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The Famous Aberdeen - Season 2022/23


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13 minutes ago, shootingboots said:

Just to point out that this stadium is not in the middle of nowhere. 


Aye, it's 7 miles from the city centre. Hardly Outer Mongolia some detractors would have you believe.


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1 hour ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

That's hardly a trade secret. It is after all one of the main reasons we're replacing the main stand and are currently demolishing buildings to make room.

The new Dons stadium looks like it will be good for Aberdeenshire based supporters but piss off Aberdeen based ones. When Chris Robinson was trying to tout a similar move back in the '90s he came out with a "fact" that most Hearts supporters were from beyond the bypass as opposed to the city itself. I was sceptical then and remain so but it does serve as a reminder that my personal views are skewed by being from the city centre. 

People from Aberdeen proper won't like having to treck out into the middle of nowhere but people from Aberdeenshire will presumably love the fact that they haven't got to find parking in the town. Over the longer term you're inevitably going to lose some support from the former group but gain some from the latter. 

What's crucial is that the team's next fallow period doesn't coincide with the move. If Aberdeen have a team worth getting on a shuttle bus for then most people will have formed that habit strongly enough to keep doing it even when they don't

I'm from the Shire and pretty much share this view. Some will stop going, other will go more, but a key factor will be how the team are performing.

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4 minutes ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

To illustrate my point about how urban and suburban types view things differently. 

Location: Moray


Yes, in the three months I have lived in Moray I am truly institutionalised into the suburban way of thinking  

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32 minutes ago, Karl Fletcher said:

Yes, in the three months I have lived in Moray I am truly institutionalised into the suburban way of thinking  

I should have typed

Location: Genuinely the middle of nowhere

Edited by topcat(The most tip top)
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Wrote up my feelings on the move on another forum a while back but they are worth repeating here:

" Firstly I love Pittodrie, i can see it from my living room and it is literally 5 minutes away across two backies. Some of the best moments of my life have been in that stadium. The final match will definitely be a tearful occasion. But after i have removed my seat from the Soother with a spanner, I will accept that it is time to move on.

It will mean a bus out to souless suburbia, but a minor change to my routine will be worth it. I genuinely feel this is the best thing that could happen to my beloved club and it is time to put selfish self interest aside for the greater good. Let's back the club and this proposed move! I want the club to be in as good a shape as possible for future generations.

As for the Westhill key swapping NIMBISYM, there will be lots of benefits to them as well. I can't believe they view the average fan as a mindless drunken thug. Their fears will prove baseless and who knows might actually enjoy having the stadium there."

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32 minutes ago, jessmagic said:

Wrote up my feelings on the move on another forum a while back but they are worth repeating here:

" Firstly I love Pittodrie, i can see it from my living room and it is literally 5 minutes away across two backies. Some of the best moments of my life have been in that stadium. The final match will definitely be a tearful occasion. But after i have removed my seat from the Soother with a spanner, I will accept that it is time to move on.

It will mean a bus out to souless suburbia, but a minor change to my routine will be worth it. I genuinely feel this is the best thing that could happen to my beloved club and it is time to put selfish self interest aside for the greater good. Let's back the club and this proposed move! I want the club to be in as good a shape as possible for future generations.

As for the Westhill key swapping NIMBISYM, there will be lots of benefits to them as well. I can't believe they view the average fan as a mindless drunken thug. Their fears will prove baseless and who knows might actually enjoy having the stadium there."

Pretty much sums up how I feel about it.I am not as close to pittodrie as you but can walk it in about 20 mins.

my only fear crowd wise is that many people regard the match as the centre point of a whole day out and if this disturbed people may fall out of the routine of attending.

For example I know 3 brothers who live in bridge of don,Northfields and ironically west hills who all meet up in Archie's for breakfast and a few beers followed by a Pitt stop to break the journey to the ground.The point is pittodrie is within walking distance of union street and every bus service in city or shire goes there.

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The facilities for the Aberdeen players look like they'll be excellent.

The ground looks utterly meh. Safe standing :lol:. What's the barrier to just having regular terracing that is well maintained, has enough crash barriers and a strict capacity that is never exceeded.

I imagine that ground will be decent enough if full, but Aberdeen go on a shite run and they start getting crowds of 9-10k, it might feel a bit shitey.

The location is gash, although it seems there weren't many options. No doubt the bar at the ground will be pricey and utterly rammed all the time, so pointless in going there, especially as an away fan (not like we'll be visitors any time soon!). 

