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Heart of Midlothian 2014-

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2 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

Hearts fans - "nobody is being pressured into giving the club money"

Hearts FC - 


Feed me cash

notes would be grand

to help us fund

our brand new stand

Tbf they didn't have enough room for the 2nd verse.

Once I've got all your money

i'll double the price and give my brother the job

Though he can't build for shit 

and he's a bit of a nob.

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3 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:
Of course, the amount Hearts fans put in is amazing.
I don't agree you should be the ones paying for the stand, nor do I believe the FOH should be denied the running of the club until they pay back a loan that wasnt given to them.
Budge gives Hearts FC £3m and agrees to hand over club to fans once that's paid back.
FOH recieve nothing.
Hearts FC make £15m a season.
Budge refuses to hand over club until FOH pay her £3m.
It makes no sense.


It’s complicated for us so it's hardly surprising that outsiders sometimes struggle to understand


Edited by topcat(The most tip top)
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Just now, NJ2 said:

How’s the AberDNA thing going?

Going great guns buddy. 6000 DNA memberships as far, during a pandemic too. We got some nice shiny new players in January, without DNA this would never have been possible. Helped us secure Europe, that deffo beat's trips to recreation park & gayfield. AAhhh Croatia, well i acutely fancy a trip to Germany to watch my club play, that would be awesome huh?

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Going great guns buddy. 6000 DNA memberships as far, during a pandemic too. We got some nice shiny new players in January, without DNA this would never have been possible. Helped us secure Europe, that deffo beat's trips to recreation park & gayfield. AAhhh Croatia, well i acutely fancy a trip to Germany to watch my club play, that would be awesome huh?

Don’t be obtuse.
One day maybe you’ll be able to save up enough to move to your ramshackle big stand to Stonehaven. Must be very exciting.
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1 hour ago, RandomGuy. said:

Realistically the FOH could've taken charge at Hearts about 4 years ago, as Budge could easily have taken her loan money back out via the club, instead you've all sat back, watched her ruin your club due to some bizarre belief it was the FOH she loaned the money to so it's you who owe her that money.


I'm quite willing to publicly admit that I and many other hearts fans may have been rather overoptimistic in May 2016 about what things would be like in 2020 although that probably goes for the roughly 7 billion people so it may be quite a long queue.

The wisdom of extending the deal in order to build the stand can be questioned with hindsight, but at the time Budge, Levein and Nielson had hardly put a foot wrong.


Edited by topcat(The most tip top)
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Guest JTS98
21 minutes ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:


I'm quite willing to publicly admit that I and many other hearts fans may have been rather overoptimistic in May 2016 about what things would be like in 2020 although that probably goes for the roughly 7 billion people so it may be quite a long queue.

The wisdom of extending the deal in order to build the stand can be questioned with hindsight, but at the time Budge, Levein and Nielson had hardly put a foot wrong.


This is an important point. There was no reason not to have faith in the club's management at that stage.

Ultimately, it's fine. Budge will be gone before long and she'll leave us with a well-funded club in a completed stadium (which we'd needed to do for fucking ages), and a good basis for being successful in the future. That's a result we'd have taken back in summer 2014.

Mistakes have been made, but the club is on a sound footing and ultimately she'll be remembered as a hugely important figure in the history of the club. It's a shame we couldn't win the cup last year, as I think her and Levein's contribution post-admin would have been beautifully rounded off with something tangible. But that's fitba.

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5 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

The "unsustainable spending" was based on us not earning money from Cup runs or finishing in the top half.

We finished top half and due to giving Celtic 3 stands, made enough from the Cup to make the spending sustainable. 

Club spends money - Club finds way to make money. I'd far rather St Johnstone milked moron OF fans by charging them an absolute shit tonne to attend games than exploit the home support. Giving the OF three stands makes it financially viable to continue letting U12s in free to games.

Hearts want new stand - Hearts publicly claim the fans will build it, then steadily increase the price after fans have agreed to pay their share, while simultaneously demanding the fans pay back a loan to Budge despite the club earning more than enough to do that years ago.

Realistically the FOH could've taken charge at Hearts about 4 years ago, as Budge could easily have taken her loan money back out via the club, instead you've all sat back, watched her ruin your club due to some bizarre belief it was the FOH she loaned the money to so it's you who owe her that money.

You said Hearts were living beyond their means and built a stand they couldn't afford. Now it's "club spends money, club finds way to make money". Do you honestly believe St Johnstone and others haven't set up a similar scheme because they have some moral objection to... taking money willingly donated by the club's own fans? 

There is no "bizarre belief" about the Budge loan, only matters of fact. The FOH was set up to buy the club but that wasn't possible because it didn't have the capital to pay for the CVA - Budge was needed to provide that. She agreed to do that on the basis that the FOH would pay her back. If it hadn't, it wouldn't own the club, she would. That was the deal and remains the deal today.

I've got plenty of problems with the FOH and its apparent inability to ask any questions of Budge's incompetent running of the club, but I don't have any problem with the principle. Would we really be in a better position just now if Budge had bought the club permanently (not that she offered to), we hadn't built a new, revenue-increasing stand and didn't have a substantial source of income at a time when we can't generate money by other means? I very seriously doubt it.

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Guest JTS98
3 minutes ago, DC92 said:

You said Hearts were living beyond their means and built a stand they couldn't afford. Now it's "club spends money, club finds way to make money". Do you honestly believe St Johnstone and others haven't set up a similar scheme because they have some moral objection to... taking money willingly donated by the club's own fans? 


It's a really weird point a few people seem to be arguing.

"You should live within your means."

"We do."

"Well, we think you should have less money."

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1 hour ago, NJ2 said:

Don’t be obtuse.
One day maybe you’ll be able to save up enough to move to your ramshackle big stand to Stonehaven. Must be very exciting.

Is that the best you have got champ? Probably more chance of Farts visiting Stonehaven in a junior cup tie, when they free-fall down the leagues.

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Is that the best you have got champ? Probably more chance of Farts visiting Stonehaven in a junior cup tie, when they free-fall down the leagues.

Is that the best you have got champ? Probably more chance of Farts visiting Stonehaven in a junior cup tie, when they free-fall down the leagues.

Better spelling that time round, well done champ. And calling us “Farts” real comic masterstroke.
That new stadium must be about done now though, aye? You’re funded by two millionaires after all. Ps, thank your buddy’s Atlanta for the six figure transfer fee for Jake Mulraney.
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9 minutes ago, NJ2 said:


Better spelling that time round, well done champ. And calling us “Farts” real comic masterstroke.
That new stadium must be about done now though, aye? You’re funded by two millionaires after all. Ps, thank your buddy’s Atlanta for the six figure transfer fee for Jake Mulraney.

Oh boy oh boy, I'm dealing with the grammer police. Chessy.

Nope the new stadium is no-where near done > next.

We have more than 2 millionaires, champ  > next.

We did thank them for some investment, that is how you do business. You should ask Budge's bro, he seems to know how to milk others for their own gains > next.

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