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FAO No Voters


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Note the key word "consider". Over 70% of those businesses polled said they also felt that EU membership was "important" or "very important". Something to ponder on.

But what about new Scottish business? You don't hear much about them do you?


Unfortunately for you, these new businesses employ very few people, most are single traders eg self employed tradesmen, rather than organisations that employ large numbers of people.

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Both sides are stupid when it comes to the effect on business.

Despite the bluster from Yes some businesses would choose to move HQs and operations out of iScotland. Equally, No are very wrong in that there would be businesses that would want to move to iScotland, particularly if there were a different tax regime.

Has there been any realistic study done?

And I am not talking about back of fag packet calculations from an H_B or Wings source.

Robert Peston: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-28159326

Basically comes to the conclusion that Scotland will be roughly the same as the rUK in the medium to long term - neither an economic basket case nor a land of milk and honey. Whether or not it will be slightly richer or slightly poorer depends on the decisions taken by those in government - as well as the oil price.

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Not been on here for months and deleted my last profile, but I came back on this season and have been goaded back into re-registering. I wrote this post for facebook but I can copy and paste it here to spell out my reasons for voting NO!

A fairer society?

The SNP have been in power for the last 7 years- is Scotland a fairer place now than it was in 20007?

They have had the ability to raise income tax by 3p in the pound but have never once used it! Raising tax wou...ld have taken more money from those who could afford it to wipe out the effects of poverty and inequality- but they haven’t done that as it suits them so they can point all the blame at Westminster!

Salmond has committed to reducing corporation tax by 3% to attract big business to Scotland- how does big business pay even LESS tax make us any better off? Where is the shortfall going to be made up? You can’t be all things to all men! You can’t have a society where wealth is distributed more fairly but big businesses are relieved of their financial responsibilities!

If we got independence, then you can take 58 non Tory MPs out of Westminster- you then have a perpetual Tory government down south.

Without the Scottish vote at the last General Election the Tories would have had a CLEAR OUTRIGHT MAJORITY, they wouldn’t have needed the Lib Dems who currently try and keep a reign on some of their crazier policies- is that the kind of Government you want to have next door?

If we break away then the rest of the UK’s government could become even more right wing. It would reduce business taxes and abolish the minimum wage and all sorts of workers’ conditions- how could we as an independent Scotland be next to them following a fairer agenda? We couldn’t! We would need to enter a ‘race to the bottom’ or else face all our big employers crossing the border to maximise their revenues.

We will always have the government we want?

They claim that we Scots are all the same! All Scots want a fairer society? Look at the electoral history of the highlands and borders over the last 20 years- when did they last return a Labour MP? The belief that we Scots are all just one big family singing from the same hymn sheet is utter nonsense!

We in the central belt have got more in common with the people of Newcastle, Liverpool, Manchester or Cardiff than we do the people of the Highlands and Borders- we have the same goals, aspirations and working lives and the best way to try and achieve them is together!

The SNP run the Scottish parliament at the moment on 44% of the vote- WE CURRENTLY HAVE A SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT THAT MOST OF US NEVER VOTED FOR EITHER!

The Yes campaign keep trotting out the fact that “Scotland has only 1 Tory MP”. In reality at the last general election the Tories and Lib Dems who make up the ruling coalition received MORE votes in Scotland than the SNP- yet we have the SNP dicing with the future of the UK, currency and future!

In a democracy you need to accept the fact that people think and want different things. In an independent Scotland we will have the North of Scotland and Borders wanting different rulers from what we in the central belt decide- what’s the answer to that? Break down into even smaller units again? It is ridiculous!

Petty Nationalism

Alex Salmond and most of his party’s sole reason for existence is to see an independent Scotland at any cost. They are nationalists; they thrive of inward looking division.

They want independence at any cost and would tell you anything to make this happen. When they find out information that contradicts what they want you to hear they bury it- (google “the Swinney report”)

A huge part of the campaign is built upon petty chip on the shoulder politics the timing of the referendum to coincide with the anniversary of Bannockburn is to tap into a petty ‘braveheart mentality’ from 700 years ago- surely we are better than that?

What currency?

The SNP can shout about how “the Pound is ours! We can use it if we want!” Yes, that is factually true, if any other country in the world wanted to use it, they could also.

