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I would assume that the club have been told that they will have to pay for the extra policing therefore having to segregate. I would also put money on the assumption that the polis have also told the club that they're not allowed to tell us they've done that.

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How much would it cost for a couple of extra polis for 2 hours?

Don't get it, there was already 3 or 4 police at the Cowden game wasn't there?

Also whats the point in having so many stewards? What do they actually do except take plastic bottles off bairns? Now I know it's not in their job description to be stopping fights but surely a few polis which are usually at games anyway and the stewards combined (as well as the fans) could easily deal with any potential bother before it starts at an Arbroath Forfar game?

Just totally shite, losing access to half the ground at your home games 4 games of the season

Can't mind where I saw/heard it but I'm sure the figure for one policeman at a game is easily into 3 figures. Must be the easiest 2 hours pay those c***s will ever make, wandering around watching a game of football.
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Can't mind where I saw/heard it but I'm sure the figure for one policeman at a game is easily into 3 figures. Must be the easiest 2 hours pay those c***s will ever make, wandering around watching a game of football.

So frustrating if it's the case. Just closing the ground off incase the 1 in 100 chance comes up that they might actually have to do something.
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' Additionally, the decisions of the Board are carefully monitored by the appropriate authorities not least of all the SPFL, the SFA and Police Scotland.  Indeed following a fixture at Gayfield last season where there was some disorder, the Board’s actions and decisions were closely scrutinised to the extent that representatives of the Club were required to attend  meetings to provide details of the Club’s match plan and to provide comfort as to what steps would be taken in future in order to minimise the likelihood of any such issues reoccurring. '

As expected. Segregate the game or it'll cost us thousands of pounds in needless costs that can be avoided is how that reads to me, which seemed fairly obvious since the announcement was made. Hopefully going forward people's aggravation will be aimed at the authorities as opposed to the club who've obviously been put in a difficult position.

The slightly worrying part to me is the part at the end regarding making decisions on a 'game by game' basis. I don't like the sound of that, segregating games at Gayfield is an absolute nonsense apart from the obvious exception and potentially Cowdenbeath. Considering the police decided a presence was required when we played them it may be that they put the club in a similar position prior to that game and they feel that due to the poorish crowds so far this year we can't afford to be spending thousands of pounds on police for games like that and segregation is a better idea in terms of cost.

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Wasn't at the Forfarshire Cup game but can someone expand on 'disorder'. Were fists flying or did someone just sing?

There was some confrontation in the ground but no actual violence. Outside after the game there was some minor scuffles.
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Fs silly bairns ruining it for everybody. Don't think a lot of them can make it now anyway due to their own football commitments. Hopefully it isn't every Forfar game from now on because that would just be really shite. Forfar away passes without trouble (which it will) then I'm sure it won't happen for the fixture later in the season.

Really appreciate the club issuing that statement. Good to see.

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First quarter done....

Think it's been pretty good personally, still only beat once despite us not playing well in a few games. Should've won a couple of the games we've drawn too. Ricky Gomes in the goals will be good going forward I think and hopefully that's the start of a few goals for Doris.

Decent start.

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I would give us a 6/10 for the first quarter. Should be looking for 16-20 points minimum for the next quarter. Not seen a team that is considerably better than us.

Thought Clyde and Berwick were pretty decent.

Just had a look at the fixtures there... Not an easy run. Next 4 especially are very tricky. Also think Clyde were decent but they've lost Easton now, huge loss.

Never seen us play well in Berwick so would be delighted if we could get something there.

Regarding next week I think there will be changes. Purely because it's the Scottish cup against weaker opposition though. Will need to wait and see.
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1 hour ago, 1320Lichtie said:

Regarding next week I think there will be changes. Purely because it's the Scottish cup against weaker opposition though. Will need to wait and see.

I'd be very pissed off if we changed it about after Saturday, regardless of opposition. One of the main reasons we've not clicked so far in my opinion is that we haven't let any partnerships form in the team. The centre backs, the centre of midfield, the pairing upfront, the full backs and wingers are constantly changing so we haven't built up the understanding we should have. The best and most successful teams at our level always seem to be those with a settled starting 11. Now we're at a stage where it's fairly obvious what our best partnerships in the key areas are I feel we need to give them time to play together and build up an understanding. If we don't, I strongly suspect we will continue to drop points in games we should be winning.


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Arbroath vs University of Stirling - Hospitality Offer

We have a great offer in the Hospitality Suite this Saturday 22nd October for our William Hill Scottish Cup 2nd round match against University of Stirling.

For £25 including VAT you get;

Admission to the Game (£13 as season tickets are not valid), 
1 Course Curry meal, 
1 alcoholic drink, 
Pie and Tea/Coffee at Half Time
Team sheet

So if you were attending the game, for an extra £12 you really get a hospitality experience! There is also no dress code, so a shirt and tie are not required on this occasion!

A pay bar will be available pre and post match.

This will commence at 1.15pm.

A great day afternoon watching the Lichties with a curry! Bring your Na'an to the game! 

To book, call 07864-195158 

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Bobbys interview is a belter. Seems to be a much better spirit about the place this season, no fall outs and players seem to really be enjoying it. Hopefully starts to show on the park more often, lot of character and experience in this squad.

Jason Brown away back to ICT. Harsh but probably about right I think we have sufficient cover in these positions. Looked decent I thought so all the best to him back at Caley.

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