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Older No voters....


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Interesting some people's idea of democracy - almost Stalinist in it's attitude - your vote's fine so long as you vote the right way.

Sums up BT and MSM quite succinctly.

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You do know that is actually the historic basis of democracy. Do yo know what democracies done to those who disagreed? Bloodshed and exile is the key follower of forming democracies, even to this day.

Also, how can something like democracy be Stalinist. Stalin never claimed to have a democracy.

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There's only one "right" way to vote on this and that is to put an X in one of the two possible answers to a Yes or No question. Everything else is opinions. The vast, vast majority will vote properly here.

The only person doing it wrong is the complete Jose Quitongo DeeTillEhDeh spoiling his ballot with a yes or no question on it.

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Partly that and partly because a lot of them predominantly get their info from the biased msm.

They obviously have a different mindset if they are the only ones in favour of it.

So one side tells the truth and the other doesn't. As I said, life's easier if there's just goodies and baddies.

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So one side tells the truth and the other doesn't. As I said, life's easier if there's just goodies and baddies.

Look at last night for example. Dugdale lied about the white paper. Davidson lied about the white paper. Alexander lied about oil. Dugdale lied about social justice.

Oor mob lied about.... nothing.

So yes, it is good v bad.

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Look at last night for example. Dugdale lied about the white paper. Davidson lied about the white paper. Alexander lied about oil. Dugdale lied about social justice.

Oor mob lied about.... nothing.

So yes, it is good v bad.

I didn't watch because I was out with my elderly NO voting chums but I'm sure that's exactly how it went. :lol:

You need to have a word with yourself if you see this as some sort of Good V Evil scenario, you're going to be in for a lot of disappointment, even if it is a YES vote.

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Don't know about good v evil, but the NO campaign is built on fear.

In an independent Scotland you're pensions will be at risk.

In an independent Scotland we won't be able to use the pound and the economy will be in severe jeopardy.

In an independent Scotland we be at risk from a Russian invasion.

They've been running on empty for a long time now and I think more folk are seeing through the lies. Whether it will be enough for a YES victory is still unclear.

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I didn't watch because I was out with my elderly NO voting chums but I'm sure that's exactly how it went. :lol:

You need to have a word with yourself if you see this as some sort of Good V Evil scenario, you're going to be in for a lot of disappointment, even if it is a YES vote.

Dugdale said the white paper didn't have one single mention of the living wage. It has 27.

Davidson vastly overstated how many British troops there are and vastly understated how many troops the white paper said an iScotland would have.

The Yes campaign did not tell one single untruth. In actual fact, they didn't go far enough. When faced with the tired pish about Sir Ian Wood, not only did they not mention how he's contradicting his own figures from 2012, they didn't push the figures supplied by Professor Alex Kemp and Professor Sir Donald Mackay.

So not only are the No side evil liars, the Yes side are altruistic good guys who didn't push too hard out of sympathy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

73% of 65+ voted for No. Majority of them get their info from a newspaper still. Give it 20 years for that generation to snuff it and you will get a very different set of results. A good chunk of them can't even use the Internet.

72% of 16-17 year olds were yes. All the age ranges from 25-55 were yes majority. Students 18-24 as well as 55-65 were also majority No

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It seems to me that a vast majority of older people are voting No. Why should they vote Yes, when their life is comfortable? They've had decades of the Union and it hasn't served them individually too badly. Own house, savings, pension, comfortable life.

The question is, should they feel the weight of responsibility on generations to come, or are they quite right to stick two fingers up to everyone else?

That's the beauty of democracy, but it would be if these people gave some thought to this Greek proverb:

A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.

Not that I feel smug, but called it a month ago.

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