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Celtic European Campaign 2014-15


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I'm still laughing at MT trying to invent facts like the player had served his suspension ... when he clearly hadn't and that's why they had to forfeit the match ... just to bolster his weak assertion that the 'rules' were applied in favour of Celtic despite this punishment having been applied to teams in the past.

Noo it's pure unfair so it is ...

He's starting to reek of a desperate wee diddy with a chip on his shoulder ...

Go easy on him DB, he's clearly hurting.

Celtic should be investigated for fielding a bunch of spineless barstewards.

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I mentioned to a Celtic supporter in my local, that if Celtic went on to win The CL this season, it would be known as a tainted triumph. He actually tried to argue that it would not be, as if such a scenario could ever be possible :lol:

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I'm still laughing at MT trying to invent facts like the player had served his suspension ... when he clearly hadn't and that's why they had to forfeit the match ... just to bolster his weak assertion that the 'rules' were applied in favour of Celtic despite this punishment having been applied to teams in the past.

Noo it's pure unfair so it is ...

He's starting to reek of a desperate wee diddy with a chip on his shoulder ...

Don't forget all that money MT .... we're fucking rolling in it ... !!

P.S .. Nobody is stating Legia are not hard done by ... but it was fair and by letter of the law and no amount of whatabootery will change that,

He had served a suspension though, in that he'd sat out three European fixtures since the sending off. Were you unaware of this, or are you just being daft about it?

I'm not displaying paranoia in flagging up something HJ said earlier. If you are saying the 3-0 scoreline is exactly what would have happened regardless of how things stood, then the significance of that too is a remarkable feature of this particular instance, is it not?

I never have or would use the word "pure" to represent 'very'. What sort of animal do you think you're dealing with here?

All the talk of chips on shoulders and letters of the law, would make Bendarroch wince. You're in danger of launching a whole new Bingo genre.

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I cannot resist the connection.

Apart from the fact that some Celtic fans wish simply to hide in the folds of the ruling, as did Rangers fans when they got a favourable one too, there's also the glaring contrast in how registration irregularities have been addressed.

Legia don't get away with a genuine mistake which they flagged up and which did not benefit them in any way.

Rangers get away with systematic registration deception over a decade and a failure to co-operate with investigators.


Well, this might be the difference between the SPL and UEFA. If we're being (very) charitable, we could say that the SPL didn't actually expect anyone to cheat by intentionally mis-registering players, and thus didn't create bullet-proof rules with no legal loopholes to squirm through. Whereas UEFA expect that kind of behaviour and have solid, black-and-white rules on it.

This would explain why Rangers walk after having been found guilty of intentionally mis-registering players over a decade, whereas Legia get hammered for a single error.

I'm aware that there are less charitable interpretations, of course. That's why it would be interesting to see what would happen if e.g. one of the big Italian/Spanish/English sides fielded an ineligible player.

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He had served a suspension though, in that he'd sat out three European fixtures since the sending off. Were you unaware of this, or are you just being daft about it? .

Officially he hadn't, obviously

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No he hadn't.

It couldn't have been made anymore clearer the reasons why Legia got kicked out

Oh ffs, I get that he had not been registered for these games and therefore didn't 'count' as having missed them. That's what has brought the world crashing round his club's shoulders.

He did miss them as a result of being suspended though. This is the very definition of a technicality and as such, Celtic have been staggeringly lucky.

Why is everyone determined to explain things to me that I already know and understand?

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Well, this might be the difference between the SPL and UEFA. If we're being (very) charitable, we could say that the SPL didn't actually expect anyone to cheat by intentionally mis-registering players, and thus didn't create bullet-proof rules with no legal loopholes to squirm through. Whereas UEFA expect that kind of behaviour and have solid, black-and-white rules on it.

This would explain why Rangers walk after having been found guilty of intentionally mis-registering players over a decade, whereas Legia get hammered for a single error.

I'm aware that there are less charitable interpretations, of course. That's why it would be interesting to see what would happen if e.g. one of the big Italian/Spanish/English sides fielded an ineligible player.

Yes and those of us more interested in justice than the letter of the law, are not served.

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However the facts of the case remain the same no matter how you try to reinvent or reinterpret them.

Well yes, they do.

That doesn't mean surely that we can't discuss what's happened though, does it?

I'm finding your rigid adherence to a favourable ruling hugely entertaining by the way, given our shared fondness for attacking Rangers roasters for similar on the BRALT.

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Oh ffs, I get that he had not been registered for these games and therefore didn't 'count' as having missed them. That's what has brought the world crashing round his club's shoulders. He did miss them as a result of being suspended though. This is the very definition of a technicality and as such, Celtic have been staggeringly lucky. Why is everyone determined to explain things to me that I already know and understand?

It not a technicality, that word suggests it a loophole. Its a blatant rule thats been in force for years. Celtic haven't been lucky, Legia have been astoundingly stupid

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It not a technicality, that word suggests it a loophole. Its a blatant rule thats been in force for years. Celtic haven't been lucky, Legia have been astoundingly stupid

Celtic haven't been lucky to go through despite a 6-1 defeat?

Yeah, ok.

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You also seem determined not to understand that the punishment was for that game .. had it been in the group stages it would have been the same. Which game and how it affects their progress is an irrelevant consequence of the punishment. You seem determined to prove that the punishment was being chucked out ... it's not .. that consequence is irrelevant to the proceedings.

I think you're too unequivocal in the above belief.

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Yes and those of us more interested in justice than the letter of the law, are not served.

Well, aye - it's one thing to have ropey rules when you're e.g. the East of Scotland League.

It's another when you're a multi-million pound business consortium* in which certain types of rule-breaking can be the difference between extinction and a massive, seven-or-eight-digit windfall. And it's another thing entirely to be that multi-million pound consortium with rules that any half-bright crook can bend to their huge advantage.

Clearly, UEFA are wise to the fact that there are incentives for skullduggery, and have put a few thou-shalt-not-cross red lines in their rulebook, rules that are clear enough and punishments severe enough to prevent most teams from chancing it with them.

The SPL didn't - in fact, as it turned out, the SPL rules were so badly swiss-cheesed that one of our top clubs was able to effectively drive a bus sideways through them and profit by it. That's a culpable error rather than one of omission, in my book, and heads should've rolled for it, but they didn't and won't.

And that's shit, but it's not UEFA's fault, or Celtic's for that matter.

*Consortium, agglomeration, syndicate, whatever it is that the SPL was.

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More angry with the fact that I don't have a game to go to tomorrow but it's quite simple.......

Celtic played within the rules and got gubbed

The Poles broke one of the cardinal rules and got turfed.

It's not nice but stupidity should never be excused or rewarded. UEFA made the only decision possible

That is all.

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Reminds me of when Brechin fielded an unintelligible illegible player and got dumped out of the Scottish Cup. Whether it's the first minute or the 86th, it makes no difference, especially in the case of Celtic where it's not just football, it's a business. Rules are rules.

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