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Malaysia Airlines flight MH370

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Fotbawmad has previous for this sort of tinfoil hat stuff. He once posted a video and used the phrase "well respected YouTube Truther" to legitimise the claims made by some American weirdo still living in his mother's basement.

I mean just look at this. FUCKING LOOK AT IT:

As for my own theory I think it most likely had something to do with the BRICS meeting the day beforehand. They set up their own bank to rival the IMF, which is funding the Nazi regime in Ukraine. The dollar standard is slipping and the people who own the Federal Reserve know it. The big worry is are they willing to start WW3 to protect it. After all, they went to war with Iraq and Libya to protect the petro dollar status, and it's the reason why we've had such strong anti-Iranian rhetoric over the years. I think the answer is most likely they won't start WW3. I think there plan will be to let the current system collapse and try and try and replace it with a new system which is favourable to them, but there is no knowing what will truly happen.

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I truly feel sorry for people like Fotbawmad and Clyde Newcomer. Life must feel like being constantly stuck in a shite X Files episode.

Pretty bad the Sky reporter rifling through people's personal belongings at the crash site live on air.

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Fotbawmad has previous for this sort of tinfoil hat stuff. He once posted a video and used the phrase "well respected YouTube Truther" to legitimise the claims made by some American weirdo still living in his mother's basement.

I mean just look at this. FUCKING LOOK AT IT:

Before that point that was my evidence for why I feel it was most likely the Ukrainians who launched the missile. If it turns out I was wrong, I'll simply have to shrug my shoulders and say I called it wrong, but only time will tell. The part you quoted was why I think it happened, and yes you can't speculate about why without turning it into a so called "conspiracy theory". However, the likelihood is your an ignorant f**k when it comes to understanding how the world really works, and have probably never heard of the institutions I just mentioned never mind understand how they work. So it's no surprise it either sounds scary or absurd concept to you. Mind you, you were probably one the people who dismissed the Boston Bombings last year. Despite being shown clear cut evidence of fake Hollywood explosions. Sheeple will be sheeple I guess.

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Before that point that was my evidence for why I feel it was most likely the Ukrainians who launched the missile. If it turns out I was wrong, I'll simply have to shrug my shoulders and say I called it wrong, but only time will tell. The part you quoted was why I think it happened, and yes you can't speculate about why without turning it into a so called "conspiracy theory". However, the likelihood is your an ignorant f**k when it comes to understanding how the world really works, and have probably never heard of the institutions I just mentioned never mind understand how they work. So it's no surprise it either sounds scary or absurd concept to you. Mind you, you were probably one the people who dismissed the Boston Bombings last year. Despite being shown clear cut evidence of fake Hollywood explosions. Sheeple will be sheeple I guess.


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I want to make it clear when the event first happened there was a lot of speculation and misinformation, which always happens during these tragedies. There was speculation like an attempted assassination on Putin and even killing a passenger because they recently found a cure for cancer :blink:

When it comes to spotting false flags, the first thing I look out for is the authorities quick to blame or bring forward an agenda. When it was not clear what happened or who done it (like with the 3 Israeli teenagers a few weeks ago). Then you want to look to see if any dodgy legislation gets passed by government shortly afterwards, because the chances are that bill was written weeks, months or years beforehand. Government investigations are notoriously slow and careful. Meaning something of this magnitude would usually take months and sometimes years to complete, and all the evidence would be released to the public afterwards.

When I first heard about the crash. My first instinct was to question why an airliner would fly over such a region? Then it was to question if it malfunctioned and crashed or was it shot down? If it was shot down, then by whom? Did they shoot it down by accident? If not why?

As for flying over such a region it turns out the Ukrainian authorities diverted it over the region and then told it to lower it's altitude by 2000 feet.

It was definitely shot down, it was confirmed the plane was in full working order beforehand.

The evidence points towards the Ukrainian's doing it, with the intention of blaming it on the Russian's

It was definitely not an accident. Why? Because audio between a "supposed" rebel commander and Russian general. Talking about the event after it just happened, was time stamped the day beforehand. Not only that, an independent expert confirmed the file had two different audio streams. Proving it had been edited. Lastly, I'm pretty sure such high level people like that would have their phone calls encrypted.

To me the most damning evidence of all is the tweets coming out from the Spanish air traffic controller, which were deleted not long after, but you can't delete truly delete something once it's uploaded online.


0:21 – 17 de jul. de 2014

Kiev Authorities, trying to make it look like an attack by pro-Russians.

10:25 – 17 de jul. de 2014

[Miitary] has taken control of Air Traffic Control in Kiev.

0:35 – 17 de jul. de 2014

They are threatening us in the control tower at Kiev airport.

11:48 – 17 de jul. de 2014

The B777 plane flew escorted by Ukraine jet fighter until 2 minutes before disappearing from the radar.

11:54 – 17 de jul. de 2014

2 jet fighters flew very close minutes before; wasn’t downed by a fighter.

12:01 – 17 de jul. de 2014

Shot down by Kiev. Here we know it and military air traffic control also.

13:31 – 17 de jul. de 2014

Military confirm It was Ukraine, but still does not know where the order came from.

15:26 – 17 de jul. de 2014

The report indicates where the missile had come out [from], and specified it is not from the rebel areas.
16:06 – 17 de jul. de 2014
Military commanders here (ATC) control tower, confirm that the missile is from the Ukranian army.

Quo Bono?