The fact is, countries don’t want to latch on to random currencies where interest rates and lending regulations are set by other banks! If we keep the pound without a formal currency union we have absolutely NO SAY what so ever in what the Bank of England does with interest rates affecting our mortgages and our borrowing- that gives us less independence than we have now!

Salmond is saying that every other major political figure and person of influence in the UK is a liar and you should believe him! That is a ludicrous amount of trust to place in one man!

He has NO answer to this, and any time the yes campaign is unable to answer a question they then resort to “playing the man instead of the ball” they try to smear mud on the messenger by casting up past mistakes to deflect attention. Is this really the sort of man you want to put all your trust in?

Project FEAR?

People can call it ‘project fear’ but it’s easy to argue for change, the grass always looks greener on the other side and anybody can make empty promises, delivering them is a different proposition! Aye, there are plenty of things wrong with the UK and how it is run, but we are in a better position together to try and address them. Don’t be to down on ourselves either, we are fortunate compared to the vast majority of people on earth.

We have 300 years of shared history as a united people. If you think something is broken then work to fix it- don’t just throw it in the bin!

Chief I only got to the first few paragraphs because you're already using incorrect arguments.

Scottish MPs would not have made a difference in the vast majority of elections since WW2 - so we're not in any way condemning down south to Tory governments forever.

There's also pretty good reasons why the 3% income tax rise wouldn't work - but I can't quite remember them just now. There's definitely reasons though why no Scottish government have even seriously considered raising income tax.

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Basically comes to the conclusion that Scotland will be roughly the same as the rUK in the medium to long term - neither an economic basket case nor a land of milk and honey. Whether or not it will be slightly richer or slightly poorer depends on the decisions taken by those in government - as well as the oil price.

And this is the frustrating point of all this. The Yes campaign are guilty of trying to promote an overly positive outcome, the No an overly negative one. In essence it would remain more or less the same. However the one key difference would be that the decisions we would make would be designed to benefit Scotland rather than the rest of the UK, thus allowing us to make our country better than it is now. Note I say "allowing" rather than guaranteeing.

However, if anyone genuinely thinks that we will be considerably worse off in an independent Scotland than they really have swallowed Project Fear's bait, hook line and sinker and should be applauded for their gullibility - just not in a good way.

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I couldn't resist reading more:

Inward fucking nationalism?? Are you serious? Words fail me.

Its Westminster that had the immigration vans. The Scottish government in contrast proudly proclaimed 'One Scotland, many cultures' - a pretty different agenda.

You need to do some more reading chief.

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Not been on here for months and deleted my last profile, but I came back on this season and have been goaded back into re-registering. I wrote this post for facebook but I can copy and paste it here to spell out my reasons for voting NO!

A fairer society?

The SNP have been in power for the last 7 years- is Scotland a fairer place now than it was in 20007?

They have had the ability to raise income tax by 3p in the pound but have never once used it! Raising tax wou...ld have taken more money from those who could afford it to wipe out the effects of poverty and inequality- but they haven’t done that as it suits them so they can point all the blame at Westminster!

Salmond has committed to reducing corporation tax by 3% to attract big business to Scotland- how does big business pay even LESS tax make us any better off? Where is the shortfall going to be made up? You can’t be all things to all men! You can’t have a society where wealth is distributed more fairly but big businesses are relieved of their financial responsibilities!

If we got independence, then you can take 58 non Tory MPs out of Westminster- you then have a perpetual Tory government down south.

Without the Scottish vote at the last General Election the Tories would have had a CLEAR OUTRIGHT MAJORITY, they wouldn’t have needed the Lib Dems who currently try and keep a reign on some of their crazier policies- is that the kind of Government you want to have next door?

If we break away then the rest of the UK’s government could become even more right wing. It would reduce business taxes and abolish the minimum wage and all sorts of workers’ conditions- how could we as an independent Scotland be next to them following a fairer agenda? We couldn’t! We would need to enter a ‘race to the bottom’ or else face all our big employers crossing the border to maximise their revenues.

We will always have the government we want?

They claim that we Scots are all the same! All Scots want a fairer society? Look at the electoral history of the highlands and borders over the last 20 years- when did they last return a Labour MP? The belief that we Scots are all just one big family singing from the same hymn sheet is utter nonsense!

We in the central belt have got more in common with the people of Newcastle, Liverpool, Manchester or Cardiff than we do the people of the Highlands and Borders- we have the same goals, aspirations and working lives and the best way to try and achieve them is together!