All in all, a huge upgrade for the facilities for the coaching and playing staff that should benefit Aberdeen over the long term in regards to both bringing through players and player recruitment, but from a fan point of view I fear in years to come it will be seen as a missed opportunity.

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6 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

The facilities for the Aberdeen players look like they'll be excellent.

The ground looks utterly meh. Safe standing :lol:. What's the barrier to just having regular terracing that is well maintained, has enough crash barriers and a strict capacity that is never exceeded.

I imagine that ground will be decent enough if full, but Aberdeen go on a shite run and they start getting crowds of 9-10k, it might feel a bit shitey.

The location is gash, although it seems there weren't many options. No doubt the bar at the ground will be pricey and utterly rammed all the time, so pointless in going there, especially as an away fan (not like we'll be visitors any time soon!). 

All in all, a huge upgrade for the facilities for the coaching and playing staff that should benefit Aberdeen over the long term in regards to both bringing through players and player recruitment, but from a fan point of view I fear in years to come it will be seen as a missed opportunity.

The safe standing is UEFA compliant, meaning it doesn't have to shut for big Euro games as a terrace would. 

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4 minutes ago, RussellAnderson said:

The safe standing is UEFA compliant, meaning it doesn't have to shut for big Euro games as a terrace would. 

Ah. So do UEFA not allow any sort of 'regular' terracing? What a w**k rule.

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I've got first hand experience of a very similar move (Reading being my adopted 2nd team).

I'll be honest, it's not as big a wrench to an out of town stadium as you might think.  

The match routine changes of course.  Initially we (Me and friends) used to meet up in town (for a couple) then head out to the game.  Then as time passed we headed out earlier and stopped off for one at the ground, then latterly we've been meeting earlier and earlier at the ground itself.

The bigger pain has been after the game.  If you fancy a couple afterwards, the choice is more limited (you either go in the ground or join a queue to get away from the ground).  If you're an away fan there is no option at all.

So the CONS are;

It's a change

It takes a bit more planning

Limited choice of apres match venues (the Madejski has two venues).


It's just better, the seating, the view, the facilities.

Elm Park may have had the history, but it was shyt!  Auld fellers like me, might get misty-eyed with nostalgia, but the reality is, that it is not the same bastion of machismo as it was in my youth.  Every penny is a prisoner and pounds spent by women and children are as valued as dinosaurs like me.

I take my kids to Pittodrie, even though to me, it is a place where I see history, pride and glorious memories, it is actually a poor stadium and my kids don't see the romance of these particular breezeblocks.

The Madejski is much better.

Onwards and upwards I say.  Bring on this new stadium, because we are the famous Aberdeen!




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I see pro's and con's. Initially a few years back I was sceptical big time. I've accepted it's a must now as the club have told us enough times Pittodrie isn't viable long term.
I don't live in Aberdeen so the NIMBY bit doesn't affect me and I don't know enough about the actual area of the build to picture it in my head.

The transport links have to be absolutely excellent and a piece of piss for fans to hop on and for pennies as well. Although I don't follow them I witnessed ICT's stadium getting built then the excitement that followed. At first every second pub in town ran a bus and there were buses from main bus station for relative buttons so a lot of folk went. Over the years the transport has died on its arse. The crowds have stagnated, certainly haven't kept up with the progression of Inverness as a football team. Crucially though it's a crap stadium in a really shit place, shit facilities, shit stewarding and shit, slow car parking they have the cheek to charge for and no real boozer inside a 20 minute walk. I know loads of guys who have met for a beer in town intending to go to the game but decide to stay in the boozer once they get settled rather than make their way down to an unappealing stadium. This is not a dig at ICT, far from it. Risky for the Dons.

Build a big beer hall, reasonable price for a pint, half decent grub, bit of music and fans will spend pre match spending money to the benefit of the club.

The stadium itself looks fine. Senseless with the comparison to Tynecastle or Easter Rd as they both built what the could squeeze in. I've said many times the atmosphere at Hearts is amongst the best but it's really just some steep concrete with seats stuck on. Great fun but pretty basic and not conducive to making cash away from match day. Although the main stand development will improve that. Hibs ground is fine too but not as amazing as some have suggested.

Make it tight, atmospheric, accessible, reasonably priced with decent and efficient transport links and it'll go well.

Make folk pay an extra £5-£10 quid for a bus, charge £5 a pint and have a cold crap bar and it'll be a real struggle.

The fans need a bit more info on the facilities

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