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The Arbroath Thread

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This whole "play players in the right positions" is a lot of pish, football is a squad game and utility players are worth their weight in gold, the opposition also effects where players are used. 

Look at mourinho this season, young striker playing wide, blind/rojo been used as left backs and centre backs, Valencia /young converted to full backs. Gold has been a revelation at right back and hammy has been outstanding as a centre back, 2 things I'd never have thought would happen. 

as I've said, I don't rate ferns from what I've seen but hopefully there is more to come, I Find the criticism of hodge a bit weird tbh, he looks to be an experienced steady player who can fill in towards the end of the season. Certainly offers more than Callaghan who he kind of indirectly replaced in the squad. Time to get behind the lads ahead of the run in instead of this incessant need to look for scapegoats when we don't win a game

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fearns wasnt first choice at alloa 80 odd on the bench and about 20 starts. i hope your right 1320 that theres a player in there but i have serious doubts time will tell though

I think the last thing we need is another scapegoat to moan at every time something goes wrong. It's infuriating. Think he's deservedly been singled out for criticism in the last 2 games we've played but other than that it's been strange to see him being specifically picked out for criticism imo.

How about supporters actually support their team... just a thought, don't know if it'll catch on though. ;)

Criticising your own players is what fans do all the time, but to just write a player off and say 'he's shite' isn't helping anyone. Omar has had it too at times this year when he's played a massive part for us.

We're not to bad for it to be fair but when Omar never got subbed at Berwick someone shouted something similar to he's shite and he hid for the rest of the game... Gold came on in a pre season friendly the same happened, I know fine well the guy that shouted it raves about him now and look how that's helped him....

Just saying
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It was the same last season, always a player being singled out for criticism (mostly David Gold) Yes last season was a complete nightmare & perhaps a few needed to vent their frustrations but considering how this year we are at the right end of the table & look certain of at least a play off place, we would see more positivity. If we were top of the league, someone would be singled out. It goes to show that a lot of supporters of most clubs aren't happy unless they are directing negative energy at either club or individual.

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It was the same last season, always a player being singled out for criticism (mostly David Gold) Yes last season was a complete nightmare & perhaps a few needed to vent their frustrations but considering how this year we are at the right end of the table & look certain of at least a play off place, we would see more positivity. If we were top of the league, someone would be singled out. It goes to show that a lot of supporters of most clubs aren't happy unless they are directing negative energy at either club or individual.

The whole point in a forum is to air your own views and what your opinion is. If we are all just going to pat each other on the back all the time what's the point?

It's not directing negative energy at anybody or the club it's just individual fans opinions and as fans were entitled to have an opinion.

I encourage all the players at the game even if I do think they are off there game and get fully behind the team on the park.

Afterwards we can air our views on forums such as this as that is what they are designed for.

We are doing a lot better this year but when I look at our squad and some of the quality we have I feel we should have got more points this season than we have. Still we have taken big steps forward from the last year and overall we have to be happy with that. We don't have to be happy week in week out though!
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5 hours ago, Leicesterlichtie said:

It was the same last season, always a player being singled out for criticism (mostly David Gold) Yes last season was a complete nightmare & perhaps a few needed to vent their frustrations but considering how this year we are at the right end of the table & look certain of at least a play off place, we would see more positivity. If we were top of the league, someone would be singled out. It goes to show that a lot of supporters of most clubs aren't happy unless they are directing negative energy at either club or individual.

Supporters expectations are different this season. Last season definitely was a nightmare with avoiding relegation the main objective. 

This season promotion is the main objective and with players brought in who have played at a higher level expectations are naturally higher. When these players have shown that they are only average or below average in this lower league then they will be subjected to criticism. 

44 minutes ago, Hammerafc said:

We are doing a lot better this year but when I look at our squad and some of the quality we have I feel we should have got more points this season than we have. Still we have taken big steps forward from the last year and overall we have to be happy with that. We don't have to be happy week in week out though!

Hammerafc's last sentence says it all.


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Criticism is fine, abuse isn't though, just calling someone out and saying he's shite is going to have a negative impact on the player and team as a whole so don't get the point of it.