The SNP run the Scottish parliament at the moment on 44% of the vote- WE CURRENTLY HAVE A SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT THAT MOST OF US NEVER VOTED FOR EITHER!

The Yes campaign keep trotting out the fact that “Scotland has only 1 Tory MP”. In reality at the last general election the Tories and Lib Dems who make up the ruling coalition received MORE votes in Scotland than the SNP- yet we have the SNP dicing with the future of the UK, currency and future!

In a democracy you need to accept the fact that people think and want different things. In an independent Scotland we will have the North of Scotland and Borders wanting different rulers from what we in the central belt decide- what’s the answer to that? Break down into even smaller units again? It is ridiculous!

Petty Nationalism

Alex Salmond and most of his party’s sole reason for existence is to see an independent Scotland at any cost. They are nationalists; they thrive of inward looking division.

They want independence at any cost and would tell you anything to make this happen. When they find out information that contradicts what they want you to hear they bury it- (google “the Swinney report”)

A huge part of the campaign is built upon petty chip on the shoulder politics the timing of the referendum to coincide with the anniversary of Bannockburn is to tap into a petty ‘braveheart mentality’ from 700 years ago- surely we are better than that?

What currency?

The SNP can shout about how “the Pound is ours! We can use it if we want!” Yes, that is factually true, if any other country in the world wanted to use it, they could also.

The fact is, countries don’t want to latch on to random currencies where interest rates and lending regulations are set by other banks! If we keep the pound without a formal currency union we have absolutely NO SAY what so ever in what the Bank of England does with interest rates affecting our mortgages and our borrowing- that gives us less independence than we have now!

Salmond is saying that every other major political figure and person of influence in the UK is a liar and you should believe him! That is a ludicrous amount of trust to place in one man!

He has NO answer to this, and any time the yes campaign is unable to answer a question they then resort to “playing the man instead of the ball” they try to smear mud on the messenger by casting up past mistakes to deflect attention. Is this really the sort of man you want to put all your trust in?

Project FEAR?

People can call it ‘project fear’ but it’s easy to argue for change, the grass always looks greener on the other side and anybody can make empty promises, delivering them is a different proposition! Aye, there are plenty of things wrong with the UK and how it is run, but we are in a better position together to try and address them. Don’t be to down on ourselves either, we are fortunate compared to the vast majority of people on earth.

We have 300 years of shared history as a united people. If you think something is broken then work to fix it- don’t just throw it in the bin!

You failed at the first hurdle. The Scottish government only has the limited powers that Westminster allows them. Only an idiot expects the Scottish govt. to eliminate poverty without the economic powers required to do so.

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..but I can copy and paste it here to spell out my reasons for voting NO!

This is absolutely riddled with inaccuracies, so many that I got about 4 paragraphs in and just gave up.

For example, this..

If we got independence, then you can take 58 non Tory MPs out of Westminster- you then have a perpetual Tory government down south.

Without the Scottish vote at the last General Election the Tories would have had a CLEAR OUTRIGHT MAJORITY, they wouldn’t have needed the Lib Dems who currently try and keep a reign on some of their crazier policies- is that the kind of Government you want to have next door?

I am going to put to one side the fact that we should care what or who the rUK votes for, in the same way nobody in Britain just now gives much thought to the make up of the Irish, Dutch or Danish parliaments. However your assertions are not correct, as the last time Labour got into power in 1997 the Scottish votes made no difference to the outcome. In fact if you wish to look at the most recent election where the Scottish voting patterns would have changed the party that held power then you have to go back to 1974 which was, rather interestingly a hung parliament, yet lasted all of about 6 months after which the government was dissolved, an election was called and the tories won it outright.

The SNP have been in power for the last 7 years- is Scotland a fairer place now than it was in 20007?

To answer this, I would say yes but only at a very subtle level and even then that would be a subjective opinion as there isn't a quantifiable metric with which to gauge this other than public opinion. However as the financial crisis happened in 2008, assuming that progress would be on an incremental scale is beyond stupidity.

We have 300 years of shared history as a united people.

So the millennia of being an independent country before that is to be ignored then?

If you think something is broken then work to fix it- don’t just throw it in the bin!

The system in place does not allow us to fix the problem. In an independent Scotland the possibility is there. There is no guarantee that it would happen, just that it could. Currently the schism between North and South of the border is increasing with political, social and ethical value diverging I just don't see the value of spending decades trying to convince a country that doesn't want to change to do exactly that.

