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I never had a tv licence and got a £75 fine. I still don't have one and have not heard from them since. The fine doesn't appear on my PVG so I basicly saved half the price by accepting the fine

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It's the scummy way they go about it that annoys me, I remember these adverts a few years back on the side of buses on a route that goes through said street.


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Right guys, here's the four-one-one.

If you don't have a TV Licence:


There are no "detector vans". They do not exist. Even if they did, it's highly unlikely that they would work with digital signals (as opposed to the old analogue ones), and even if they did, it's even more unlikely that they would be sufficiently accurate enough to pinpoint which household is emitting said signals, particularly if it's a block of flats. Most people just pay for a TV licence because they always have done. You can declare online that you don't need a TV Licence, and that'll be you sorted for a couple of years. Even if they bother coming round to check, it doesn't matter whether you've told the truth or not, because...


TV Licence "inspectors" have no more right to enter your home than I do. They aren't the police. Do not let them in. You don't need to tell them why. The only way they could get in is with a police officer who has a warrant, and even then...


I am a lawyer. I know about warrants. I have seen police officers seeking warrants for all sorts of shit, usually drugs searches. They need to go to a judge (Sheriff / Justice of the Peace, usually the latter). I have never heard of a warrant being sought for a TV Licence matter. It just does not happen. Even if an inspector went to the police and got them to seek a warrant, what would be their basis? "The boy never opened the door to us"? Any Sheriff or JP worth their salt would tell them to f**k off. It's not like TV where the cop goes "Let's phone the local judge" and just makes up a reason to get a warrant. They need evidence that a crime is being committed, which they will never have, because...


Even if you have a TV, so what? They would need to prove that you were using it to watch live TV without a licence. Live TV. Not a DVD, not catch-up etc. Take this to its logical conclusion, which is some sort of prosecution. What evidence would they have against you? Snooping in a window is probably the best evidence they could possibly have, and even then: ( a ) it would probably be uncorroborated, if it were just one person's word for it, and ( b ) there's no way in hell that they could prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it was live TV as opposed to a DVD or something. No way. That's why...


Trust me on this one. I am a defence lawyer. I have never had a client prosecuted for it. I also worked in the JP Courts (where this sort of thing would be prosecuted) for about six months, and among the thousands of cases I dealt with there was not one TV Licence prosecution. I have asked court staff this very question, and they have similarly not seen a prosecution for about a decade or more. It does not happen. The only people you see at courts for TV Licence stuff are those who invited "inspectors" in, admitted not having one and were issued a fine which they proceeded to not pay. All unpaid fines get taken through the courts eventually.

So, in conclusion:

1) You are committing an offence if you watch live TV without a licence.

2) If you aren't stupid, if you commit this offence you will likely never be caught.

3) Even if you are "caught", they could never prove that you committed the offence.


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I would happily pay £145 a year just for Radio 4.

I happily pay the same just in the off chance that our Judith's twins pop a button and go on the lam.

Ach you haven't a scooby about the joys of Radio 4.

While I was shaving at 7.00 this morning Susan Rae read the news 'tits oot' and Mishal Hussain used that 10 minute interlude to set about Sarah Montague with a strap-on. FACT.

The pictures are much better on radio.

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Ach you haven't a scooby about the joys of Radio 4.

While I was shaving at 7.00 this morning Susan Rae read the news 'tits oot' and Mishal Hussain used that 10 minute interlude to set about Sarah Montague with a strap-on. FACT.

The pictures are much better on radio.

It was 'taps aff' on Radio Scotland, but what put me off was it was Bryan Burnett.

I'll stick to the telly, it's what I know.

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