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Is anyone so determined in their views that they will...

Casual Bystander

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Casual Bystander/Supras, what would you do if the No vote comes out top, would you leave the country?

Two things. One I'm not that person you think I am (and I am willing to put up a bet of millions of pounds on that being the case), and two I've already answered that question earlier in the thread but to summarise the answer is No, but it would speed up my departure purely from not wishing to spend time with a population who think they are better to be ruled than ruling.

Also so far on this forum for all your piss and wind you have said little about the benefits of an independent Scotland and have preferred on a regular basis to put down and paint potential No voters as bigots and halfwits. Its not a debate for you, its more like trolling for attention.

If you think I am a troll then there is nothing I can do about that, that is all down to your perspective. In terms of a bullet list, do you really want one? It's pretty clear the benefits and they have been discussed ad infinitum. My posts here make people uncomfortable because there is truth in them and that is a truth people don't like hearing. The Orange Order and their connection to the No campaign, the way in which Scottish Labour have sold out their electorate to Westminster for 30 pieces of silver or the way in which Darling and Brown are claiming doom and gloom about independent Scottish finances yet were the men at the helm of the Treasury as the UK lurched into one of the worst financial crashes with next to no safeguards. These are things that need to be highlighted and I won't stop doing that just because people don't like what I say.

Now as a potential voter who has yet to decide which way to vote, you offer nothing other than what appears as Yes voting blinkered parody.

Again that is all down to your perception. Clearly if you find the lies, scaremongering and downright treachery of the Bitter Together campaign convincing then you just fire ahead and put down a No vote. Ultimately if anyone needs me to convince them of which way to vote then I am not sure what that says about them.

btw, bad luck on Pollok last Saturday losing at home to Neilston

I'm guessing you must have missed the game, as we won.. :D ..with a last gasp screamer.. :D ..although just the very early stages of the cup, but a win is a win. The league stars today though!

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Indeed, although it's clear that you post under both accounts as the registration dates are identical as are the tone of the posts.

No, it quite clearly shouldn't. The comma after "Basically", the ones before and after the "but" and after "dense" are superfluous. You seem to think that every comma equates to a pause. It's nowhere as simplistic as that. Obviously punctuation is can be used to define a personal tone, so perhaps you would use the comma after the "Basically" although as I say it's superfluous however the ones before and after the "but" would get you marks docked in an exam.

You have been well and truly hoodwinked here.

I am not Scothmist.

I created the account the day he appeared as a piss-take.

You've been well and truly tangoed.

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Casual Bystander/Supras, what would you do if the No vote comes out top, would you leave the country?

Also so far on this forum for all your piss and wind you have said little about the benefits of an independent Scotland and have preferred on a regular basis to put down and paint potential No voters as bigots and halfwits. Its not a debate for you, its more like trolling for attention.

Now as a potential voter who has yet to decide which way to vote, you offer nothing other than what appears as Yes voting blinkered parody.

This has to be a wind-up right?

btw, bad luck on Pollok last Saturday losing at home to Neilston


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Two things. One I'm not that person you think I am (and I am willing to put up a bet of millions of pounds on that being the case), and two I've already answered that question earlier in the thread but to summarise the answer is No, but it would speed up my departure purely from not wishing to spend time with a population who think they are better to be ruled than ruling.

Anti monarchy? Its true that a country cannot have true democracy if it is ruled or governed by another country, but then the same could be applied to the whole of the UK

If you think I am a troll then there is nothing I can do about that, that is all down to your perspective. In terms of a bullet list, do you really want one? It's pretty clear the benefits and they have been discussed ad infinitum. My posts here make people uncomfortable because there is truth in them and that is a truth people don't like hearing. The Orange Order and their connection to the No campaign, the way in which Scottish Labour have sold out their electorate to Westminster for 30 pieces of silver or the way in which Darling and Brown are claiming doom and gloom about independent Scottish finances yet were the men at the helm of the Treasury as the UK lurched into one of the worst financial crashes with next to no safeguards. These are things that need to be highlighted and I won't stop doing that just because people don't like what I say.

I don't feel uncomfortable with any of this. Are you quite sure anyone on the forum is uncomfortable with your views? I'm sure you are quite familiar with reasons on why other posters would want to converse with you in debate and ask you questions. To assume and claim that other posters are uncomfortable with your views and then you claim your views are truth only gives off impressions that you are at it.

Again that is all down to your perception. Clearly if you find the lies, scaremongering and downright treachery of the Bitter Together campaign convincing then you just fire ahead and put down a No vote. Ultimately if anyone needs me to convince them of which way to vote then I am not sure what that says about them.