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No I haven't

in 2010 Scotland returned 41 Labour MPs, 11 Liberal Democrats, 5 SNP and 1 Tory.

If you take them away from the overall UK election turnout then you have the Tories now on 306 (instead of 307) Labour on 217 (Instead of 258), Lib dems on 46 (57) others on 14 (20)

The Conservatives would therefore have an outright majority of 29 seats. At present they form a coalition for a majority with the Lib Dems as the Scottish vote prevents them having an outright majority.

Anything else you want me to prove you wrong with?

You said it would mean a 'perpetual Tory government'. This is nonsense - hence me (and Casual Bystander) pointing that out. Yes in the last election there was a minor impact - but there hardly ever is. Therefore your point is utterly wrong.

I also pointed out a few other mistakes.

I recommend deleting this before Confi sees it - it might just tip the lad over the edge.

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No I haven't

in 2010 Scotland returned 41 Labour MPs, 11 Liberal Democrats, 5 SNP and 1 Tory.

If you take them away from the overall UK election turnout then you have the Tories now on 306 (instead of 307) Labour on 217 (Instead of 258), Lib dems on 46 (57) others on 14 (20)

The Conservatives would therefore have an outright majority of 29 seats. At present they form a coalition for a majority with the Lib Dems as the Scottish vote prevents them having an outright majority.

Anything else you want me to prove you wrong with?

What is it you are trying to prove here. Do you seriously think that the coalition with the Liberals has actually altered the policies put forward? You only need to look at the KEY policy in the Liberal manifesto pre-election; student fees. This was immediately dropped when the Liberals got even a sniff of power.

With or without the Scottish votes, David Cameron would have become the Prime Minister. This pattern can be traced through every election back to 1974, as I mentioned earlier. Not a single Prime Minister would have stopped being the Prime Minister for 40 years. Democracy in action you may say, after all we are effectively just 8% of the electorate, however as an entity there is only so long a distinct and separate minority are willing to put up with having "no control" over their political determination.

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No no the SG will cut corporation tax and airport duty and the rUK would just sit back and let the revenue drift north they would never think to match us- this is as laughable as the concept that rUK will agree a CU to let iScot get established in the full knowledge that we will drop the millstone pound as soon as it suited iScot or will just blame the policy re the pound for any shortcomings.

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Not been on here for months and deleted my last profile, but I came back on this season and have been goaded back into re-registering. I wrote this post for facebook but I can copy and paste it here to spell out my reasons for voting NO!

A fairer society?

The SNP have been in power for the last 7 years- is Scotland a fairer place now than it was in 20007?

They have had the ability to raise income tax by 3p in the pound but have never once used it! Raising tax wou...ld have taken more money from those who could afford it to wipe out the effects of poverty and inequality- but they haven’t done that as it suits them so they can point all the blame at Westminster!

Salmond has committed to reducing corporation tax by 3% to attract big business to Scotland- how does big business pay even LESS tax make us any better off? Where is the shortfall going to be made up? You can’t be all things to all men! You can’t have a society where wealth is distributed more fairly but big businesses are relieved of their financial responsibilities!

If we got independence, then you can take 58 non Tory MPs out of Westminster- you then have a perpetual Tory government down south.

Without the Scottish vote at the last General Election the Tories would have had a CLEAR OUTRIGHT MAJORITY, they wouldn’t have needed the Lib Dems who currently try and keep a reign on some of their crazier policies- is that the kind of Government you want to have next door?

If we break away then the rest of the UK’s government could become even more right wing. It would reduce business taxes and abolish the minimum wage and all sorts of workers’ conditions- how could we as an independent Scotland be next to them following a fairer agenda? We couldn’t! We would need to enter a ‘race to the bottom’ or else face all our big employers crossing the border to maximise their revenues.

We will always have the government we want?

They claim that we Scots are all the same! All Scots want a fairer society? Look at the electoral history of the highlands and borders over the last 20 years- when did they last return a Labour MP? The belief that we Scots are all just one big family singing from the same hymn sheet is utter nonsense!

We in the central belt have got more in common with the people of Newcastle, Liverpool, Manchester or Cardiff than we do the people of the Highlands and Borders- we have the same goals, aspirations and working lives and the best way to try and achieve them is together!

