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Business / corporate speak nonsense

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Slightly off topic......but a friend of mine told me about this guy she knows that went for an interview. He was asked to "sell me this jug of water".........so he set fire to the bin in the corner!

He was escorted from the building by the Police!


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Thats an awesome shout lol

We had to do something similar with an empty bottle of juice before we started working for a shopping channel... not the fire bit though, far too exciting for that place

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Yeah as someone said on the first page, using 'client' for someone who is effectively a customer fills me with rage. It makes them sound like some top celebrity lawyer or agent. It's used by a few folk I know who are self-employed. Fucking goons.

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That Ann Radge or whatever the fcuk her name is, on the Levein-Neilson changes at Hearts:

"He will be responsible for putting in place an end-to-end strategy for how we are going to implement a youth-driven playing policy within the club.

"These decisions have been driven by everything that has been said about needing a long-term strategy, built over a three-to-five-year planning horizon.

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My wife was in a meeting where someone with fallopian tubes for ears suggested

"Let's put that in the ideas fridge and snack on it later"

I hope that was just someone bored out his tits, despairing at the inanity of it all, making a wise-crack.

I'm stealing that line, will use it first chance I get.

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He will be responsible for putting in place an end-to-end strategy for how we are going to implement a youth-driven playing policy within the club.

"These decisions have been driven by everything that has been said about needing a long-term strategy, built over a three-to-five-year planning horizon.

Planning horizon :lol:

It's amazing that apparently intelligent, sensible people don't hear these things and think, well that just sounds f**king ridiculous.

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If we are applying changes to the live systems over the weekend there is a scheduling meeting late Friday morning just to confirm everything is good to go.

As I'm on call this weekend I attended for the first time in a few weeks to find that rather than confirm start time and all resources are in place, the meeting now involves us confirming that our 'Pre flight checks' have been completed.

My update of 'all pre flight checks are completed and we are ready for takeoff' was surprisingly well received

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just play BS bingo at work with a mate, nothing funnier than doing it and having someone randomally shout bingo during a meeting where you want to stab the speaker in the eye with a pen and ask him to inwardly diguest that

Edited by P.C
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Usage of the word 'exciting' when it comes to anything work related. You have to be fucking kidding me.

Our client in the feminine entertainment industry is seeking proactive go-getting candidates for an exciting new opportunity in dildo Quality Assurance in their Greater London Research and Development campus.

Interested parties who like to work hard and play hard, please send your CV to Human Resources, Flat 3, 19th Floor, Skagswell Tower, Brixton.

Edited by banana
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