This is probably the most important question of all, and the most crucial aspect of that is are they mad enough to do it, as most people wrongly focus on if a side was bad enough to do it. The Ukrainian's and the West have far more to gain from staging this event, than the rebels and Russian's. It's a good way to increase the cold war rhetoric and try to isolate it and put more sanctions on Russia. Like with Obama's Executive Order which banned imports of AK47's. If the Russian's did it, wouldn't they increase their rhetoric about wanting to intervene in the conflict? Which to me looks inevitable at some point, and I doubt Putin would need a false flag to justify an invasion like he needed with Chechnya.

As for my own theory I think it most likely had something to do with the BRICS meeting the day beforehand. They set up their own bank to rival the IMF, which is funding the Nazi regime in Ukraine. The dollar standard is slipping and the people who own the Federal Reserve know it. The big worry is are they willing to start WW3 to protect it. After all, they went to war with Iraq and Libya to protect the petro dollar status, and it's the reason why we've had such strong anti-Iranian rhetoric over the years. I think the answer is most likely they won't start WW3. I think there plan will be to let the current system collapse and try and try and replace it with a new system which is favourable to them, but there is no knowing what will truly happen.

^^ I fucking LOVE the internet! :wub:

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Before that point that was my evidence for why I feel it was most likely the Ukrainians who launched the missile. If it turns out I was wrong, I'll simply have to shrug my shoulders and say I called it wrong, but only time will tell. The part you quoted was why I think it happened, and yes you can't speculate about why without turning it into a so called "conspiracy theory". However, the likelihood is your an ignorant f**k when it comes to understanding how the world really works, and have probably never heard of the institutions I just mentioned never mind understand how they work. So it's no surprise it either sounds scary or absurd concept to you. Mind you, you were probably one the people who dismissed the Boston Bombings last year. Despite being shown clear cut evidence of fake Hollywood explosions. Sheeple will be sheeple I guess.

Let my try and summarise YOUR version of 'how the world really works'.

There are tens of thousands of journalists out there, they are all part of a big conspiracy called the 'MainStream Media'. All of these people are in on it and you don't get honest journalists anywhere.

Despite independants such as al jazeera reporting the exact same stuff the western press is, none of it can be trusted.

That's why you get all your info from random punters on the internet, they're much more trustworthy and you can always ntrust them, despite countries like China who have fascist policies and freely admit to employing over a million people to monitor the internet, edit postings on some websites and make other postings on other websites.

That's why you believe things like the story of the Spanish aircraft controller. The original story said he was deported from the ukraine so where is it you think he is now?

The hillarious thing is you call other folks 'sheeple' because you think they're gullable and you have a much better understanding of the world than they do.

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Fotbawmad seems like he's pretty on top of things.

Which makes me wonder, who really is this guy?

I'm guessing paid CIA disinformation agent, trying to detract from the truther/ research community movement, who despite everyone else being up to their eyeballs in spectacular delusion and military-industrial-complex propaganda, are on to something.

Paul Wellstone was murdered for this reason. Also, sheeple who vaccinate their kids are equally to blame for 9/11 which was a Mossad conspiracy because Mossad run ISIS.

Edited by Savage Henry
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Let my try and summarise YOUR version of 'how the world really works'.

There are tens of thousands of journalists out there, they are all part of a big conspiracy called the 'MainStream Media'. All of these people are in on it and you don't get honest journalists anywhere.

Despite independants such as al jazeera reporting the exact same stuff the western press is, none of it can be trusted.

That's why you get all your info from random punters on the internet, they're much more trustworthy and you can always ntrust them, despite countries like China who have fascist policies and freely admit to employing over a million people to monitor the internet, edit postings on some websites and make other postings on other websites.

That's why you believe things like the story of the Spanish aircraft controller. The original story said he was deported from the ukraine so where is it you think he is now?

The hillarious thing is you call other folks 'sheeple' because you think they're gullable and you have a much better understanding of the world than they do.

I'm not for calling folk sheeple, you can believe what you want but you've got to surely see that mainstream media outlets are very selective in what they report?

There are honest journalists, of course there are, the problem is a lot of the time that they need to toe the party line, they have bosses telling them what to do too.

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I don't think there's anything wrong with being extremely cynical and untrusting of Government, media etc. Stories like this one actually do make me feel a bit uneasy when practically every development is anecdotal reports from authorities that it would be foolish to trust unequivocally.

The problem with people like Fotbawmad is they're the most accepting, gullible people on earth when it comes to information from anyone outside the "MSM". As proved by the Spanish air controller nonsense. Sheeple indeed.

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In amongst the absolutely mental stuff, Fotbawmad did get something right on the Ukraine situation as a whole. Members of this Ukrainian government are fucking Nazis and people have forgotten that. Not that that in any way mitigates Russia on this, of course.

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The American, Russia-based political analyst they've just had on BBC news is absolutely seething, basically saying that the exact opposite of what the Western media are reporting is actually happening.

Russia are claiming satellite images show a Ukrainian fighter plane was following the airliner at the same speed and altitude just before the crash, but funnily enough Ukraine have denied it. The political analyst bloke was also saying the crash investigators are being held up in Kiev by Ukraine, not the separatists, and that Ukraine are lobbing bombs all over the shop in the crash area making it a no-go zone for them anyway.

Fair play to the BBC for letting someone with an alternative standpoint have a say, even if they did keep cutting him off mid-rant. I think you have to take in both sides and make up your own mind, as there is no neutral intermediary who can be trusted as an entirely factual source.

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