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Nazi slurs from Better Together


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Where did I say that I believed Wiles views to be "Labour Party policy".

be very specific.

He didn't say you said that. He said you grudgingly admitted it wasn't. Which is, erm, the opposite of saying that. You attempted to belittle the bigotry of an elected SNP member of Parliament because "his views are not party policy" but you are perfectly happy, it appears, to suggest that Labour are "pure worse" because of one of their candidates, someone who is not an elected member of Parliament, saying something which the party then condemned and strong-armed her out of being a candidate at the election for saying.

It would be interesting if you could actually name some of the Labour list MSPs that, by your account, are "idiots" on the scale of John Mason and Bill Walker, two people who were *actually* elected to Parliament under an SNP ticket and one of whom hasn't even been disowned by his party for transparent and repeated bigotry.

As far as I'm concerned, beyond and even among some within the front benches at Holyrood, Scotland's two major parties have a whole tapas meal of idiots, bigots and nasty people. Neither is by any independent objective standard, relatively clean.

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And the SNP condemned Mason and told him to drop it.

Pete Wishart, the MSP for Perth and North Perthshire, wrote on Twitter: “John Mason’s nasty little anti-gay marriage motion is just wrong, and really disappointed that other colleagues have signed it.”

Pete Wishart =/= "the SNP". Even if the SNP have done so, how is this remotely different from Labour condemning this candidate? So far as I can see, the only difference is Labour have kicked this person off standing for elected office. Will the SNP do the same with Mason in 2016?

I've not seen any of the UKOK/ No Thanks/ Labour mob telling their party members to wind in the Nazi comparisons. Have you?

Labour statement:

"The debate about Scotland's future should be held in a respectful and positive way and we will take robust and immediate action if any of our members fall below these standards."

So yes, I have.

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He didn't say you said that. He said you grudgingly admitted it wasn't. Which is, erm, the opposite of saying that. You attempted to belittle the bigotry of an elected SNP member of Parliament because "his views are not party policy" but you are perfectly happy, it appears, to suggest that Labour are "pure worse" because of one of their candidates, someone who is not an elected member of Parliament, saying something which the party then condemned and strong-armed her out of being a candidate at the election for saying.

It would be interesting if you could actually name some of the Labour list MSPs that, by your account, are "idiots" on the scale of John Mason and Bill Walker, two people who were *actually* elected to Parliament under an SNP ticket and one of whom hasn't even been disowned by his party for transparent and repeated bigotry.

As far as I'm concerned, beyond and even among some within the front benches at Holyrood, Scotland's two major parties have a whole tapas meal of idiots, bigots and nasty people. Neither is by any independent objective standard, relatively clean.

And your lot prefer the more Savillesque in society, you certainly have no mileage on this subject given your parties decades of coverups.

Not words but actions ignored in your parties case.

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John Bigot Mason, unrepentant, following criticism of his motion :-

"That's just part of politics. It's the game we're in. I knew something like this was going to happen. I hope it can calm down and we can get a reasonable debate."

Nothing like the gays getting uppity eh John?

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Are you suggesting this Labour gimp's views are party policy?

The sNP, as has been established, has a fruitcake homophobic bigot contingent, who have proposed bigoted motions in Parliament.

You condemned, quite rightly, Wiles for her views - why are you not incandescent over Mason's bigotry?

In a word, Yes.

A top down policy of tarring the Yes movement with the Nazi brush.

Written down and minuted or not, it is policy.

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John Bigot Mason, unrepentant, following criticism of his motion :-

"That's just part of politics. It's the game we're in. I knew something like this was going to happen. I hope it can calm down and we can get a reasonable debate."

Nothing like the gays getting uppity eh John?

I thought you were away finding an answer to my question.

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In a word, Yes.

A top down policy of tarring the Yes movement with the Nazi brush.

Written down and minuted or not, it is policy.

You seem confused here ...

Is this a BT policy? A Labour party policy? What?

Is homophobia an SNP policy?

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Reserves of what? Cash, gold, foreign currency?

How would I know?

You were the one who was insistent that we didn't get bailed out, it's easy to prove if you're correct or not, a rough figure of UK Reserves is all that's required.

Obviously you were just making an assertion that you couldn't substantiate given your obfuscation since being asked.

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You seemed to have very strong views on what a sad sorry party Labour was that it was reduced to having horrible bigots like Wiles as parliamentary candidates?

Are you saying, or are you not, that the SNP are a sad sorry party because they have horrible bigots like John Mason (and friends) as actual MSPs?

It's a really simple question.

yes, the SNP have bigots and idiots in their ranks, too, as one of my answers on the previous page made clear. Mason is the prime example.

we might also state that such idiots exist in all walks of life and in all occupations. addressing the conditions and the dreadful parenting that see humans socialised with bigoted and hateful views would be a start in eradicating them at their root.