The SNP run the Scottish parliament at the moment on 44% of the vote- WE CURRENTLY HAVE A SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT THAT MOST OF US NEVER VOTED FOR EITHER!

The Yes campaign keep trotting out the fact that “Scotland has only 1 Tory MP”. In reality at the last general election the Tories and Lib Dems who make up the ruling coalition received MORE votes in Scotland than the SNP- yet we have the SNP dicing with the future of the UK, currency and future!

In a democracy you need to accept the fact that people think and want different things. In an independent Scotland we will have the North of Scotland and Borders wanting different rulers from what we in the central belt decide- what’s the answer to that? Break down into even smaller units again? It is ridiculous!

Petty Nationalism

Alex Salmond and most of his party’s sole reason for existence is to see an independent Scotland at any cost. They are nationalists; they thrive of inward looking division.

They want independence at any cost and would tell you anything to make this happen. When they find out information that contradicts what they want you to hear they bury it- (google “the Swinney report”)

A huge part of the campaign is built upon petty chip on the shoulder politics the timing of the referendum to coincide with the anniversary of Bannockburn is to tap into a petty ‘braveheart mentality’ from 700 years ago- surely we are better than that?

What currency?

The SNP can shout about how “the Pound is ours! We can use it if we want!” Yes, that is factually true, if any other country in the world wanted to use it, they could also.

The fact is, countries don’t want to latch on to random currencies where interest rates and lending regulations are set by other banks! If we keep the pound without a formal currency union we have absolutely NO SAY what so ever in what the Bank of England does with interest rates affecting our mortgages and our borrowing- that gives us less independence than we have now!

Salmond is saying that every other major political figure and person of influence in the UK is a liar and you should believe him! That is a ludicrous amount of trust to place in one man!

He has NO answer to this, and any time the yes campaign is unable to answer a question they then resort to “playing the man instead of the ball” they try to smear mud on the messenger by casting up past mistakes to deflect attention. Is this really the sort of man you want to put all your trust in?

Project FEAR?

People can call it ‘project fear’ but it’s easy to argue for change, the grass always looks greener on the other side and anybody can make empty promises, delivering them is a different proposition! Aye, there are plenty of things wrong with the UK and how it is run, but we are in a better position together to try and address them. Don’t be to down on ourselves either, we are fortunate compared to the vast majority of people on earth.

We have 300 years of shared history as a united people. If you think something is broken then work to fix it- don’t just throw it in the bin!

Pish fae start tae Finnish.

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No no the SG will cut corporation tax and airport duty and the rUK would just sit back and let the revenue drift north they would never think to match us- this is as laughable as the concept that rUK will agree a CU to let iScot get established in the full knowledge that we will drop the millstone pound as soon as it suited iScot or will just blame the policy re the pound for any shortcomings.

I think the difference here Tubbs is that in an independent Scotland we would have the opportunity of cutting corporation tax, or amending airport duty. Currently we do not, and will not have no matter even if all the "promises" of some sort of Devo-Max was implemented fully as no Westminster party is willing to devolve those powers.

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No I haven't

in 2010 Scotland returned 41 Labour MPs, 11 Liberal Democrats, 5 SNP and 1 Tory.

If you take them away from the overall UK election turnout then you have the Tories now on 306 (instead of 307) Labour on 217 (Instead of 258), Lib dems on 46 (57) others on 14 (20)

The Conservatives would therefore have an outright majority of 29 seats. At present they form a coalition for a majority with the Lib Dems as the Scottish vote prevents them having an outright majority.

Anything else you want me to prove you wrong with?

It would be just fabulous if you could outline why, in the event of a "Yes" vote, we should give the slightest solitary f**k who has an overall majority in Westminster.

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It would be just fabulous if you could outline why, in the event of a "Yes" vote, we should give the slightest solitary f**k who has an overall majority in Westminster.

Oh the uproar there will be in the 2015 election if Scotland's vote decides who gets into Downing Street after we vote YES.

Happy days.

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Not been on here for months and deleted my last profile, but I came back on this season and have been goaded back into re-registering. I wrote this post for facebook but I can copy and paste it here to spell out my reasons for voting NO!

A fairer society?

The SNP have been in power for the last 7 years- is Scotland a fairer place now than it was in 20007?

