  • Over 35,000 jobs across the UK are supported by the industry.
  • About £1 billion contributed to the Exchequer in taxes.
  • Some 20 million casks lie maturing in warehouses in Scotland.
  • To be Scotch Whisky, the spirit must mature in oak casks in Scotland for at
    least 3 years.
  • 109 distilleries are licensed to produce Scotch Whisky.

Did you know?

  • Scotch Whisky accounts for a quarter of UK food and drink exports.
  • Scotch Whisky is sold in around 200 markets worldwide.
  • Scotch Whisky sells three times its nearest rival whisky.
  • Drinkers in the UK often choose to enjoy it with just a little water, but in Spain they mix it with cola. In Japan Scotch is enjoyed with lots of water and ice, and in China with cold green tea.
  • More Scotch is sold in one month in France than Cognac in a year

I hope this may sway you in one direction...please vote yes, change Scotland for the better

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Some of the questions last night not only overcame the usual standard of watching through your fingers cringeworthiness, but were actually quite good.

The Nye Bevan woman delivering the smackdown on Darling was particularly good.

A proper JZqsu.gif moment.

Darling's problem on social issues is he's not a very Labour Labour politician. Smart edinburgh political family background etc. You'd never have classed him as a 'campaigner' type as somebody like Galloway is. I can't believe he gives two stuffs about the NHS or has a principled stance on healthcare. I'm sure he's wealthy enough to not care too much about it's dismantling, privatisation and eventual abolition.
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Darling's problem on social issues is he's not a very Labour Labour politician. Smart edinburgh political family background etc. You'd never have classed him as a 'campaigner' type as somebody like Galloway is. I can't believe he gives two stuffs about the NHS or has a principled stance on healthcare. I'm sure he's wealthy enough to not care too much about it's dismantling, privatisation and eventual abolition.

I actually think the 2 wtf interventions from the audience did more for YES than all the contributions from politicians in the MSM over the whole campaign.

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Did he actually manage to stop and think about it? You should try .......

I openly admit that Scotland would benefit from self-rule. Still voting No.

Are you still a Yes Mr Bairn?

No. I was thinking of voting Yes for a week or two then came to my senses.

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I openly admit that Scotland would benefit from self-rule. Still voting No.

No. I was thinking of voting Yes for a week or two then came to my senses.

Good good.

I would much rather Scotland became independent in spite of you as to because of you.

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The "wee blue book" has convinced a workmate to jump from undecided to yes, and his son from no to yes.

Another fella who is leaning toward yes has taken it away for a read. I'd be surprised if he doesn't move toward a likely yes.

I'll save the unionist comeback on this like "inaccurate" "propaganda" "campbell doesnae have a vote" with a solid couldnae give a f**k. Sure it's "propaganda", but for a side of things barely touched upon elsewhere. It's effective and popular. 8)

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I cannae get my head round people saying they'll vote No because they can't stand Salmond. He'll be gone within a few years - same as I will. When folk vote on this they should be looking generations ahead not fuckin months. We will all die - even Eck.

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I cannae get my head round people saying they'll vote No because they can't stand Salmond. He'll be gone within a few years - same as I will. When folk vote on this they should be looking generations ahead not fuckin months. We will all die - even Eck.

Aye baffles me as well, you would think it was a vote to make Salmond lord high emperor of Scotland for life. Best way to get rid of him would be to vote Yes he would probably retire after one term as Scotlands PM (assuming he won the first election) as he would of achieved his life's work and want to go out on a high.

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