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Racist Ulster Loyalists fly KKK flag in east Belfast

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If somebody has a genuinely anti-racist and anti-discrimination outlook, they don't make wild extrapolations about entire groups of people based on a single isolated incident. When people have an agenda based on ancestral tribalism, they seize on incidents like this and attempt to use it as ammunition in their ongoing culture war.

1. your graphic really is rich in irony, given your performance on this thread

2. how do you have any idea whether my "anti racist and anti discrimination" outlook is not genuine? you don't know the first thing about me.

3. please provide the exact quotation where I "made wild extrapolations about an entire group based on a single incident". The exact quote. What I have pointed to- and what is incontrovertable fact- is that a small group of Loyalists (*not* the whole Loyalist community) are responsible not for a single isoltaed incident but a fucking trend of incidents dispersed over many years. The fact that you seem abidingly incapable of distinguishing between a single incident and a trend running for years makes you look dimwitted at best, a downright bigoted liar at worst.

4. please provide, as I asked you for before- yet you seemed mysteriously to overlook- who I am "fighting a culture war based on ancient tribalisms" on behalf of. I am a Glaswegian Protestant who knew the words of the Sash and the Billy Boys by the age of 6-7. If you are insinuating that I am some kind of Republican apologist then stroll on. However, just because I choose not to bat for mid eighteenth-century bigots like the Orange Order, or white-kinight for violent sectarian thugs like the UVF / UDA/ UFF, doesn't make me a republican apologist. In fact growing up in that background gives me a bigger disgust for sectarian hatred than someone who grew up in a background where all religious beliefs were respected as the choice of individuals.

You fucking moron. I really tried to cut you some slack in this thread but f**k knows why- what a waste of time. You're quite clearly a bigot apologist.

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And racist.

So, for daring to query the wording in the title of a thread, it was initially insinuated that I was an idiot and now, by dint of that, a throbber like you has deduced that this also means that I am racist.

Cracker chum. :thumsup2

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So, for daring to query the wording in the title of a thread, it was initially insinuated that I was an idiot and now, by dint of that, a throbber like you has deduced that this also means that I am racist.

Cracker chum. :thumsup2

Admission of Southern redneck rascist friends shocker........... ;)

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Was honestly oblivious to the first one.

In fact I've never even met a redneck. Thankfully.

The term is widely used in films, think 'Cool Hand Luke' etc.

As an aside, the one yank I have on FB could probably be described as one, certainly 'White trailer trash' would fit, and I'm 'having fun' with him the now over the 4th July shtik he's posting :)

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Nice baps, what was I going to post about again? Rednecks that was it.

If you feel at home watching Kemlin Juniors, you might be a redneck.

If you have lived on a street with painted kerb stones, you might be a redneck.

If you have taken Coleraine and all that's in it, you might be a redneck...

Google Jeff Foxworthy if you are whooshed.

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Probably best you post on here rather than Slugger O'Toole if that's the level of discourse you stoop to.

nah, I've called you completely right. You need a least a modicum of historical knowledge and perspective to post successfully on Slugger, and clearly you have neither.

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Looks like preparations for the annual 12th of July hatefest are in full swing........


A Ku Klux Klan flag was erected in east Belfast this week, where a spate of racist attacks have taken place.

The blue 'New Order Knights' flag was pictured flying from a lamppost off Island Street in Ballymacarrett on Tuesday morning, displaying the words "Ku Klux Klan"- an emblem which clearly denotes racism and white supremacy.

It has since been taken down.

East Belfast Alliance MP Naomi Long hit out at those behind it, saying it added an "even more sinister edge" to recent race-related incidents.

Mrs Long said she had received a number of complaints from constituents regarding the flags, which she passed to the PSNI for action.

“Yet again we see those who wish to bully anyone different from them use flags and emblems to assert dominance and control over a community. To do so at all is to be condemned but to put up these flags in broad daylight shows just how brazen the culprits are," she said.

“To use flags hailing a hate group such as the KKK is sickening and lends a further menacing element to recent events."

Last year 982 racist incidents were reported to the PSNI – an average of up to three every day.

That marks a big rise on the year before – there were 750 reports about racist incidents in 2012-13.

Police have said the loyalist paramilitary group the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) has been orchestrating racist attacks in south and east Belfast.

are the KKK and the orange order not directly linked?

There is deffo a clear link between the "billy boys" and the KKK.

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are the KKK and the orange order not directly linked?

There is deffo a clear link between the "billy boys" and the KKK.

As said, maybe in terms of their shared ancestry and their similar hatreds and paranoias. No formal links, for the most part.

On the other hand, the court of public opinion ruled on both years ago, and the verdict was "both a bunch of really hateful people".

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are the KKK and the orange order not directly linked?

There is deffo a clear link between the "billy boys" and the KKK.

Yes the kkk based their little club on the white protestant supremacy of the OO and have always had a kinship, as mentioned , Billy boy Fulerton was a leading light in Glasgows Orange movement , a vile racist bigot who began Glasgows first kkk club , and for generations Rangers fans have rejoiced in being the Billy boys, So its always strange when they say theres no link with the two?

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