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And Suriname.

Memorise those three, some Oscar winners and a bunch of obscure 18th century prime ministers and you're a shoo-in.

Earl of Liverpool.

I remember it cos some older posh guy got a pointless answer because it was his wife's favourite PM....

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This doesn't inspire me with confidence that it was a neutral summary:

I think Putin is probably playing a blinder if his ambitions are limited to Crimea. Scare the world about all the nukes lying about, mention the other "Russian" parts of Ukraine that might need an intervention, offer Ukraine to leave them alone in exchange for Crimea (which they've only had for a few decades because Krushchev lost a bet at poker when he was a bit pished). Ukraine relievedly accepts, and and Putin keeps his naval base and access to the Mediterranean. Heroic gain for Putin back in Mother Russia, and Europe happy that the gas and oligarchs' money is still flowing. Bit of shit from the Yanks, but who cares. Not a lot of trade of these days.

Realpolitik at work as per, yep reckon that's how it will go down.

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Putins current goal with the Crimea is to have it an autonomous part of Ukraine that feels itself needy of Russia protection but its numbers adding to the Russophilic numbers of East Ukraine. His posturing and missile firing are for a domestic audience only. The US needs a big muscle flex but cannot put the current Med carrier group into the Black Sea due to treaty restrictions and its tactical impotence there. But Putin needs to be engaged in a draw down before western intervention makes it look like he is backing down. The end game is for Russian forces to go to their bases in Crimea with it being semi detached from Ukraine but still influential. US and Russian domestic audiences thinking their boss has won and Ukraine having been played like a fiddle by various parties.

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Putin's End Game ? - Crimean referendum brought forward to March 16th which will ask whether they want to join Russia. Kiev wont recognise this.

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Putin's End Game ? - Crimean referendum brought forward to March 16th which will ask whether they want to join Russia. Kiev wont recognise this.

imagine letting this autonomous state vote on their future...Commie b*****ds!

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imagine letting this autonomous state vote on their future...Commie b*****ds!

You cant hold any sort of vote in the current state IMO. Get the Russians back in their bases in the Crimea remove the naval blockade and then hold the vote, letting UN Observers in to keep the peace.

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You cant hold any sort of vote in the current state IMO. Get the Russians back in their bases in the Crimea remove the naval blockade and then hold the vote, letting UN Observers in to keep the peace.

makes no difference to the outcome of the vote?
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makes no difference to the outcome of the vote?

Alright then so the presence of the Russian Military sorry "local volunteers" wont either make people not even bother voting or voting to unite with Russia?

Ukraine has already said any vote would be illegal and illegitimate.

Edited to add link, (America Responds) - http://bigstory.ap.org/article/us-announces-visa-restrictions-russians

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