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I think Bowyer is still trying to find his best formation and starting 11, I'm not entirely sure what it is but I'm sure it's not what we just saw. Dreadful.

Robinson on his own is completely isolated, especially when the midfield is pressed and forced back. Either play another forward alongside him or find a way for the midfield to actually affect the attack. At the moment there is no creativity.

Did we really get Maguire from Motherwell? Because he looks absolutely unprepared for the pace of the Scottish game, far too slow on the ball.

Hannant anonymous again.

And the main problem, another two goals from set pieces. Dundee just completely switch off and are a disorganised mess when balls are whipped in and there's the slightest movement from the opposition, this needs addressed.

Edited by EpicMike
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I’ve remained quiet with regards to McGhee because I think he is a good player.  I can’t stay quiet any longer though.  He is not a good midfielder.

Cameron requires a break from starting, as does Maguire.  

Hannant is not going to be a good player.  Average at best.

Always like to end on a positive note.  Clampin looks like he is a good addition. Also, Jakubiak looked lively when he came on.

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2 minutes ago, Shadow Play said:

I’ve remained quiet with regards to McGhee because I think he is a good player.  I can’t stay quiet any longer though.  He is not a good midfielder.

Cameron requires a break from starting, as does Maguire.  

Hannant is not going to be a good player.  Average at best.

Always like to end on a positive note.  Clampin looks like he is a good addition. Also, Jakubiak looked lively when he came on.

McGhee in midfield worked when all he was asked to do was make runs and try and get on the end of Charlie Adam passes, then fling himself into tackles when we lost the ball. The problem is, in a team lacking a single player of anywhere close to Adam's ability, McGhee has to actually do some of the stuff midfielders commonly have to do, like make himself available for a pass, take the ball, move with it, pass it on, try and open a defence up, track midfield runners, etc, and he's hopeless at most of that. 

He's a CB who can play FB/WB occasionally, but that's it. He's never in a million years a CM in a team where he is going to actually be required to play as a footballing CM.

Even tonight, Bowyer had him most often the furthest forward midfielder, which in theory makes sense because he is capable of getting up and down the pitch, but in reality Mulligan and even Anderson are far more natural in that role and Mulligan especially offers far more when he has the ball in deeper parts of the pitch. It's like Bowyer is setting the team up to be far less than it could be.

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I've calmed down remarkably quickly. At one point, I was even considering calling for Bowyer's head I was that enraged but then I see utter shite like this from the 'jobs for the boys club':

Just absolutely fucking desperate to be able to call for one of his mates to get the gig. Fair enough some might say but then he admits he barely watches us and thinks we should start McCowan and Mulligan more. Fucking moron.


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1 minute ago, Boo Khaki said:

No doubting Bowyer is making mistakes, but I don't buy the 'this squad should be winning the league at a canter with a better manager'  spiel either. 

Whether Bowyer succeeds or fails, I cannot wait until the end of this season when we can release 90% of the squad.

I'm absolutely fucking fed up of the past 2-3 seasons of Ashcroft, Sweeney & Kerr's absolute terrible punts to no-one time and time again.

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2 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

Whether Bowyer succeeds or fails, I cannot wait until the end of this season when we can release 90% of the squad.

I'm absolutely fucking fed up of the past 2-3 seasons of Ashcroft, Sweeney & Kerr's absolute terrible punts to no-one time and time again.

My fear is we go up "they are good enough to stay" or if we stay put "they are good enough for the championship, maybe next year".

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2 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

You could probably get Jack Ross this time.

I know you say that as a joke, but if Bowyer ultimately fails, I'd still take Ross.

I do reckon that it'll be Gregory Vignal next though.

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6 minutes ago, Crawford said:

My fear is we go up "they are good enough to stay" or if we stay put "they are good enough for the championship, maybe next year".

Pretty much what happened two years ago. A hopeless manager and a squad of donkeys dragged to the Premiership by a motivated but increasingly leggy Charlie Adam, half of them ended up with new contracts. 

Still stand by what I said at the time, but McPake should have been fired for finishing miles behind Hearts and only just overcoming Raith by the skin of his teeth. To hell with the promotion, that was all about letting the outcome of four games mask what in reality was a season-long stretch of total mediocrity.

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20 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

I've calmed down remarkably quickly. At one point, I was even considering calling for Bowyer's head I was that enraged but then I see utter shite like this from the 'jobs for the boys club':

Just absolutely fucking desperate to be able to call for one of his mates to get the gig. Fair enough some might say but then he admits he barely watches us and thinks we should start McCowan and Mulligan more. Fucking moron.


Utter bellend.

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I know some will be avoiding the match thread so here's Bowyer's post match response:



"It’s not good enough. The goals we conceded are atrocious. You can’t put in displays like that. Then we get back into the game at 2-1 but to concede so quickly is criminal. The ease in which they score goals all night is not good enough. It’s not acceptable. Partick deserved it, they were better than us all over the pitch

I felt sorry for Zach Robinson up front.

It came right out of the blue that one – you look at how well we played on Saturday. We let Partick get into a rhythm. I asked the players if I missed something, if something happened over the weekend that we weren’t aware of, some in-house fighting or something but no. We went through the same preparation so hopefully we can just put it down to one of those days.

And honestly this is the first time all season I’ve had to speak this way.

We need a reaction now on Saturday at Cove Rangers.”



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The partnership of McGhee & Maguire is up there with the worst CM partnerships I've seen in a long time. I really rate McGhee - I think he's one of our better players - at CH. He's not a midfielder. It needs to stop or it'll cost Bowyer his managerial career IMO.

Maguire too, I don't think he's a terrible player, bit anonymous, bit of a poor first touch but perfectly acceptable mid-tier Scottish talent. Maybe in a 3 man centre he'd be elevated a bit.

Don't think Byrne would work paired off with either of those two either.

Together - they create an absolute vaccum in midfield that just begs for other teams to dominate.

My suggestion is this:


                                   McGhee --- Ashcroft  ---- Sweeney

      Kerr                                                                                                Marshall

              Williamson -- Byrne (Because there's no McGowan) -- Mulligan



Leaves plenty of game changers like McMullan, Cameron & McCowan on the bench.

If I was feeling extra radical, I'd have Fisher on for Ashcroft or Sweeney too.

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I've been saying it in every match thread for weeks, but the transition from midfield to attack is so bad, so many poor, misplaced passes or wrong choices.

If only we had a creative midfielder with a bit of dig, who can open play up. Getting rid of Gowser was a bad move imo.

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McGuire just looks like another Byrne, only probably even less influential on the game. He needs another midfielder close to him that he can just give the ball to rather than playing pass the parcel with Sweeney. Problem is, we currently are not playing with another CM who can take the ball and do something with it.

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