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Celtic European Campaign 2014-15


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Does this make celtic champions league zombies?

No Bennett, this makes Celtic Champions League contenders again. Please direct me to where in your tiny deluded mind how Celtic are a dead club ?

This ruling makes Legia's attampts to get reinstated deid as a dodo just like your club. :)

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No Bennett, this makes Celtic Champions League contenders again. Please direct me to where in your tiny deluded mind how Celtic are a dead club ?

This ruling makes Legia's attampts to get reinstated deid as a dodo just like your club. :)

Dead and buried then brought back from the dead, i reckon i was right enough.

Champions league zombies lol

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Expect the worst and when it goes in your favour, savour every last drop of salty tears from the Polish plonkers. :lol:

An unexpected surprise still being in the Champions League and hopefully Celtic make it to the group stages just for the seethe of it. :)

Read and laugh at all the posts to come about how unfair it is to the daft fuckers at Legia for this fine gift to Celtic and how Celtic shouldn't be competing in the Champions League because they were shite and got beaten.

Even better to come out of the group stages into the knockout stages although I will not hold my breath or stick money on a wee bet.

edut fhur typoo

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Dead and buried then brought back from the dead, i reckon i was right enough.

Champions league zombies lol

Are you completely thick ?, Celtic were already guaranteed a playoff in the Europa League meaning they were still in European competition.

A truly desperate attempt to pass a Rangers joke onto Celtic.

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Dead and buried then brought back from the dead, i reckon i was right enough.

Champions league zombies lol

Are you completely thick ?, Celtic were already guaranteed a playoff in the Europa League meaning they were still in European competition.

A truly desperate attempt to pass a Rangers joke onto Celtic.

And you asked about being thick lol

Silly CL zombie....

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Dead and buried then brought back from the dead, i reckon i was right enough.

Champions league zombies lol

Thats tragic patter

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For the benefit for the troll Bennett,


On the official UEFA website there is a page for the official results and it reads as Celtic winning 3-0 with an "F" after the result for "FCUK YOU".

But seeing as we all know that you have trouble with links I'll even post a pic of the result that the history books will show as Celtic never ever being pumped oot O' the Champions League.


Hurting much Benny :)

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For the benefit for the troll Bennett,


On the official UEFA website there is a page for the official results and it reads as Celtic winning 3-0 with an "F" after the result for "FCUK YOU".

But seeing as we all know that you have trouble with links I'll even post a pic of the result that the history books will show as Celtic never ever being pumped oot O' the Champions League.

attachicon.gifGIRFUY BENNY.JPG

Hurting much Benny :)

My zombie jibe really got to you lol

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If it's true that Legia players had raised concern with the club, prior to Murrayfield, then that really is criminal and tempers sympathy for them a bit.

It does nothing however, to alter the fact that Celtic have been ridiculously lucky b*****ds, who deserve to be out of the competition.

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If it's true that Legia players had raised concern with the club, prior to Murrayfield, then that really is criminal and tempers sympathy for them a bit.

It does nothing however, to alter the fact that Celtic have been ridiculously lucky b*****ds, who deserve to be out of the competition.

Let it go MT, let it go...

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If they are thick enough they can explore every avenue. I suspect that Monkey's couched questions will cut little ice there either.

Did you submit his name as required .... Err naw ...

Was he suspended and ineligible to play ... Err Yes ...

Are the rules in black and white and crystal clear ... Err yes ...

Is the punishment laid out in the rules been fairly applied by the administrators as laid down in their rules ... YES

Was there any alternative punishment available to the administrators according to the rulebook ... Errr NO .. aye but .. could they no have shown some leniency it was a bit harsh .. ye ken ..

Case dismissed .... yet again ...

Fucking spanners .. no wonder their paperwork is shyte if they still don't understand.

This all day long

I genuinely felt sorry for them last week, there is no question they were harshly treated BUT it was black and white and in the rules laid out to every club

I expected them to appeal but all they could do was plead for leniency, there was no doubt the error was made by them but their attempts to besmirch Celtic and drag us into it (remember we made NO complaint on this matter) by calling into question the fact that we havent backed them up when, even if we had UEFA would tell us to play Maribor or face sanctions ourselves, effectively making Celtic out to be the baddies here has left a bitter taste to it all, nullifying any sympathy I and many others had towards them.

Quite frankly they can now go and take a flying f**k to themselves.

Get it up you Legia Warsaw :D

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Potential fast tracked appeal on Monday at the sporting court of arbitration. Obviously UEFA need to give consent for this to happen.

Why won't they let it lie?

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Potential fast tracked appeal on Monday at the sporting court of arbitration. Obviously UEFA need to give consent for this to happen.

Why won't they let it lie?

Going to hazard a guess that it's the same 15 million reasons that Celtic didn't agree to just swap places with them.

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From STV site. CAS statement basically reads they can hear the appeal over the weekend IF Legia wish to file. ... (they have not done so far?)

However CAS stated this

I can't see this happening as they have NO legal basis only ... Please .. pwetty please .. we fucked up ... awww cmoan ... :P

Its getting a bit embarrassing for them now, its like a jilted lover continuing to text, phone, stalk the object of their desires.

At this rate the Legia Warsaw directors, players and

Henning Berg and co will be calling Celtic and UEFA in the middle of the night, witholding their number and hanging up, sitting in their cars outside their offices gazing in forlornly soon enough


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