They have had the ability to raise income tax by 3p in the pound but have never once used it! Raising tax wou...ld have taken more money from those who could afford it to wipe out the effects of poverty and inequality- but they haven’t done that as it suits them so they can point all the blame at Westminster!

Salmond has committed to reducing corporation tax by 3% to attract big business to Scotland- how does big business pay even LESS tax make us any better off? Where is the shortfall going to be made up? You can’t be all things to all men! You can’t have a society where wealth is distributed more fairly but big businesses are relieved of their financial responsibilities!

If we got independence, then you can take 58 non Tory MPs out of Westminster- you then have a perpetual Tory government down south.

Without the Scottish vote at the last General Election the Tories would have had a CLEAR OUTRIGHT MAJORITY, they wouldn’t have needed the Lib Dems who currently try and keep a reign on some of their crazier policies- is that the kind of Government you want to have next door?

If we break away then the rest of the UK’s government could become even more right wing. It would reduce business taxes and abolish the minimum wage and all sorts of workers’ conditions- how could we as an independent Scotland be next to them following a fairer agenda? We couldn’t! We would need to enter a ‘race to the bottom’ or else face all our big employers crossing the border to maximise their revenues.

We will always have the government we want?

They claim that we Scots are all the same! All Scots want a fairer society? Look at the electoral history of the highlands and borders over the last 20 years- when did they last return a Labour MP? The belief that we Scots are all just one big family singing from the same hymn sheet is utter nonsense!

We in the central belt have got more in common with the people of Newcastle, Liverpool, Manchester or Cardiff than we do the people of the Highlands and Borders- we have the same goals, aspirations and working lives and the best way to try and achieve them is together!

The SNP run the Scottish parliament at the moment on 44% of the vote- WE CURRENTLY HAVE A SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT THAT MOST OF US NEVER VOTED FOR EITHER!

The Yes campaign keep trotting out the fact that “Scotland has only 1 Tory MP”. In reality at the last general election the Tories and Lib Dems who make up the ruling coalition received MORE votes in Scotland than the SNP- yet we have the SNP dicing with the future of the UK, currency and future!

In a democracy you need to accept the fact that people think and want different things. In an independent Scotland we will have the North of Scotland and Borders wanting different rulers from what we in the central belt decide- what’s the answer to that? Break down into even smaller units again? It is ridiculous!

Petty Nationalism

Alex Salmond and most of his party’s sole reason for existence is to see an independent Scotland at any cost. They are nationalists; they thrive of inward looking division.

They want independence at any cost and would tell you anything to make this happen. When they find out information that contradicts what they want you to hear they bury it- (google “the Swinney report”)

A huge part of the campaign is built upon petty chip on the shoulder politics the timing of the referendum to coincide with the anniversary of Bannockburn is to tap into a petty ‘braveheart mentality’ from 700 years ago- surely we are better than that?

What currency?

The SNP can shout about how “the Pound is ours! We can use it if we want!” Yes, that is factually true, if any other country in the world wanted to use it, they could also.

The fact is, countries don’t want to latch on to random currencies where interest rates and lending regulations are set by other banks! If we keep the pound without a formal currency union we have absolutely NO SAY what so ever in what the Bank of England does with interest rates affecting our mortgages and our borrowing- that gives us less independence than we have now!

Salmond is saying that every other major political figure and person of influence in the UK is a liar and you should believe him! That is a ludicrous amount of trust to place in one man!

He has NO answer to this, and any time the yes campaign is unable to answer a question they then resort to “playing the man instead of the ball” they try to smear mud on the messenger by casting up past mistakes to deflect attention. Is this really the sort of man you want to put all your trust in?

Project FEAR?

People can call it ‘project fear’ but it’s easy to argue for change, the grass always looks greener on the other side and anybody can make empty promises, delivering them is a different proposition! Aye, there are plenty of things wrong with the UK and how it is run, but we are in a better position together to try and address them. Don’t be to down on ourselves either, we are fortunate compared to the vast majority of people on earth.

We have 300 years of shared history as a united people. If you think something is broken then work to fix it- don’t just throw it in the bin!

Yeah we get it,you don't like the SNP,or is it Salmond you hate? Can't really tell as you go on about the SNP did this and Salmond didn't do that.

You do know that we aren't voting for the SNP or any other party for that matter?

Remember when we where promised more powers in the 70's? How long did it take them to give us more powers? Vote no for less power! Now who in their right mind would want that?

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