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Racist Ulster Loyalists fly KKK flag in east Belfast

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Why did there have to be "discussions" about taking the flag down? :huh:


Also according to the beeb;

"It is understood a red KKK flag put up on Monday afternoon was taken down by police, but officers discovered on Tuesday morning that a blue one had been put up overnight. It has also been taken down.".

Not quite the tale some of our NI 'experts' had told us.

What tale was that then?

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Looks like preparations for the annual 12th of July hatefest are in full swing........


A Ku Klux Klan flag was erected in east Belfast this week, where a spate of racist attacks have taken place.

The blue 'New Order Knights' flag was pictured flying from a lamppost off Island Street in Ballymacarrett on Tuesday morning, displaying the words "Ku Klux Klan"- an emblem which clearly denotes racism and white supremacy.

It has since been taken down.

East Belfast Alliance MP Naomi Long hit out at those behind it, saying it added an "even more sinister edge" to recent race-related incidents.

Mrs Long said she had received a number of complaints from constituents regarding the flags, which she passed to the PSNI for action.

Yet again we see those who wish to bully anyone different from them use flags and emblems to assert dominance and control over a community. To do so at all is to be condemned but to put up these flags in broad daylight shows just how brazen the culprits are," she said.

To use flags hailing a hate group such as the KKK is sickening and lends a further menacing element to recent events."

Last year 982 racist incidents were reported to the PSNI an average of up to three every day.

That marks a big rise on the year before there were 750 reports about racist incidents in 2012-13.

Police have said the loyalist paramilitary group the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) has been orchestrating racist attacks in south and east Belfast.

Its no suprise to see this, the OO and the KKK have always had strong links , Racist bigoted scum dressed up as being a progressive organisation.

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Maybe it's a double bluff - educated loyalist racists erect a well constructed, well written, lucid "warning", and everyone will assume the nationalists did it, because of the very fact it is well written, etc. :lol:

False fleg incident IMO

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What links?

The US deep south was mostly colonised by Ulster Scots - the locals make quite a big thing of this, even today. If you're looking for the particular ethnic group that set up the original KKK and mostly comprised its membership in later forms, then Ulster Scots and their American descendants are very definitely your culprits.

Whether this translates into a buddy-buddy relationship with the Orange Order is another matter, but let's just observe that their attitudes to certain religions and their loopy woe-is-us conspiracism are pretty much in sympathy, even if they probably do differ on black people.

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Its no suprise to see this, the OO and the KKK have always had strong links , Racist bigoted scum dressed up as being a progressive organisation.

What links?

As we both know he is making that up to fit his own prejudices, but there are a few idiots on here who might actually believe it.



The US deep south was mostly colonised by Ulster Scots - the locals make quite a big thing of this, even today. If you're looking for the particular ethnic group that set up the original KKK and mostly comprised its membership in later forms, then Ulster Scots and their American descendants are very definitely your culprits.

Whether this translates into a buddy-buddy relationship with the Orange Order is another matter, but let's just observe that their attitudes to certain religions and their loopy woe-is-us conspiracism are pretty much in sympathy, even if they probably do differ on black people.

So there are no links.

As LTL has linked, there are Orange lodges in Ghana & Togo. As far as I know there are/were lodges in Canada comprised of native peoples. There is an Orangeman in Ballymena who is an Indian (as in sub-continent, not North America).

I hardly think the KKK would have a buddy-buddy relationship with an organisation who did not discriminate between races.

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So there are no links.

As LTL has linked, there are Orange lodges in Ghana & Togo. As far as I know there are/were lodges in Canada comprised of native peoples. There is an Orangeman in Ballymena who is an Indian (as in sub-continent, not North America).

I hardly think the KKK would have a buddy-buddy relationship with an organisation who did not discriminate between races.

As I said, no formal links that I'm aware of. On the other hand, they're both horrible organisations founded by and filled with horrible people whose views on certain issues converge very strongly, and they've both emerged from the same Papal-conspiracy-theorising people from the same area, so I think they're similar enough to observe that they're basically two forms of the exact same problem, i.e. a particular form of belligerent, paranoid stupidity.

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Why is one of the main form of Ulster Unionists' "cultural expression" the mass destruction of Catholic religious symbols and the mass burning of a neighbouring country's flag? I can think of no other nation/country in the world whose national holiday is more dedicated to the denigration of a "rival" culture than a celebration of their own.

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Why is one of the main form of Ulster Unionists' "cultural expression" the mass destruction of Catholic religious symbols and the mass burning of a neighbouring country's flag? I can think of no other nation/country in the world whose national holiday is more dedicated to the denigration of a "rival" culture than a celebration of their own.

Russias May Day, Englands Trafalgar Day, The Imperialist Yankees Independence Day etc et bloody c..

Can't wait for our Bannockburn Day.

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...I can think of no other nation/country in the world whose national holiday is more dedicated to the denigration of a "rival" culture than a celebration of their own.

Good of you to concede the concept of Ulster/NI nationhood and hence the ongoing justification for partition. Hopefully the Loyalist underclass can be persuaded that the bonfires don't need to be so huge and filled with tires that they become a health and safety hazard and that they don't need to involve tricolours etc.

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Most of the rioters in the Draft Riots were Irish RCs. People are human beings first and foremost. Irish RCs are as prone to human frailties as Ulster Prods are. Combating racism isn't going to be advanced by pushing a tribal agenda as to which lot are more backward in a NI and west of Scotland context as part of a wider identity politics agenda.

Absolutely correct, so why did you spend half of this thread deflecting from the act of racism mentioned in the OP in favour of insinuating that people are only criticising said racism because they support thame kafflicks, who are just as bad?

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Absolutely correct, so why did you spend half of this thread deflecting from the act of racism mentioned in the OP in favour of insinuating that people are only criticising said racism because they support thame kafflicks, who are just as bad?

Classic example of a strawman argument. Can't deal with what has actually been written so paraphrase with a completely distorted version of what has been argued and then criticise that.

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Probably best to just ignore the unrepresentative vocal minority on here. Scotland's silent majority will also be voting on September 18th, so the Union will soon be safe for at least another generation. Very much looking forward to the meltdowns on here in the aftermath.

Your first post on the thread. :huh:

Which was swiftly followed by 3 or 4 pages of deflection, whatabouttery and generally unrelated nonsense about "tribal agendas".

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