However, you aren't terribly interested in this I suspect and, as usual, are more interested in running around the thread shouting, with a firework in your arse- a bit more noise and smoke, anything, to deflect the thread off-topic.

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In a word, Yes.

A top down policy of tarring the Yes movement with the Nazi brush.

Written down and minuted or not, it is policy.

Spectacular. The homophobic disgrace of Pie and Bovril is now trying to tell us that Labour and/or Better Together have a policy of comparing the Yes movement with Nazis.

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You were the one who was insistent that we didn't get bailed out, it's easy to prove if you're correct or not, a rough figure of UK Reserves is all that's required.

No it isn't. I'm not sure where you are going with this.

The UK government bailout package was over 1 trillion (american) incidentally, with a cash outlay of 133 bn.

There were two types of support provided:

  • Provision of guarantees and other non-cash support. The main items under this heading are the Credit Guarantee Scheme, Special Liquidity Scheme and Asset Protection Scheme, as well as various other guarantees and indemnities provided to UK banks.
  • Provision of cash in the form of loans to the Financial Services Compensation Scheme and insolvent banks to support deposits, and the purchase of share capital in Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds Banking Group.
Peak support (£bn) Guarantee commitments 1029 Cash outlay 133 Total peak support 1,162

These figures set out our calculation of the total peak support provided to banks, including support that was made available but not used by a specific institution. They are calculated by adding all the support schemes together and removing overlaps.

The peak values have been taken from HM Treasury Resource Accounts, Parliamentary supply estimates and NAO reports to Parliament. As each scheme and support facility was available at different times, the total peak support was not all available at a single point in time.

Break-downs of these figures are set out in the C&AG’s Report on HM Treasury’s 2011-12 and 2012-13 Resource Accounts.

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yes, the SNP have bigots and idiots in their ranks, too, as one of my answers on the previous page made clear. Mason is the prime example.

we might also state that such idiots exist in all walks of life and in all occupations. addressing the conditions and the dreadful parenting that see humans socialised with bigoted and hateful views would be a start in eradicating them at their root.

However, you aren't terribly interested in this I suspect and, as usual, are more interested in running around the thread shouting, with a firework in your arse- a bit more noise and smoke, anything, to deflect the thread off-topic.

So, just to summarise, after mewling performance, you are recognising the sorry state the SNP are in that confirmed bigots like John Mason and crew are actually MSPs?

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No it isn't. I'm not sure where you are going with this.

The UK government bailout package was over 1 trillion (american) incidentally, with a cash outlay of 133 bn.

There were two types of support provided:

  • Provision of guarantees and other non-cash support. The main items under this heading are the Credit Guarantee Scheme, Special Liquidity Scheme and Asset Protection Scheme, as well as various other guarantees and indemnities provided to UK banks.
  • Provision of cash in the form of loans to the Financial Services Compensation Scheme and insolvent banks to support deposits, and the purchase of share capital in Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds Banking Group.
Peak support (£bn) Guarantee commitments 1029 Cash outlay 133 Total peak support 1,162

These figures set out our calculation of the total peak support provided to banks, including support that was made available but not used by a specific institution. They are calculated by adding all the support schemes together and removing overlaps.

The peak values have been taken from HM Treasury Resource Accounts, Parliamentary supply estimates and NAO reports to Parliament. As each scheme and support facility was available at different times, the total peak support was not all available at a single point in time.

Break-downs of these figures are set out in the C&AG’s Report on HM Treasury’s 2011-12 and 2012-13 Resource Accounts.

By whom.

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Given H_B's absolute incandescence over John "Bigot" Mason, I look forward to him one by one condemning these supporters of UKOKBTNOTHANKS. And yes, H_B, it's a WoS link. Deal with it.

I'll await your confirmation of disgust for these organisations and what they stand for:


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Spectacular. The homophobic disgrace of Pie and Bovril is now trying to tell us that Labour and/or Better Together have a policy of comparing the Yes movement with Nazis.

Evidence please of one single member of this forum being "homophobic". And be VERY, VERY specific.

You are a DISGRACE Ad Lib.

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Given H_B's absolute incandescence over John "Bigot" Mason, I look forward to him one by one condemning these supporters of UKOKBTNOTHANKS. And yes, H_B, it's a WoS link. Deal with it.

I'll await your confirmation of disgust for these organisations and what they stand for:


Seem like a bunch of hideous individuals no doubt.

Why is the "hate gay people" one not John Mason of the SNP though?

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Seem like a bunch of hideous individuals no doubt.

Why is the "hate gay people" one not John Mason of the SNP though?

I'm not sure. Do you support Ad Lib's view that P&B is "homophobic"?

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