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The Last BBC Scotland "Big Debate" Programme (20:00 - BBC1)

Casual Bystander

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I can see why people felt it was a good debate for the No, and it was there is no denying it, but in the grand scheme of things I would say Yes has won over far more support from the debates as a whole. I certainly wouldn't consider tonight a disaster, but I also did say in my OP that it was a strong No panel when you compared the two.

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Yeah, I think this is a Hosie mannerism that comes across very badly on TV. I looks like he's being contemptuous though I don't think it's the intent.

I'm glad to hear you're swithering and I would trust it will take more than one debate to set you back on the path of the Dark Side. :lol:

As a Tory, some would say I've never wavered from the Dark Side. ;)

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They should have just sent Patrick Harvie again. Was that woman who worked for the NHS implying devolution was a bad thing?

Think she was pissed off her paygrade was lower than it was in the RUK and was blaming the SNP for it. Don't see how voting No would have helped her in any way because there will be a mega cut in the budget by WM after a No vote.

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So will this be a barrel of laughs, or just a barrel of fannies. A pretty strong No panel with Douglas Alexander and Ruth Davidson versus Elaine C Smith and Stewart Hosie.

I am sure the BBC will be desperate to show their lack of bias.

Cook moderated that in a even and open-handed way as did the previous chairman in the Darling*/Salmond debate. That 'Aye' made utter c***s of themselves has nothing to do with The Beeb tonight.

*I can't type his name without constantly being reminded of:

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As a Dundee supporter, some would say I've never wavered from the Dark Side. ;)


Serious question, do you know of any Tories who are in favour of Independence?

I assume there must be some who hold their views but still think Independence is a worthwhile goal.

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The undecided women in the audience's comments right at the end were the most powerful in the debate. Davidson and Alexander getting caught with their incredible massive blatant lying over emailgate by the host, means everything else they said should just be disregarded. Caught lying nothing else they say can be trusted.

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The undecided women in the audience's comments right at the end were the most powerful in the debate. Davidson and Alexander getting caught with their incredible massive blatant lying over emailgate by the host, means everything else they said should just be disregarded. Caught lying nothing else they say can be trusted.

The BT email response is brilliant, "Oh a journalist asked so the Treasury told him"

I'm phoning the MOD tomorrow and asking for the codes for a nuclear launch. Just in case like.

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Serious question, do you know of any Tories who are in favour of Independence?

I assume there must be some who hold their views but still think Independence is a worthwhile goal.

I don't actually know any personally in favour of independence. Not much of a surprise though when I saw on TV a few nights back that something like 93% of people who voted Tory at the last election planned on voting NO.

My hope would be that a centre-right party with similar ideologies to the Tories, but free of any Thatcher-type stigma would possibly do not bad in an independent Scotland.

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Hosie a horrible sneering bawbag, in fact one of the most dislikeable politicians I've ever seen, and that was the first time I've seen/heard him. Poor show all round though. Some utter dullards in the audience too.

No real winners tonight.

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I'm phoning the MOD tomorrow and asking for the codes for a nuclear launch. Just in case like.

Nice try, Vlad.

Thought it was odd that, until tonight, the possibility of a currency union had always just been dismissed, but tonight the No side were keen to discuss it and let us know that it would actually give us less powers than with a No vote. Why bother if it's not going to happen?

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My hope would be that a centre-right party with similar ideologies to the Tories, but free of any Thatcher-type stigma would possibly do not bad in an independent Scotland.

Demonstrating the age old problem of the tories though. Ideology over pragmatism. An independent Scotland would be a huge benefit for them, they are however anchored down by the weight of the tag "Conservative and Unionist" so can't allow themselves to break free even if it benefits them and Scotland.

The same can be said for Labour in all this, of course. Their intransigence will cost them both at Westminster and in Scotland (no matter what resultant powers we have).

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I don't actually know any personally in favour of independence. Not much of a surprise though when I saw on TV a few nights back that something like 93% of people who voted Tory at the last election planned on voting NO.

My hope would be that a centre-right party with similar ideologies to the Tories, but free of any Thatcher-type stigma would possibly do not bad in an independent Scotland.

I genuinely think that there will be a significant realignment of political parties in the event of a YES vote. I was politically active in the Labour Party for almost two decades and, with hindsight, I realise how insular you become. I reckon it's the same in all major political parties and it's not healthy.

Hopefully the Independence debate would see new people engaging with the process and a lot of the old deadwood losing influence.

Also structural change so the unions, who many on the right see as radical but who, for the most part are pretty reactionary, having no say in a left of centre Scottish party.

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The final line from the mother in the audience was good though. Audience on the whole were total shite.

That was tremendous - to the point that I even wondered whether she was an ingenious plant/set-up - she posed the question as a worried undecided parent, allowed them all to give their predictable responses, then delivered the punch line - perfect.

I only saw the second half of the debate - if it was a win for 'no', that must have happened in the first half that I missed.

I don't dislike Elaine C Smith, but I'm not convinced she's the best person to be debating the Yes cause - I don't doubt her sincerity, mind.

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