Saying what someone done wrong or whatever in a game isn't the guy will know it himself. But if you're a player being completely written off and not getting a backing from some of the so called supporters of his team is going to make his performances go one way only... regardless of who it is.

He's evidently not shite, otherwise he wouldn't have achieved what he has in football. 100 odd appearances, sub, starting or otherwise for a team that flew through the leagues up into the championship is good going. He'd had a few decent games before the last couple. Baffling he was singled out after both Annan at home and Forfar at home anyway. Scapegoat.

Even Skelly for example, another one, last year compared to this year.. massive difference

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1 hour ago, 1320Lichtie said:

Criticism is fine, abuse isn't though, just calling someone out and saying he's shite is going to have a negative impact on the player and team as a whole so don't get the point of it.

Saying what someone done wrong or whatever in a game isn't the guy will know it himself. But if you're a player being completely written off and not getting a backing from some of the so called supporters of his team is going to make his performances go one way only... regardless of who it is.

He's evidently not shite, otherwise he wouldn't have achieved what he has in football. 100 odd appearances, sub, starting or otherwise for a team that flew through the leagues up into the championship is good going. He'd had a few decent games before the last couple. Baffling he was singled out after both Annan at home and Forfar at home anyway. Scapegoat.

Even Skelly for example, another one, last year compared to this year.. massive difference

I agree, abuse isn't good for players, particularly during the 90 minutes which is why I never scream abuse at the matches or hound players on twitter. By the way, I never said he was a shite player, I said he's been playing shite.

Giving them praise for such poor performances isn't on either though.

Imagine if every one of our fans were like you and all were saying Ferns has 'only had 2 bad games' and Ferns read that. What would he think?

I know what I'd be thinking and it'd be along the lines of;

'I've been shite in my last 4 games but the fans thought 2 of them were acceptable? How bad a player must they think I am and how low are the expectations of me and their club? Oh well, at least I'll be able to coast my way through the season if this is an acceptable standard.'



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I agree, abuse isn't good for players, particularly during the 90 minutes which is why I never scream abuse at the matches or hound players on twitter. By the way, I never said he was a shite player, I said he's been playing shite.
Giving them praise for such poor performances isn't on either though.
Imagine if every one of our fans were like you and all were saying Ferns has 'only had 2 bad games' and Ferns read that. What would he think?
I know what I'd be thinking and it'd be along the lines of;
'I've been shite in my last 4 games but the fans thought 2 of them were acceptable? How bad a player must they think I am and how low are the expectations of me and their club? Oh well, at least I'll be able to coast my way through the season if this is an acceptable standard.'

Fair enough then agree that that is different.

And I genuinely think it's been the last 2 where he's been bad, obviously about opinions and if you think 4 then fairy nuff.

But aye players read this all the time, think some people forget that
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I personally don't shout criticism at the players, I keep that for the officials. But I can't see anybody on the terraces (maybe different in the stand) shouting something like "I say! You're not playing well and have had a few bad games. Can you step it up in training and try to get more involved in the match? We would really like to see you causing the opposition more problems and perhaps chipping in with a few goals". No, during the game there isn't time for that.

However shouting, " You're shite" is quite succinct and to the point and it's up to the players to understand that it's a reaction to watching them playing poorly. They need to understand that it's not really personal and the guy shouting it would more than likely buy them a pint in Tutties after the match.

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10 minutes ago, SotesBornalichtie said:

I personally don't shout criticism at the players, I keep that for the officials. But I can't see anybody on the terraces (maybe different in the stand) shouting something like "I say! You're not playing well and have had a few bad games. Can you step it up in training and try to get more involved in the match? We would really like to see you causing the opposition more problems and perhaps chipping in with a few goals". No, during the game there isn't time for that.

However shouting, " You're shite" is quite succinct and to the point and it's up to the players to understand that it's a reaction to watching them playing poorly. They need to understand that it's not really personal and the guy shouting it would more than likely buy them a pint in Tutties after the match.

Oh dear god.


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