Again you seem to be going off on one about the No vote, seemingly threatened by the fact I have yet to decide. I'm not saying I will decide entirely based on what others say, but you have to admit for many voters the information given from the people around them either friends and family and also social media will play a big part in that person's decision. Everyone is influenced by the information around them and its the information given coupled with that persons values and beliefs that lead to them making that decision. You are no different and just like anyone else who has an opinion on the question I'm quite happy to listen or read what you think, I might not agree totally but I have respect for most opinions.

I'm guessing you must have missed the game, as we won.. :D ..with a last gasp screamer.. :D ..although just the very early stages of the cup, but a win is a win. The league stars today though!

:lol: I was trying to catch you out there. Good goal by David Winters.

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All that is quite difficult to read the way it's embedded within the quote function, but I have no issue in regard to how you vote. If you are intelligent enough you will see through the lies and spin that has been propagated by Project Fear - claim after claim has been debunked. I do think that if I sway you then, while it would be somewhat comforting to know that is one less No voter if you were to vote the other way you would be letting yourself, your country and future generations down. People seem to have ignored the 1979 referendum, and there are significant parallels in terms of the fear-mongering and lies, yet history shows that if we don't take this chance to become independent then we will end up regretting it as a right wing Westminster and anti European England (and I don't single them out unfairly, Wales and even N.Ireland along with Scotland are considerably more disposed to the EU) will take us to a Thatcherite hell of the rich and powerful becoming more rich and more powerful while those at the other end of the spectrum become more disenfranchised and slip closer (or further under) the poverty line.

If people are going to call me a troll while ignoring the points I raise then the only conclusion is that those same people are uncomfortable dealing with those points. Clearly if they wished to debate the matter they would, however it seems like a litany of insults and/or assumptions I am this or that poster is the only responses I get.

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All that is quite difficult to read the way it's embedded within the quote function, but I have no issue in regard to how you vote. If you are intelligent enough you will see through the lies and spin that has been propagated by Project Fear - claim after claim has been debunked. I do think that if I sway you then, while it would be somewhat comforting to know that is one less No voter if you were to vote the other way you would be letting yourself, your country and future generations down. People seem to have ignored the 1979 referendum, and there are significant parallels in terms of the fear-mongering and lies, yet history shows that if we don't take this chance to become independent then we will end up regretting it as a right wing Westminster and anti European England (and I don't single them out unfairly, Wales and even N.Ireland along with Scotland are considerably more disposed to the EU) will take us to a Thatcherite hell of the rich and powerful becoming more rich and more powerful while those at the other end of the spectrum become more disenfranchised and slip closer (or further under) the poverty line.

If people are going to call me a troll while ignoring the points I raise then the only conclusion is that those same people are uncomfortable dealing with those points. Clearly if they wished to debate the matter they would, however it seems like a litany of insults and/or assumptions I am this or that poster is the only responses I get.

You wonder why some might think of you as a troll but in your preceding paragraph you offer a lot of opinions (fair enough) but no real facts. You have been very ungenerous in your descriptions of NAW voters so you will get peoples backs up but you know that of course.

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You wonder why some might think of you as a troll but in your preceding paragraph you offer a lot of opinions (fair enough) but no real facts. You have been very ungenerous in your descriptions of NAW voters so you will get peoples backs up but you know that of course.

I think the moment the No Campaign turned down the road of spreading FUD and negative politics then generosity went out of the window.

I am unsure what particular facts you are looking for. It is a fact that England is considerably more Euroscpetic, and Cameron has painted himself in a corner where he cannot do anything now but veto legislation in Brussels rather than compromise. It is also a fact that the 1979 referendum has parallels to this one in terms of promises made but broken.

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I think the moment the No Campaign turned down the road of spreading FUD and negative politics then generosity went out of the window.

I am unsure what particular facts you are looking for. It is a fact that England is considerably more Euroscpetic, and Cameron has painted himself in a corner where he cannot do anything now but veto legislation in Brussels rather than compromise. It is also a fact that the 1979 referendum has parallels to this one in terms of promises made but broken.

I'm not looking for 'facts' as it were, the much over used and very much abused word that it is. I'd be quite content if you toned down the abuse, whatever you percieved 'right' to do so. I know from debates in the past you don't genuinely care if you convert people to your way of thinking, for some reason you enjoy being contentious.

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...leave the country if the referendum vote goes against their wishes?

