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1 hour ago, Louis Litt said:

I thought that Jack Hamilton had been dropped by Hearts because he was hemorrhaging goals and making loads of silly mistakes?

I think with an experienced Parish at the club as well, I'd be happy enough with signing Hamilton. He did start to make more mistakes and falter but it was his first shot at being number 1 at quite a big club and he's still only just turned 24. I don't think players lose their promise overnight and at his best, he does look like he will go on to be a really good player at this level.

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Would be surprised if Dundee are willing to spend money on a goalkeeper when they've already got 3 on the books. Would also be surprised if hearts let him go with 2 years on his contract with no fee.

Therefore, id be surprised if it happens.

Not totally against it though, I guess.

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Worth remembering Hamiltons agent has been hawking him about in the media for the past six months. I'd be surprised if there was anything serious in that link. 

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Worth remembering Hamiltons agent has been hawking him about in the media for the past six months. I'd be surprised if there was anything serious in that link. 

We’ve been linked, Dundee have been linked. So he’ll now sign for United for an inflated wage tomorrow!
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32 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

Worth remembering Hamiltons agent has been hawking him about in the media for the past six months. I'd be surprised if there was anything serious in that link. 

Added to the fact that the media haven't called one of McCann's signings yet.

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1 hour ago, harry94 said:

I think with an experienced Parish at the club as well, I'd be happy enough with signing Hamilton. He did start to make more mistakes and falter but it was his first shot at being number 1 at quite a big club and he's still only just turned 24. I don't think players lose their promise overnight and at his best, he does look like he will go on to be a really good player at this level.

Fair enough. He is definitely still young enough to iron out his mistakes, but I'd see it as more of an 'okay' signing than anything worth shouting about.

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The Tully are reporting that the cost of the proposed new stadium at Camperdown could soar to well over £20 million due to access requirements.

The club have been in talks with Transport Scotland as they require certain conditions to be met before the green light is given.

Surely this is a surprise to absolutely nobody?
Random guy incoming.
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13 minutes ago, G_Man1985 said:

The Tully are reporting that the cost of the proposed new stadium at Camperdown could soar to well over £20 million due to access requirements.

The club have been in talks with Transport Scotland as they require certain conditions to be met before the green light is given.

Surely this is a surprise to absolutely nobody?

That's actually relatively cheap for the stadium and training ground; not to mention the units and housing that could potentially bring in extra capital to the holding company.

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5 minutes ago, G_Man1985 said:
6 minutes ago, harry94 said:
That's actually relatively cheap for the stadium and training ground; not to mention the units and housing that could potentially bring in extra capital to the holding company.

Does say well over? So by that I presume it won't be the cheap 20 million?

Probably not. I thought about £30 million when I saw the extent of the plans tbh.

Building a stadium with 4 lego stands is actually the relatively cheap part. The whole facility with pubs (and extra units in the stadium), units outside, hotels, housing, curling centre, training ground etc is where most of the cost accumulates.

I think they've got a few partners already to take up various parts of it so I don't think it'll all be FPS capital tbh. The housing situation could be very interesting.

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12 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

Is that the same guy who yesterday said the club is haemorrhaging money trying to upkeep Dens? 


Is this a direct quote again Boredom Guy. I prefer you when you’re sticking up for the dabs against the big bad Derry. 

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2 hours ago, G_Man1985 said:

The Tully are reporting that the cost of the proposed new stadium at Camperdown could soar to well over £20 million due to access requirements.

The club have been in talks with Transport Scotland as they require certain conditions to be met before the green light is given.

Surely this is a surprise to absolutely nobody?

I was thinking this would be the price alone for the "Fab Cab Straddling the Kingsway" statue.

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Non-plussed. As long as it’s not a direct league rival.

Apparently he’s gone for an undisclosed fee. Confused by that because I thought he was out of contract and we wouldn’t get a development fee anyway?
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3 minutes ago, K.T said:


Apparently he’s gone for an undisclosed fee. Confused by that because I thought he was out of contract and we wouldn’t get a development fee anyway?


He's 22 - development fees end when the player is 23

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As with Holt, fairly sad to see him go but it's a good move for him. If we get a bit of a fee it softens the blow.

I think, like Holt, he was heavily criticised by some, more than he deserved. Put in some good performances this season.

Good luck to him down there.

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9 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Killie due a cut as well.

They don't get a cut of it because it's training compensation rather than a transfer fee. The amount owed is calculated by Fifa based on development years with us rather than anything we've agreed with any other club.

Should be about £26k to us for half a season (it's calculated to the age of 21 for training compensation) but we may have foregone that for a bigger sell on down the line. Killie would get a cut if someone did buy him further down the line but that's capped at 5% (and we'd get 20% of that 5).

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