I was speaking to someone today who gave the immortal line of "I'll leave the country if we vote Yes". Naturally he was a rotund simpleton in his 40's who sported a Rangers top, had an ugly dog on a lead and was bedecked with unionist, loyalist and paramilitary tattoos. He could barely speak for the amount of Greggs sausage roll he was feeding into his corpulent face while bestowing the virtues of the Queen and the military and how his grandfather had fought to "keep Britain British" (subtlety and international politics of the 30's/40's was clearly not his strong point). The final flourish was to proclaim that the No vote would win because Alex Salmond was "fat and stupid". The irony was lost upon this ne'er-do-well although I did enjoy the lack of awareness on his behalf. The picture of a typical, uneducated, bigoted No voter was complete.

After spending several minutes giving him "the banter" about how he was just "at it" and no matter what way the vote goes he'll be sitting pretty, claiming his dole; it was a guess, although no surprise it was correct, but he was adamant.

Are there any people here who will leave the country dependent on the result?

Is this how far we've fallen, to making sh*t up on an internet forum to put those we disagree with in a poor light. Trying far too hard with your stereotype there, you aren't doing anyone any favours posting this fabricated pish, give it a rest, its pathetic.

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Is this how far we've fallen, to making sh*t up on an internet forum to put those we disagree with in a poor light.

Of course you are going to pour scorn upon it, because it reflects badly on the team you support. The situation happened, I can assure you, and I personally don't care if you believe me on that or not.

I presume that in your anger/misplace rage you are not going to actually answer the question posed?

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I won't be moving back to Scotland anytime soon regardless of what happens.

Scotland will be a better place if the oddballs threatening to leave if they don't get their way actually do bugger off. They won't though, because they're grandstanding shitebags.

I agree with you. Hopefully a lot of the Yes voters leave after a No vote. It will free up jobs for the unemployed people that actually want to be here and hopefully get rid of the SNP from Holyrood.

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Of course you are going to pour scorn upon it, because it reflects badly on the team you support. The situation happened, I can assure you, and I personally don't care if you believe me on that or not.

I presume that in your anger/misplace rage you are not going to actually answer the question posed?

You randomly talk to people like that in the street?. :lol:

I'm interested to know why this reflects badly on his team, because reading through that opening post I read nothing wrong with the fat boy's reaction, maybe you are missing something out. I know Inverness fans who will be voting No and Rangers fans that will be voting Yes, does this reflect badly on their teams too?. Or is this some loon ball west coast mentality?.

Interesting stereotyping though, makes him look more ridiculous than he probably was that is if the whole thing happened in the first place since with you posting on here almost continually I'm amazed you can find the time to speak to anyone let alone someone who you would have known simply by looking at him would have a complete opposite view to you, what was the point in that?. Other than for you act all superior and ridicule some poor boy who was in the middle of his lunch.

If this did actually happen he probably more likely would have took one look at you laughed and then told you to ''f*ck off ya wee p***k'' before you had any chance to force your opinion on him and tell him how superior you are because you will be voting yes. :lol:

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I agree with you. Hopefully a lot of the Yes voters leave after a No vote. It will free up jobs for the unemployed people that actually want to be here and hopefully get rid of the SNP from Holyrood.

Hiya Scrappy.

I think you might have to change back to being a Yes voter again. People are starting to ignore No voting Mr Bairn.

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Of course you are going to pour scorn upon it, because it reflects badly on the team you support. The situation happened, I can assure you, and I personally don't care if you believe me on that or not.

I presume that in your anger/misplace rage you are not going to actually answer the question posed?


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You randomly talk to people like that in the street?. :lol:

Why not? Although it came about from me having an appointment on Paisley Road West, then visiting the Greggs just along the road. Why is that so hard to believe, and why have people picked up specifically on my meeting rather than the question posed?

I'm interested to know why this reflects badly on his team

I am purely going on his reaction. It's an assumption but I can't think of any other reason why he would wish to dismiss this as some sort of fabrication. Trust me, if I was to fabricate it, I would have made it a lot less convoluted.

I'm amazed you can find the time to speak to anyone let alone someone who you would have known simply by looking at him would have a complete opposite view to you, what was the point in that?.

What an utterly bizarre comment.

If this did actually happen he probably more likely would have took one look at you laughed and then told you to ''f*ck off ya wee p***k'' before you had any chance to force your opinion on him and tell him how superior you are because you will be voting yes. :lol:

You do me a disservice, banter is exactly that, conducted in a friendly manner. There was no need for him to tell me to f**k off, not least because should it come to fisticuffs (not that it would of course, but I am purely extending your comment to it's logical conclusion) he would clearly have been the loser, and that is not some sort of Internet warrior line, just that gentleman was hardly an Adonis. Granted, his dog might had been a bit of a problem, but as I say there was no harsh words - at worst just a touch of classic Glaswegian sarcasm.

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